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CasValidator.php in CAS 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 2.x src/Service/CasValidator.php




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namespace Drupal\cas\Service;

use Drupal\cas\CasServerConfig;
use Drupal\cas\Event\CasPostValidateEvent;
use Drupal\cas\Event\CasPreValidateEvent;
use Drupal\cas\Event\CasPreValidateServerConfigEvent;
use Drupal\cas\Exception\CasValidateException;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper;
use Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGeneratorInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
use Drupal\cas\CasPropertyBag;
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;

 * Class CasValidator.
class CasValidator {

   * Stores the Guzzle HTTP client used when validating service tickets.
   * @var \GuzzleHttp\Client
  protected $httpClient;

   * Stores CAS helper.
   * @var \Drupal\cas\Service\CasHelper
  protected $casHelper;

   * The EventDispatcher.
   * @var \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher
  protected $eventDispatcher;

   * Stores settings object.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\Config
  protected $settings;

   * Stores URL generator.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGeneratorInterface
  protected $urlGenerator;

   * Constructor.
   * @param \GuzzleHttp\Client $http_client
   *   The HTTP Client library.
   * @param CasHelper $cas_helper
   *   The CAS Helper service.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory
   *   The configuration factory.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGeneratorInterface $url_generator
   *   The URL generator.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface $event_dispatcher
   *   The EventDispatcher service.
  public function __construct(Client $http_client, CasHelper $cas_helper, ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, UrlGeneratorInterface $url_generator, EventDispatcherInterface $event_dispatcher) {
    $this->httpClient = $http_client;
    $this->casHelper = $cas_helper;
    $this->settings = $config_factory
    $this->urlGenerator = $url_generator;
    $this->eventDispatcher = $event_dispatcher;

   * Validate the service ticket parameter present in the request.
   * This method will return the username of the user if valid, and raise an
   * exception if the ticket is not found or not valid.
   * @param string $ticket
   *   The CAS authentication ticket to validate.
   * @param array $service_params
   *   An array of query string parameters to add to the service URL.
   * @return \Drupal\cas\CasPropertyBag
   *   Contains user info from the CAS server.
   * @throws \Drupal\cas\Exception\CasValidateException
   *   Thrown if there was a problem making the validation request or
   *   if there was a local configuration issue.
  public function validateTicket($ticket, array $service_params = []) {
    $casServerConfig = CasServerConfig::createFromModuleConfig($this->settings);

    // Allow modules to modify the server config before it's used to validate
    // the login ticket.
    $event = new CasPreValidateServerConfigEvent($casServerConfig);
      ->dispatch(CasHelper::EVENT_PRE_VALIDATE_SERVER_CONFIG, $event);

    // Determine the path to send the validation request to on the CAS server.
    $path = '';
    switch ($casServerConfig
      ->getProtocolVerison()) {
      case "1.0":
        $path = 'validate';
      case "2.0":
        if ($this->settings
          ->get('proxy.can_be_proxied')) {
          $path = 'proxyValidate';
        else {
          $path = 'serviceValidate';
      case "3.0":
        if ($this->settings
          ->get('proxy.can_be_proxied')) {
          $path = 'p3/proxyValidate';
        else {
          $path = 'p3/serviceValidate';
    $params = [];
    $params['service'] = $this->urlGenerator
      ->generate('cas.service', $service_params, UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
    $params['ticket'] = $ticket;
    if ($this->settings
      ->get('proxy.initialize')) {
      $params['pgtUrl'] = $this

    // Dispatch an event that allows modules to alter the validation path or
    // URL parameters.
    $pre_validate_event = new CasPreValidateEvent($path, $params);
      ->dispatch(CasHelper::EVENT_PRE_VALIDATE, $pre_validate_event);
    $validate_url = $casServerConfig
      ->getServerBaseUrl() . $pre_validate_event
    if (!empty($pre_validate_event
      ->getParameters())) {
      $validate_url .= '?' . UrlHelper::buildQuery($pre_validate_event
      ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, 'Attempting to validate service ticket %ticket by making request to URL %url', [
      '%ticket' => $ticket,
      '%url' => $validate_url,
    try {
      $response = $this->httpClient
        ->get($validate_url, $casServerConfig
      $response_data = $response
        ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Validation response received from CAS server: %data", [
        '%data' => $response_data,
    } catch (RequestException $e) {
      throw new CasValidateException("Error with request to validate ticket: " . $e
    $protocol_version = $casServerConfig
    switch ($protocol_version) {
      case "1.0":
        $cas_property_bag = $this
      case "2.0":
      case "3.0":
        $cas_property_bag = $this
    if (empty($cas_property_bag)) {
      throw new CasValidateException('Unknown CAS protocol version specified: ' . $protocol_version);

    // Dispatch an event that allows modules to alter the CAS property bag.
    $event = new CasPostValidateEvent($response_data, $cas_property_bag);
      ->dispatch(CasHelper::EVENT_POST_VALIDATE, $event);
    return $event

   * Validation of a service ticket for Version 1 of the CAS protocol.
   * @param string $data
   *   The raw validation response data from CAS server.
   * @return \Drupal\cas\CasPropertyBag
   *   Contains user info from the CAS server.
   * @throws \Drupal\cas\Exception\CasValidateException
   *   Thrown if there was a problem parsing the validation data.
  private function validateVersion1($data) {
    if (preg_match('/^no\\n/', $data)) {
      throw new CasValidateException("Ticket did not pass validation.");
    elseif (!preg_match('/^yes\\n/', $data)) {
      throw new CasValidateException("Malformed response from CAS server.");

    // Ticket is valid, need to extract the username.
    $arr = preg_split('/\\n/', $data);
    $user = trim($arr[1]);
      ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Extracted username %user from validation response data.", [
      '%user' => $user,
    return new CasPropertyBag($user);

   * Validation of a service ticket for Version 2 of the CAS protocol.
   * @param string $data
   *   The raw validation response data from CAS server.
   * @return \Drupal\cas\CasPropertyBag
   *   Contains user info from the CAS server.
   * @throws \Drupal\cas\Exception\CasValidateException
   *   Thrown if there was a problem parsing the validation data.
  private function validateVersion2($data) {
    $dom = new \DOMDocument();
    $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
    $dom->encoding = "utf-8";

    // Suppress errors from this function, as we intend to throw our own
    // exception.
    if (@$dom
      ->loadXML($data) === FALSE) {
      throw new CasValidateException("XML from CAS server is not valid.");
    $failure_elements = $dom
    if ($failure_elements->length > 0) {

      // Failed validation, extract the message and throw exception.
      $failure_element = $failure_elements
      $error_code = $failure_element
      $error_msg = $failure_element->nodeValue;
      throw new CasValidateException("Error Code " . trim($error_code) . ": " . trim($error_msg));
    $success_elements = $dom
    if ($success_elements->length === 0) {

      // All responses should have either an authenticationFailure
      // or authenticationSuccess node.
      throw new CasValidateException("XML from CAS server is not valid.");

    // There should only be one success element, grab it and extract username.
    $success_element = $success_elements
    $user_element = $success_element
    if ($user_element->length == 0) {
      throw new CasValidateException("No user found in ticket validation response.");
    $username = $user_element
      ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Extracted username %user from validation response.", [
      '%user' => $username,
    $property_bag = new CasPropertyBag($username);

    // If the server provided any attributes, parse them out into the property
    // bag.
    $attribute_elements = $dom
    if ($attribute_elements->length > 0) {

    // Look for a proxy chain, and if it exists, validate it against config.
    $proxy_chain = $success_element
    if ($this->settings
      ->get('proxy.can_be_proxied') && $proxy_chain->length > 0) {
    if ($this->settings
      ->get('proxy.initialize')) {

      // Extract the PGTIOU from the XML.
      $pgt_element = $success_element
      if ($pgt_element->length == 0) {
        throw new CasValidateException("Proxy initialized, but no PGTIOU provided in response.");
      $pgt = $pgt_element
        ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Extracted PGT %pgt from validation response.", [
        '%pgt' => $pgt,
    return $property_bag;

   * Verify a proxy chain from the CAS Server.
   * Proxy chains from CAS Server responses are compared against the config
   * to ensure only allowed proxy chains are validated.
   * @param \DOMNodeList $proxy_chain
   *   An XML element containing proxy values, from most recent to first.
   * @throws \Drupal\cas\Exception\CasValidateException
   *   Thrown if the proxy chain did not match the allowed list from settings.
  private function verifyProxyChain(\DOMNodeList $proxy_chain) {
    $allowed_proxy_chains_raw = $this->settings
    $allowed_proxy_chains = $this
    $server_chain = $this
      ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Attempting to verify supplied proxy chain: %chain", [
      '%chain' => print_r($server_chain, TRUE),

    // Loop through the allowed chains, checking the supplied chain for match.
    foreach ($allowed_proxy_chains as $chain) {

      // If the lengths mismatch, cannot be a match.
      if (count($chain) != count($server_chain)) {

      // Loop through regex in the chain, matching against supplied URL.
      $flag = TRUE;
      foreach ($chain as $index => $regex) {
        if (preg_match('/^\\/.*\\/[ixASUXu]*$/s', $regex)) {
          if (!preg_match($regex, $server_chain[$index])) {
            $flag = FALSE;
              ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Failed to match %regex with supplied %chain", [
              '%regex' => $regex,
              '%chain' => $server_chain[$index],
        else {
          if (!(strncasecmp($regex, $server_chain[$index], strlen($regex)) == 0)) {
            $flag = FALSE;
              ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Failed to match %regex with supplied %chain", [
              '%regex' => $regex,
              '%chain' => $server_chain[$index],

      // If we have a match, return.
      if ($flag == TRUE) {
          ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Matched allowed chain: %chain", [
          '%chain' => print_r($chain, TRUE),

    // If we've reached this point, no chain was validated, so throw exception.
    throw new CasValidateException("Proxy chain did not match allowed list.");

   * Parse the proxy chain config into a usable data structure.
   * @param string $proxy_chains
   *   A newline-delimited list of allowed proxy chains.
   * @return array
   *   An array of allowed proxy chains, each containing an array of regular
   *   expressions for a URL in the chain.
  private function parseAllowedProxyChains($proxy_chains) {
    $chain_list = [];

    // Split configuration string on vertical whitespace.
    $chains = preg_split('/\\v/', $proxy_chains, NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

    // Loop through chains, splitting out each URL.
    foreach ($chains as $chain) {

      // Split chain string on any whitespace character.
      $list = preg_split('/\\s/', $chain, NULL, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
      $chain_list[] = $list;
    return $chain_list;

   * Parse the XML proxy list from the CAS Server.
   * @param \DOMNodeList $xml_list
   *   An XML element containing proxy values, from most recent to first.
   * @return array
   *   An array of proxy values, from most recent to first.
  private function parseServerProxyChain(\DOMNodeList $xml_list) {
    $proxies = [];

    // Loop through the DOMNodeList, adding each proxy to the list.
    foreach ($xml_list as $node) {
      $proxies[] = $node->nodeValue;
    return $proxies;

   * Parse the attributes list from the CAS Server into an array.
   * @param \DOMNodeList $xml_list
   *   An XML element containing attributes.
   * @return array
   *   An associative array of attributes.
  private function parseAttributes(\DOMNodeList $xml_list) {
    $attributes = [];
    $node = $xml_list
    foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) {
      $name = $child->localName;
      $value = $child->nodeValue;
      $attributes[$name][] = $value;
      ->log(LogLevel::DEBUG, "Parsed the following attributes from the validation response: %attributes", [
      '%attributes' => print_r($attributes, TRUE),
    return $attributes;

   * Format the pgtCallbackURL parameter for use with proxying.
   * We have to do a str_replace to force https for the proxy callback URL,
   * because it must use https, and setting the option 'https => TRUE' in the
   * options array won't force https if the user accessed the login route over
   * http and mixed-mode sessions aren't allowed.
   * @return string
   *   The pgtCallbackURL, fully formatted.
  private function formatProxyCallbackUrl() {
    return str_replace('http://', 'https://', $this->urlGenerator
      ->generateFromRoute('cas.proxyCallback', [], [
      'absolute' => TRUE,



Namesort descending Description
CasValidator Class CasValidator.