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25 calls to content_check_update() in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 6.3

content_update_6000 in ./content.install
Add module name to fields table to make it easier to identify the fields to delete when a module is uninstalled.
content_update_6001 in ./content.install
Rename node_field and node_field_instance tables.
content_update_6002 in ./content.install
Get rid of automatic per content tables for content types that have no fields. Switching to adding those tables only when needed.
content_update_6003 in ./content.install
'db_columns' column 1st got introduced as 'columns', which is forbidden in MySQL 4. This update function will only be useful for early D6 testers...
content_update_6004 in ./content.install
Index the 'nid' column on data tables to optimize node deletion. Large tables might deserve a multipass update.
content_update_6005 in ./content.install
Add 'locked' property for fields.
content_update_6006 in ./content.install
Make sure the 'locked' column is NOT NULL (error in previous content_update_6005().
content_update_6007 in ./content.install
Dummy update function to make sure the theme registry and css / JS aggregated files are updated.
content_update_6008 in ./content.install
Dummy update function to make sure schema version gets updated.
content_update_6009 in ./content.install
Add the 'exclude from $content' display setting to all existing field instances.
content_update_6010 in ./content.install
Fix multiple serialization caused by per-field to per-type migration. See
fieldgroup_update_6000 in modules/fieldgroup/fieldgroup.install
Move fieldgroup tables to the content_* namespace.
fieldgroup_update_6001 in modules/fieldgroup/fieldgroup.install
fieldgroup_update_6002 in modules/fieldgroup/fieldgroup.install
Same as 6000 : Move fieldgroup tables to the content_* namespace. This was missing in D6 releases earlier than RC5. Ensure we don't run this twice.
fieldgroup_update_6003 in modules/fieldgroup/fieldgroup.install
Remove tinyint (127) limitation on group weights.
fieldgroup_update_6004 in modules/fieldgroup/fieldgroup.install
Add 'type' property for fieldgroups.
fieldgroup_update_6008 in modules/fieldgroup/fieldgroup.install
allow for nesting of fieldgroups
nodereference_update_6000 in modules/nodereference/nodereference.install
All fields must allow NULL values to indicate empty fields.
nodereference_update_6001 in modules/nodereference/nodereference.install
Create an index by node reference column for all fields.
number_update_6000 in modules/number/number.install
Rename old decimal fields, which were really floats, to float
optionwidgets_update_6000 in modules/optionwidgets/optionwidgets.install
Rename widgets from 'options_xxx' to 'optionwidgets_xxx' so hook_elements and hook_themes items are prefixed with module name as they should be.
text_update_6000 in modules/text/text.install
Rename widgets to match hook_elements values.
text_update_6001 in modules/text/text.install
Set all columns to accept NULL values and set empty string values in the database to NULL.
userreference_update_6000 in modules/userreference/userreference.install
Placeholder update to set newly installed versions to the latest update number.
userreference_update_6001 in modules/userreference/userreference.install
Create an index by user reference column for all fields.