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public function CaptchaService::insertCaptchaElement in CAPTCHA 8

Helper function to insert a CAPTCHA element before a given form element.


array $form: the form to add the CAPTCHA element to.

array $placement: information where the CAPTCHA element should be inserted. $placement should be an associative array with fields:

  • 'path': path (array of path items) of the container in the form where the CAPTCHA element should be inserted.
  • 'key': the key of the element before which the CAPTCHA element should be inserted. If the field 'key' is undefined or NULL, the CAPTCHA will just be appended in the container.
  • 'weight': if 'key' is not NULL: should be the weight of the element defined by 'key'. If 'key' is NULL and weight is not NULL: set the weight property of the CAPTCHA element to this value.

array $captcha_element: the CAPTCHA element to insert.


src/Service/CaptchaService.php, line 70


Helper service for CAPTCHA module.




public function insertCaptchaElement(array &$form, array $placement, array $captcha_element) {

  // Get path, target and target weight or use defaults if not available.
  $target_key = isset($placement['key']) ? $placement['key'] : NULL;
  $target_weight = isset($placement['weight']) ? $placement['weight'] : NULL;
  $path = isset($placement['path']) ? $placement['path'] : [];

  // Walk through the form along the path.
  $form_stepper =& $form;
  foreach ($path as $step) {
    if (isset($form_stepper[$step])) {
      $form_stepper =& $form_stepper[$step];
    else {

      // Given path is invalid: stop stepping and
      // continue in best effort (append instead of insert).
      $target_key = NULL;

  // If no target is available: just append the CAPTCHA element
  // to the container.
  if ($target_key == NULL || !array_key_exists($target_key, $form_stepper)) {

    // Optionally, set weight of CAPTCHA element.
    if ($target_weight != NULL) {
      $captcha_element['#weight'] = $target_weight;
    $form_stepper['captcha'] = $captcha_element;
  else {

    // If target has a weight: set weight of CAPTCHA element a bit smaller
    // and just append the CAPTCHA: sorting will fix the ordering anyway.
    if ($target_weight != NULL) {
      $captcha_element['#weight'] = $target_weight - 0.1;
      $form_stepper['captcha'] = $captcha_element;
    else {

      // If we can't play with weights: insert the CAPTCHA element
      // at the right position. Because PHP lacks a function for
      // this (array_splice() comes close, but it does not preserve
      // the key of the inserted element), we do it by hand: chop of
      // the end, append the CAPTCHA element and put the end back.
      $offset = array_search($target_key, array_keys($form_stepper));
      $end = array_splice($form_stepper, $offset);
      $form_stepper['captcha'] = $captcha_element;
      foreach ($end as $k => $v) {
        $form_stepper[$k] = $v;