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6 calls to content_types_install() in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 6.2

content_associate_fields in ./content.module
Allows a module to update the database for fields and columns it controls.
content_update_6002 in ./content.install
Get rid of automatic per content tables for content types that have no fields. Switching to adding those tables only when needed.
nodereference_update_6000 in modules/nodereference/nodereference.install
All fields must allow NULL values to indicate empty fields.
nodereference_update_6001 in modules/nodereference/nodereference.install
Create an index by node reference column for all fields.
text_update_6001 in modules/text/text.install
Set all columns to accept NULL values and set empty string values in the database to NULL.
userreference_update_6001 in modules/userreference/userreference.install
Create an index by user reference column for all fields.