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CasPreRegisterEvent.php in CAS 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 2.x src/Event/CasPreRegisterEvent.php




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namespace Drupal\cas\Event;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;
use Drupal\cas\CasPropertyBag;

 * Class CasPreRegisterEvent.
 * The CAS module dispatches this event during the authentication process just
 * before a user is automatically registered to Drupal if:
 *  - Automatic user registration is enabled in the CAS module settings.
 *  - No existing Drupal account can be found that's associated with the
 *    CAS username of the user attempting authentication.
 * Subscribers to this event can:
 *  - Prevent a Drupal account from being created for this user (thereby also
 *    preventing the user from logging in).
 *  - Change the username that will be assigned to the Drupal account. By
 *    default it is the same as the CAS username.
 *  - Set properties on the user account that will be created, like user roles
 *    or a custom first name field (for example by populating it with data from
 *    the CAS attributes available in $casPropertyBag).
 * Any CAS attributes will be available via the $casPropertyBag data object.
class CasPreRegisterEvent extends Event {

   * The user information returned from the CAS server.
   * @var \Drupal\cas\CasPropertyBag
  protected $casPropertyBag;

   * Determines if this user will be allowed to auto-register or not.
   * @var bool
  protected $allowAutomaticRegistration = TRUE;

   * The username that will be assigned to the Drupal user account.
   * By default this will be populated with the CAS username.
   * @var string
  protected $drupalUsername;

   * An array of property values to assign to the user account on registration.
   * @var array
  protected $propertyValues = [];

   * Contructor.
   * @param \Drupal\cas\CasPropertyBag $cas_property_bag
   *   The CasPropertyBag for context.
  public function __construct(CasPropertyBag $cas_property_bag) {
    $this->casPropertyBag = $cas_property_bag;
    $this->drupalUsername = $cas_property_bag

   * Return the CasPropertyBag of the event.
   * @return \Drupal\cas\CasPropertyBag
   *   The $casPropertyBag property.
  public function getCasPropertyBag() {
    return $this->casPropertyBag;

   * Retrieve the username that will be assigned to the Drupal account.
   * @return string
   *   The username.
  public function getDrupalUsername() {
    return $this->drupalUsername;

   * Assign a different username to the Drupal account that is to be registered.
   * @param string $username
   *   The username.
  public function setDrupalUsername($username) {
    $this->drupalUsername = $username;

   * Sets the allow auto registration proprety.
   * @param bool $allow_automatic_registration
   *   TRUE to allow auto registration, FALSE to deny it.
  public function setAllowAutomaticRegistration($allow_automatic_registration) {
    if ($allow_automatic_registration) {
      $this->allowAutomaticRegistration = TRUE;
    else {
      $this->allowAutomaticRegistration = FALSE;

   * Return if this user is allowed to be auto-registered or not.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the user is allowed to be registered, FALSE otherwise.
  public function getAllowAutomaticRegistration() {
    return $this->allowAutomaticRegistration;

   * Getter for propertyValues.
   * @return array
   *   The user property values.
  public function getPropertyValues() {
    return $this->propertyValues;

   * Set a single property value for the user entity on registration.
   * @param string $property
   *   The user entity property to set.
   * @param mixed $value
   *   The value of the property.
  public function setPropertyValue($property, $value) {
    $this->propertyValues[$property] = $value;

   * Set an array of property values for the user entity on registration.
   * @param array $property_values
   *   The property values to set with each key corresponding to the property.
  public function setPropertyValues(array $property_values) {
    $this->propertyValues = array_merge($this->propertyValues, $property_values);



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CasPreRegisterEvent Class CasPreRegisterEvent.