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Files in CAPTCHA Pack 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description random_captcha_type/ name = Random CAPTCHA type description = Provides a 'meta' CAPTCHA that randomly picks a CAPTCHA type. package = "Spam control" dependencies[] = captcha core = 7.x configure = admin/config/people/captcha/random_captcha_type
random_captcha_type.install random_captcha_type/random_captcha_type.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the RANDOM CAPTCHA module.
random_captcha_type.module random_captcha_type/random_captcha_type.module
text_captcha.css text_captcha/text_captcha.css Additional CSS rules for text captcha related layout stuff text_captcha/ text_captcha/word_list_captcha/ Functionality and helper functions for WORD LIST CAPTCHA administration. text_captcha/word_list_captcha/ name = Word list CAPTCHA description = Provides CAPTCHA like 'which word does not belong in the list [green red bird blue]?'. package = "Spam control" dependencies[] = captcha core = 7.x configure =…
word_list_captcha.install text_captcha/word_list_captcha/word_list_captcha.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the WORD LIST CAPTCHA module.
word_list_captcha.module text_captcha/word_list_captcha/word_list_captcha.module


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