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CHANGELOG.txt in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 5

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.3 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 6.2 CHANGELOG.txt

- #195688 by jcnventura, add print option to nodeapi.
- Add db_rewrite_sql() check to nodereference formatters.
- #339753 by MrGeneYUss: fix invalid admin/content/types/[type]/edit path (not actually used in the UI).
- #341538 by gianfrasoft: fix SQL errors on field creation on rare circumstances.
- #356908 Number : Correclty filter 'prefix' and 'suffix' properties.


IMPORTANT : this release fixes (minor) cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
in nodereference.module, userreference.module and content_copy.module.
See the Security Annoucement on for more information.

Other changes
- #316656 Default weight must be zero, not NULL, or form ordering will be incorrect.
- #309558 by mroswell : fix PHP doc typo.
- #281749 by asimmonds: fix '0' not parsed as an alias for allowed values.
- #308215 by Reg - Nodereference: Do not filter on empty string when querying for referenceable nodes.
- #318143 by Douggreen - Panels integration: make widget label translatable.


Hotfix release.
- Fix array_merge() warning on upgrade (harmless).
- Fix parse error in nodereference.module.


The 1.8 release fixes two critical bugs :

- #292872 Data loss issue : fields and field data deleted for content types defined by disabled modules.
IMPORTANT: Since disabling all contrib modules is a recommended step prior to upgrading a D5 site to D6,
it is highly advised that D5 sites using CCK are updated to CCK 5.x-1.8 before starting the D6 upgrade process.

- #271577 Security issue (moderate): unsanitized output for some admin-defined content
('administer content' permission was required to exploit the security hole)
IMPORTANT: If your theme uses field templates, you will need to manually change this line in your theme's template.php :
function phptemplate_field() :  [or possibly THEME_NAME_field()]
  'label' => t($field['widget']['label']),
  'label' => check_plain(t($field['widget']['label'])),

Other notable fix :

- Content Copy: Fix multiple bugs when importing/exporting content types :
exporting field definition can alter the actual field's settings
'this post cannot be referenced' error when exporting nodereference fields
no export of default values

This release requires a visit to update.php

Other changes :
- #196468 by Nedjo, add method to provide a link to automatically import a file into Content Copy.
- #296077 Add delta to formatter information.
- #128038 Alter _content_admin_form() to provide the raw widget default values as well as the default value widget so programmed forms will have those values available. You can't tell when you construct the form if it's a programmed form or not, so we will always have to create the default value widget, but we don't always have to use it. This will also get the default values into the Content Copy export in a way that Content Copy import can pick them up, and alter validation to unset the default value widget and skip the default value widget processing if it's a programmed form. Since we are now provided the actual default value (not just the default value widget) in the export, we can safely pick it up in the import.
- #128038 Use content_field_instance_collapse() to send form values in the Content Copy export to be sure we get the original field values for checkboxes instead of the true/false values we will get otherwise.
- #128038 Backport content_field_instance_collapse() and content_field_instance_expand() to make it easier to send field values to drupal_execute.
- #187599 Backport content_generate so Devel module can create data for CCK fields when creating nodes.
- #227951 by pwolanin: Add a permission for PHP 'default values' and 'allowed values'
- #179419 by smk-ka: Content Copy - Import fails when language not English.
- #157211 Nodereference: error message when no valid node with that title (autocomplete widget).
- #287540 Add index on nid in data tables, to optimize node deletion (requires update.php)
- #288578 Text: Fix max length to use utf8 length.
- #265795 by smk-ka: formatter labels go through t() twice in Views exposed data.
- #257250 by bangpound, sun, JohnAlbin - Panels integration: formatter not properly set.
- #256178 by douggreen - Text: fix warnings around views argument handler.
- #165314 by sleepcamel - Views integration: fix blank links in summary view.
- #299698 Userreference: fix autocompletion query when typed string is '0'.
- #266205 by sun: add zebra classes for field items.
- #301984 by joetsuihk - Views Integration: do not display empty divs on empty fields.


- #97375   Panels 2 integration : add fields and move non-content module integration to relevant modules - fieldgroup, nodereference, userreference.
- #203495  Panels 2 integration : render a fieldgroup in a panel.
-          Panels 2 integration : reletionships for nodereference and userreference fields.
- #189807  Views field handlers : show first or last of multiple values.

Field / Widget modules
- #60713   Userreference : Add optional reverse link on user profile page for referenced users.
- #228979  Userreference : Don't show empty section for reverse links in user profile page.
- #131260  Userreference : Allow filter referenceable users by active/blocked status.
- #221288  Text : Views argument can filter by the first letters of the values.
- #194818  Text / Number : 'Is all of' filter op for Views.


- #237804  Critical bugfix : unsharing a field deletes the field's data for the remaining content type.
           (introduced previously in the 5.x-1.7 cycle - 5.x-1.6 was not affected.
- #211566  Limit data to nodes of the right content type when migrating data from per field to per type tables.
- #210683  Execute content_clear_type_cache() after removing fields from nodes.
- #210683  Clear node values from cache if field information is changed so stale values don't appear in node_load().
- #198420  Make sure internal field and widget names are truncated to 32 characters to match the database values.
- Include views module in content_clear_type_cache() to prevent errors when this is called from .install files.
- #226549  Fix untranslatable message on fieldgroup deletion.
- #226607  Fix untranslatable human names for field widget types.
- #168526  Fix display settings lost on content type import / export
- #139554, #144706 : remove unneeded db_rewrite_sql in Views 'group multiple values' handler.
- #242737  Content_copy : include required files for safe drupal_execute() of import / export forms

Field / widget modules
- #243196  Userreference : Make reverse user link code more efficient, load only on user profile page when reverse link has been chosen.
- #196575  Userreference : autocomplete did not filter users by role, need custom autocomplete instead of standard user autocomplete.
- #183816  Number : Fix missing decimal in formatter.
- #140687  OptionWidgets : fix 'single checkbox' stick on checked when used with text values.
- #194788  Nodereference : Remove duplicate check_plain in nodereference.
- #186775  Nodereference : fix 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()' when formatter is 'full node'
           and referenced node has been deleted.
- #242917  Userreference / reversed link : do not list unpublished nodes.
           Also, fix the query to rely only on current revisions of the nodes, and run it through db_rewrite_sql.


Hotfix release for CCK 1.6.


- #167607  Fix '&nbsp' (missing ';') on field display.

Field / widget modules
- #167468  Nodereference : Fixed autocomplete widget w/ 'advanced (Views) mode' and Views 1.6 :
           the first set of matches is repeated for subsequent edits (Views query cache)


IMPORTANT : this release fixes two cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
in nodereference.module :
- when a nodereference field is displayed using the 'plain' formatter
- when a nodereference field is edited using the 'autocomplete text field' widget
  (only when _not_ using the 'advanced options - Views.module' for the field)

All sites using CCK / nodereference.module should consider upgrading to this release
as soon as possible.


- #154827  Let modules know the 'dummy' node form built on the 'manage fields' tab
           is requested by CCK admin UI (problem with userreviewmodule).
- #153101  Provide better explanation on the 'default value - php code' expected format.
- #151347  Refactor content_field('load') to make it more legible.
- #136697  Make field form_alter easier, if fieldgroups are used.

Field / widget modules
- #152892  Optionwidgets : Better help text for 'single on/off checkbox' widget label.
- #65133 / #152016  Nodereference : Added 'full node' and 'teaser' formatters.
- #126926  Nodereference : Skip node_load in 'title'-based formatters.


- #162603  Fix 4.7 -> 5.0 upgrade path (create cache_content table before any update is run).
- #155416  Limit non standard CSS (transparency) to the field overview page.
- #160130  Content_copy - fix drupal_goto in form submit handler.
- #157786  Fix capitalization on fieldgroup edit form.
- #136229  Fieldgroup weights not correctly imported when using content_copy.module.
- #149832  Use 'plain' format for views argument handler ($op = 'title').
- #137900  Added whitespace after field labels on node display

Field / widget modules
-          Nodereference : Fixed XSS vulnerabilities (missing check_plain's around node titles).
- #147205  Nodereference : Fixed 'advanced settings - view arguments' not working.
- #155327  Nodereference : Added missing "n." table aliases in 'referenceable nodes' query.
- #153284  Nodereference : Fix unneeded and repeating {view_view} queries when
           'advanced (Views) node selection' is *not* used.
- #150297  Nodereference : Fix encoded raw htmlentities appearing in select widgets when using
           'advanced (Views) node selection' is used.
- #129016  Nodereference : Prevent possible errors if formatter is called with non numeric 'nid'.


- #126333  Update to Views 1.6 API
           (no need to update cached queries on field setup changes anymore)
- #115848  Optimization : use dedicated cache table
- #126776  Enhance 'default value php code' help text and error message.
-          minor - collapse 'default value php code' if empty


-          Curly quotes fixes in German translation
- #130545  Core translation destroyed by German translation
-          Fieldgroup_data cache was fetched every time from the database -> fixed static caching
- #128994  Fix for 'ungroup multiple values' views handler populating every 'column'
           of the values with the first column (revert
- #116775  Stupid conflict on field form when field_name == 'name'
- #122991  Fixes further display page issues with no fields / groups
- #127010  (followup to #125661) - proper escaping in update_sql
-          Forgot some t() labels in fieldgroups
- #125661  escape group description in update_sql (fieldgroup update)
- #125536  fixed descriptions on node forms and node display
- #125185 fix minor error in update_1004.

Field / widget modules
- #130230  Optionwidgets : allow setting back to 'no value' for non required fields
- #123970  Text : 'trimmed' formatter : trim first, then check_markup



- #117621  Allow field modules to provide their own views integration data
- #120172  String update - make field name / label workflow clearer on 'add new field' form
- #115425  Allow field descriptions to be translated
- #85679   Fieldgroups : group fields on node display

Field / widget modules
- #114145  Noderef : Add 'view arguments' setting for view-defined referenceable nodes


- #108226  (minor) ungroup field handler : no need to rebuild the field queryname
- #122118  Prevent possible memory overflow in content_update_1003
- #116058  (PgSQL) Wrong use of db_add_column in content_update_1002
- #115332  MySQL5 : fix errors when adding new or existing field
- #119103  Translate field label in node display (as in node form)
- #122991  Fix 'invalid argument in foreach' on field display tab when no fieldgroups

Field / widget modules
- #108094  Text : fix MySQL5 error on text field creation.
- #117813  Noderef / Userref : Fix select list widget filling 'delta' column with the nid / uid
- #117031  Userref : Fix broken "roles that can be referenced"
- #123667  Number : Fix incorrect code for prefix / suffix



- #59451   Added management of default values for fields
- #107128  Added teasers / full nodes support in an overview form for display settings
-          Reworked theming example and instructions accordingly
-          Removed hook_field('view') for core field modules
           (default 'view' op is now handled in content.module)
- #108755  Add group name in the 'class' attributes of groups fieldsets
- #112225  Moved content_types_rebuild to hook_enable

Field / widget modules
- #108302  Number : Added formatters for numbers (+ be sure non-numeric data is not stored)
- #110570  Number : Added prefix and suffix option
- #111129  Optionwidgets : Added widget to handle single on/off checkbox
- #112464  Standardize validation in field rather than widget,
           Standardize use of $items rather than $node_field


- #105787  (critical) move data tables from 'node_*' to 'content_*'
           to avoid possible clashes with core 'node_*' tables
- #104229  Fixed occasional 'wrong datatype' error on field overview
- #108914  Fixed error when several fieldgroups have the same name
- #111276  Fixed link to module page in warning message when no field module is enabled
-          Remove deprecated help text in fieldgroup.module
- #109863  Fixed table name error in content.install (4.7 upgrade path)
- #108094  (incomplete) fix for "text columns are not allowed defaults values with MySQL(5)" ?
- #100546  Postgres compatibility, change integer unsigned to int_unsigned
- #108226  make cck view field handler play nicely with Views Fusion module ('ungroup' handler)
- #114936  make sure default value form element is not required

Field / widget modules
- #107667  Added missing '#size' for mutliple select widgets (display issues with Opera)
- #108037  Optionwidgets : (update function) Added missing curly braces around table name
- #114346  fix error on empty noderef fields


- #107752  Changed JOIN USING to INNER JOIN in fieldgroup for MYSQL 3 compatibility
- #84634   Added error handling for some PHP5 array_merge errors
-         Fixed some invalid t()'ed strings for .pot extractor


This version has database changes in it and requires update.php.

Files added

Files removed


- #99446   Added content_copy module for import/export for type, group, and field definitions.
- #57483   Added fieldgroup module to core CCK.
- #99672   Improved UI for setting weights and groups on field overview page
- #99672   Added body field (if present) to the fields overview
- #79887   Default field theming does not display label on empty fields.
- #88135   Views handling of multiple fields : allow option to group multiple fields together.
- #105787  Refactor generation of data table names
- #107208  Make db tables storage-agnostic (remove MyISAM enforcement)
-          Optimized .inc files inclusion
-          Removed hook_simpletest for now
-          Misc code cleanup

Field / widget modules
-          Removed original date.module. Use instead.
- #89172   Improved handling for optionwidgets, adding ability to create options as an array
          in php or as a list of values. Also fixes View handling, making sure the right value
          is swapped in for the option in Views tables and lists.


- #105270  Adapt field and group admin forms to work better with programmatic submissions.
-          Add field type and module as hidden fields to content_admin_field form to make
           programmatic form submission easier
- #104259  Add code to create node_content tables and function content_types_rebuild()
           to fix database if content types are added when CCK is not enabled.
- #89351   Make sure node_content table row gets deleted when no fields are in it.
-          Fix url in fields tab table.
- #101599  Fixed node not being passed to formatters in view field handler
-          When changing storage from 'per field' to 'per content type',NULL values were
           copied as 0 or string 'NULL'
- #98895   Always include file in admin area.
- #100535  Fix occasional fatal error on node view when $node->content comes empty.
- #101946  Make sure no default value is provided for MySQL text and blob columns.
- #81688   Ensure multiple fields have a label to mark "required" asterisk
- #105603  Make goup names consistent with field names ('group-*' => 'group_*')

Field / widget modules
- #104598  Text : core now treats maxlength = '' as maxlength = 0
-          Text : store one '' (empty string) for empty multiple fields (stored nothing previously)
- #103585  Userreference : force transposed node_field['uid'] to array when empty.
- #98910   Userreference : Fixed storage issues for empty userreference fields
- #106150  Userreference : make user list sorting consistent
- #82439   Number : Fixed storage issues for empty number fields

5.0 port
- #106932  Fixed migration path from outdated 4.7 versions
- #100744  Fixed migration path from outdated 4.7 versions
- #99713   Fixed field weights not playing correctly with 'non-cck' fields on node display
- #99096   Fixed content_form being called twice on form generation
- #100535  Fixed occasional fatal error on node view when $node->content comes empty
-          Field instances were not removed on a content type deletion
-          "enctype : multipart" was added to node forms for every content type
-          Removed hook_help when deprecated by .info files


- initial 5.x release


View source
  1. 5--1.x
  2. ======
  3. 5--1.11
  4. =======
  5. - #195688 by jcnventura, add print option to nodeapi.
  6. - Add db_rewrite_sql() check to nodereference formatters.
  7. - #339753 by MrGeneYUss: fix invalid admin/content/types/[type]/edit path (not actually used in the UI).
  8. - #341538 by gianfrasoft: fix SQL errors on field creation on rare circumstances.
  9. - #356908 Number : Correclty filter 'prefix' and 'suffix' properties.
  10. 5--1.10
  11. =======
  12. IMPORTANT : this release fixes (minor) cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
  13. in nodereference.module, userreference.module and content_copy.module.
  14. See the Security Annoucement on for more information.
  15. Other changes
  16. - #316656 Default weight must be zero, not NULL, or form ordering will be incorrect.
  17. - #309558 by mroswell : fix PHP doc typo.
  18. - #281749 by asimmonds: fix '0' not parsed as an alias for allowed values.
  19. - #308215 by Reg - Nodereference: Do not filter on empty string when querying for referenceable nodes.
  20. - #318143 by Douggreen - Panels integration: make widget label translatable.
  21. 5--1.9
  22. ======
  23. Hotfix release.
  24. - Fix array_merge() warning on upgrade (harmless).
  25. - Fix parse error in nodereference.module.
  26. 5--1.8
  27. ======
  28. The 1.8 release fixes two critical bugs :
  29. - #292872 Data loss issue : fields and field data deleted for content types defined by disabled modules.
  30. IMPORTANT: Since disabling all contrib modules is a recommended step prior to upgrading a D5 site to D6,
  31. it is highly advised that D5 sites using CCK are updated to CCK 5.x-1.8 before starting the D6 upgrade process.
  32. - #271577 Security issue (moderate): unsanitized output for some admin-defined content
  33. ('administer content' permission was required to exploit the security hole)
  34. IMPORTANT: If your theme uses field templates, you will need to manually change this line in your theme's template.php :
  35. function phptemplate_field() : [or possibly THEME_NAME_field()]
  36. change:
  37. 'label' => t($field['widget']['label']),
  38. to:
  39. 'label' => check_plain(t($field['widget']['label'])),
  40. Other notable fix :
  41. - Content Copy: Fix multiple bugs when importing/exporting content types :
  42. exporting field definition can alter the actual field's settings
  43. 'this post cannot be referenced' error when exporting nodereference fields
  44. no export of default values
  45. This release requires a visit to update.php
  46. Other changes :
  47. - #196468 by Nedjo, add method to provide a link to automatically import a file into Content Copy.
  48. - #296077 Add delta to formatter information.
  49. - #128038 Alter _content_admin_form() to provide the raw widget default values as well as the default value widget so programmed forms will have those values available. You can't tell when you construct the form if it's a programmed form or not, so we will always have to create the default value widget, but we don't always have to use it. This will also get the default values into the Content Copy export in a way that Content Copy import can pick them up, and alter validation to unset the default value widget and skip the default value widget processing if it's a programmed form. Since we are now provided the actual default value (not just the default value widget) in the export, we can safely pick it up in the import.
  50. - #128038 Use content_field_instance_collapse() to send form values in the Content Copy export to be sure we get the original field values for checkboxes instead of the true/false values we will get otherwise.
  51. - #128038 Backport content_field_instance_collapse() and content_field_instance_expand() to make it easier to send field values to drupal_execute.
  52. - #187599 Backport content_generate so Devel module can create data for CCK fields when creating nodes.
  53. - #227951 by pwolanin: Add a permission for PHP 'default values' and 'allowed values'
  54. - #179419 by smk-ka: Content Copy - Import fails when language not English.
  55. - #157211 Nodereference: error message when no valid node with that title (autocomplete widget).
  56. - #287540 Add index on nid in data tables, to optimize node deletion (requires update.php)
  57. - #288578 Text: Fix max length to use utf8 length.
  58. - #265795 by smk-ka: formatter labels go through t() twice in Views exposed data.
  59. - #257250 by bangpound, sun, JohnAlbin - Panels integration: formatter not properly set.
  60. - #256178 by douggreen - Text: fix warnings around views argument handler.
  61. - #165314 by sleepcamel - Views integration: fix blank links in summary view.
  62. - #299698 Userreference: fix autocompletion query when typed string is '0'.
  63. - #266205 by sun: add zebra classes for field items.
  64. - #301984 by joetsuihk - Views Integration: do not display empty divs on empty fields.
  65. 5--1.7
  66. ======
  67. Features
  68. --------
  69. General
  70. - #97375 Panels 2 integration : add fields and move non-content module integration to relevant modules - fieldgroup, nodereference, userreference.
  71. - #203495 Panels 2 integration : render a fieldgroup in a panel.
  72. - Panels 2 integration : reletionships for nodereference and userreference fields.
  73. - #189807 Views field handlers : show first or last of multiple values.
  74. Field / Widget modules
  75. - #60713 Userreference : Add optional reverse link on user profile page for referenced users.
  76. - #228979 Userreference : Don't show empty section for reverse links in user profile page.
  77. - #131260 Userreference : Allow filter referenceable users by active/blocked status.
  78. - #221288 Text : Views argument can filter by the first letters of the values.
  79. - #194818 Text / Number : 'Is all of' filter op for Views.
  80. Bugfix
  81. ------
  82. General
  83. - #237804 Critical bugfix : unsharing a field deletes the field's data for the remaining content type.
  84. (introduced previously in the 5.x-1.7 cycle - 5.x-1.6 was not affected.
  85. - #211566 Limit data to nodes of the right content type when migrating data from per field to per type tables.
  86. - #210683 Execute content_clear_type_cache() after removing fields from nodes.
  87. - #210683 Clear node values from cache if field information is changed so stale values don't appear in node_load().
  88. - #198420 Make sure internal field and widget names are truncated to 32 characters to match the database values.
  89. - Include views module in content_clear_type_cache() to prevent errors when this is called from .install files.
  90. - #226549 Fix untranslatable message on fieldgroup deletion.
  91. - #226607 Fix untranslatable human names for field widget types.
  92. - #168526 Fix display settings lost on content type import / export
  93. - #139554, #144706 : remove unneeded db_rewrite_sql in Views 'group multiple values' handler.
  94. - #242737 Content_copy : include required files for safe drupal_execute() of import / export forms
  95. Field / widget modules
  96. - #243196 Userreference : Make reverse user link code more efficient, load only on user profile page when reverse link has been chosen.
  97. - #196575 Userreference : autocomplete did not filter users by role, need custom autocomplete instead of standard user autocomplete.
  98. - #183816 Number : Fix missing decimal in formatter.
  99. - #140687 OptionWidgets : fix 'single checkbox' stick on checked when used with text values.
  100. - #194788 Nodereference : Remove duplicate check_plain in nodereference.
  101. - #186775 Nodereference : fix 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()' when formatter is 'full node'
  102. and referenced node has been deleted.
  103. - #242917 Userreference / reversed link : do not list unpublished nodes.
  104. Also, fix the query to rely only on current revisions of the nodes, and run it through db_rewrite_sql.
  105. 5--1.6-1
  106. ========
  107. Hotfix release for CCK 1.6.
  108. Bugfix
  109. ------
  110. General
  111. - #167607 Fix ' ' (missing ';') on field display.
  112. Field / widget modules
  113. - #167468 Nodereference : Fixed autocomplete widget w/ 'advanced (Views) mode' and Views 1.6 :
  114. the first set of matches is repeated for subsequent edits (Views query cache)
  115. 5--1.6
  116. ======
  117. IMPORTANT : this release fixes two cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities
  118. in nodereference.module :
  119. - when a nodereference field is displayed using the 'plain' formatter
  120. - when a nodereference field is edited using the 'autocomplete text field' widget
  121. (only when _not_ using the 'advanced options - Views.module' for the field)
  122. All sites using CCK / nodereference.module should consider upgrading to this release
  123. as soon as possible.
  124. Features
  125. --------
  126. General
  127. - #154827 Let modules know the 'dummy' node form built on the 'manage fields' tab
  128. is requested by CCK admin UI (problem with userreviewmodule).
  129. - #153101 Provide better explanation on the 'default value - php code' expected format.
  130. - #151347 Refactor content_field('load') to make it more legible.
  131. - #136697 Make field form_alter easier, if fieldgroups are used.
  132. Field / widget modules
  133. - #152892 Optionwidgets : Better help text for 'single on/off checkbox' widget label.
  134. - #65133 / #152016 Nodereference : Added 'full node' and 'teaser' formatters.
  135. - #126926 Nodereference : Skip node_load in 'title'-based formatters.
  136. Bugfix
  137. ------
  138. General
  139. - #162603 Fix 4.7 -> 5.0 upgrade path (create cache_content table before any update is run).
  140. - #155416 Limit non standard CSS (transparency) to the field overview page.
  141. - #160130 Content_copy - fix drupal_goto in form submit handler.
  142. - #157786 Fix capitalization on fieldgroup edit form.
  143. - #136229 Fieldgroup weights not correctly imported when using content_copy.module.
  144. - #149832 Use 'plain' format for views argument handler ($op = 'title').
  145. - #137900 Added whitespace after field labels on node display
  146. Field / widget modules
  147. - Nodereference : Fixed XSS vulnerabilities (missing check_plain's around node titles).
  148. - #147205 Nodereference : Fixed 'advanced settings - view arguments' not working.
  149. - #155327 Nodereference : Added missing "n." table aliases in 'referenceable nodes' query.
  150. - #153284 Nodereference : Fix unneeded and repeating {view_view} queries when
  151. 'advanced (Views) node selection' is *not* used.
  152. - #150297 Nodereference : Fix encoded raw htmlentities appearing in select widgets when using
  153. 'advanced (Views) node selection' is used.
  154. - #129016 Nodereference : Prevent possible errors if formatter is called with non numeric 'nid'.
  155. 5--1.5
  156. ======
  157. Features
  158. --------
  159. - #126333 Update to Views 1.6 API
  160. (no need to update cached queries on field setup changes anymore)
  161. - #115848 Optimization : use dedicated cache table
  162. - #126776 Enhance 'default value php code' help text and error message.
  163. - minor - collapse 'default value php code' if empty
  164. Bugfix
  165. ------
  166. General
  167. - Curly quotes fixes in German translation
  168. - #130545 Core translation destroyed by German translation
  169. - Fieldgroup_data cache was fetched every time from the database -> fixed static caching
  170. - #128994 Fix for 'ungroup multiple values' views handler populating every 'column'
  171. of the values with the first column (revert
  172. - #116775 Stupid conflict on field form when field_name == 'name'
  173. - #122991 Fixes further display page issues with no fields / groups
  174. - #127010 (followup to #125661) - proper escaping in update_sql
  175. - Forgot some t() labels in fieldgroups
  176. - #125661 escape group description in update_sql (fieldgroup update)
  177. - #125536 fixed descriptions on node forms and node display
  178. - #125185 fix minor error in update_1004.
  179. Field / widget modules
  180. - #130230 Optionwidgets : allow setting back to 'no value' for non required fields
  181. - #123970 Text : 'trimmed' formatter : trim first, then check_markup
  182. 5--1.4
  183. ======
  184. Features
  185. --------
  186. General
  187. - #117621 Allow field modules to provide their own views integration data
  188. - #120172 String update - make field name / label workflow clearer on 'add new field' form
  189. - #115425 Allow field descriptions to be translated
  190. - #85679 Fieldgroups : group fields on node display
  191. Field / widget modules
  192. - #114145 Noderef : Add 'view arguments' setting for view-defined referenceable nodes
  193. Bugfix
  194. ------
  195. General
  196. - #108226 (minor) ungroup field handler : no need to rebuild the field queryname
  197. - #122118 Prevent possible memory overflow in content_update_1003
  198. - #116058 (PgSQL) Wrong use of db_add_column in content_update_1002
  199. - #115332 MySQL5 : fix errors when adding new or existing field
  200. - #119103 Translate field label in node display (as in node form)
  201. - #122991 Fix 'invalid argument in foreach' on field display tab when no fieldgroups
  202. Field / widget modules
  203. - #108094 Text : fix MySQL5 error on text field creation.
  204. - #117813 Noderef / Userref : Fix select list widget filling 'delta' column with the nid / uid
  205. - #117031 Userref : Fix broken "roles that can be referenced"
  206. - #123667 Number : Fix incorrect code for prefix / suffix
  207. 5--1.3
  208. ======
  209. Features
  210. --------
  211. General
  212. - #59451 Added management of default values for fields
  213. - #107128 Added teasers / full nodes support in an overview form for display settings
  214. - Reworked theming example and instructions accordingly
  215. - Removed hook_field('view') for core field modules
  216. (default 'view' op is now handled in content.module)
  217. - #108755 Add group name in the 'class' attributes of groups fieldsets
  218. - #112225 Moved content_types_rebuild to hook_enable
  219. Field / widget modules
  220. - #108302 Number : Added formatters for numbers (+ be sure non-numeric data is not stored)
  221. - #110570 Number : Added prefix and suffix option
  222. - #111129 Optionwidgets : Added widget to handle single on/off checkbox
  223. - #112464 Standardize validation in field rather than widget,
  224. Standardize use of $items rather than $node_field
  225. Bugfix
  226. ------
  227. General
  228. - #105787 (critical) move data tables from 'node_*' to 'content_*'
  229. to avoid possible clashes with core 'node_*' tables
  230. - #104229 Fixed occasional 'wrong datatype' error on field overview
  231. - #108914 Fixed error when several fieldgroups have the same name
  232. - #111276 Fixed link to module page in warning message when no field module is enabled
  233. - Remove deprecated help text in fieldgroup.module
  234. - #109863 Fixed table name error in content.install (4.7 upgrade path)
  235. - #108094 (incomplete) fix for "text columns are not allowed defaults values with MySQL(5)" ?
  236. - #100546 Postgres compatibility, change integer unsigned to int_unsigned
  237. - #108226 make cck view field handler play nicely with Views Fusion module ('ungroup' handler)
  238. - #114936 make sure default value form element is not required
  239. Field / widget modules
  240. - #107667 Added missing '#size' for mutliple select widgets (display issues with Opera)
  241. - #108037 Optionwidgets : (update function) Added missing curly braces around table name
  242. - #114346 fix error on empty noderef fields
  243. 5--1.2
  244. ======
  245. Bugfix
  246. ------
  247. - #107752 Changed JOIN USING to INNER JOIN in fieldgroup for MYSQL 3 compatibility
  248. - #84634 Added error handling for some PHP5 array_merge errors
  249. - Fixed some invalid t()'ed strings for .pot extractor
  250. 5--1.1
  251. ======
  252. This version has database changes in it and requires update.php.
  253. Files added
  254. fieldgroup.module
  256. fieldgroup.install
  257. content_copy.module
  259. content.css
  260. UPGRADE.txt
  261. Files removed
  262. date.module
  264. date.install
  265. Features
  266. --------
  267. General
  268. - #99446 Added content_copy module for import/export for type, group, and field definitions.
  269. - #57483 Added fieldgroup module to core CCK.
  270. - #99672 Improved UI for setting weights and groups on field overview page
  271. - #99672 Added body field (if present) to the fields overview
  272. - #79887 Default field theming does not display label on empty fields.
  273. - #88135 Views handling of multiple fields : allow option to group multiple fields together.
  274. - #105787 Refactor generation of data table names
  275. - #107208 Make db tables storage-agnostic (remove MyISAM enforcement)
  276. - Optimized .inc files inclusion
  277. - Removed hook_simpletest for now
  278. - Misc code cleanup
  279. Field / widget modules
  280. - Removed original date.module. Use instead.
  281. - #89172 Improved handling for optionwidgets, adding ability to create options as an array
  282. in php or as a list of values. Also fixes View handling, making sure the right value
  283. is swapped in for the option in Views tables and lists.
  284. Bugfix
  285. ------
  286. General
  287. - #105270 Adapt field and group admin forms to work better with programmatic submissions.
  288. - Add field type and module as hidden fields to content_admin_field form to make
  289. programmatic form submission easier
  290. - #104259 Add code to create node_content tables and function content_types_rebuild()
  291. to fix database if content types are added when CCK is not enabled.
  292. - #89351 Make sure node_content table row gets deleted when no fields are in it.
  293. - Fix url in fields tab table.
  294. - #101599 Fixed node not being passed to formatters in view field handler
  295. - When changing storage from 'per field' to 'per content type',NULL values were
  296. copied as 0 or string 'NULL'
  297. - #98895 Always include file in admin area.
  298. - #100535 Fix occasional fatal error on node view when $node->content comes empty.
  299. - #101946 Make sure no default value is provided for MySQL text and blob columns.
  300. - #81688 Ensure multiple fields have a label to mark "required" asterisk
  301. - #105603 Make goup names consistent with field names ('group-*' => 'group_*')
  302. Field / widget modules
  303. - #104598 Text : core now treats maxlength = '' as maxlength = 0
  304. - Text : store one '' (empty string) for empty multiple fields (stored nothing previously)
  305. - #103585 Userreference : force transposed node_field['uid'] to array when empty.
  306. - #98910 Userreference : Fixed storage issues for empty userreference fields
  307. - #106150 Userreference : make user list sorting consistent
  308. - #82439 Number : Fixed storage issues for empty number fields
  309. 5.0 port
  310. - #106932 Fixed migration path from outdated 4.7 versions
  311. - #100744 Fixed migration path from outdated 4.7 versions
  312. - #99713 Fixed field weights not playing correctly with 'non-cck' fields on node display
  313. - #99096 Fixed content_form being called twice on form generation
  314. - #100535 Fixed occasional fatal error on node view when $node->content comes empty
  315. - Field instances were not removed on a content type deletion
  316. - "enctype : multipart" was added to node forms for every content type
  317. - Removed hook_help when deprecated by .info files
  318. 5--1.0-beta
  319. ===========
  320. - initial 5.x release