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CMBase.php in Campaign Monitor 5.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.3 lib/CMBase.php
  2. 6.2 lib/CMBase.php


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* -------------------
* Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Kaiser Shahid <>
* All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed under the BSD License:
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
*     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
*       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
*     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
*       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
*       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
*     * Neither the name of Kaiser Shahid or Campaign Monitor nor the
*       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
*       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
* @package CampaignMonitorLib

* This is an all-inclusive package for interfacing with Campaign Monitor's services. It
* supports SOAP, GET, and POST seamlessly (just set the $method property to 'soap', 'get', 
* or 'post' before making a call) and always returns the same view of data regardless of
* the method used to call the service.
* See README for more information on usage and details.
* CHANGES: 2008-04-28
* -------------------
* - Now compatible with PHP4. Biggest changes include removing reliance on
*   enhanced OOP syntax, and using XML Parser functions instead of SimpleXML.
* - Base class (CMBase) branches into CampaignMonitor and MailBuild
* - CMBase contains all the shared API calls (and extended functionality 
*   related to those) between both classes.
* @package CampaignMonitorLib
* @subpackage CMBase
* @version 1.0
* @author Kaiser Shahid <> (
* @copyright 2007-2008
* @see
define('PHPVER', phpversion());

// WARNING: this is needed to keep the socket from apparently hanging (even when it should be done reading)
// NOTE: using a timeout (SOCKET_TIMEOUT) that's passed when calling fsockopen. safer thing to do.

//ini_set( 'default_socket_timeout', 1 );
define('SOCKET_TIMEOUT', 1);
class CMBase {
  var $api = '', $campaign_id = 0, $client_id = 0, $list_id = 0;
  var $method = 'get', $url = '', $soapAction = '', $curl = true, $curlExists = true;

  // debugging options
  var $debug_level = 0, $debug_request = '', $debug_response = '', $debug_url = '', $debug_info = array(), $show_response_headers = 0;

   * @param string $api Your API key.
   * @param string $client The default ClientId you're going to work with.
   * @param string $campaign The default CampaignId you're going to work with.
   * @param string $list The default ListId you're going to work with.
   * @param string $method Determines request type. Values are either get, post, or soap.
  function CMBase($api = null, $client = null, $campaign = null, $list = null, $method = 'get') {
    $this->api = $api;
    $this->client_id = $client;
    $this->campaign_id = $campaign;
    $this->list_id = $list;
    $this->method = $method;
    $this->curlExists = function_exists('curl_init') && function_exists('curl_setopt');

   * The direct way to make an API call. This allows developers to include new API
   * methods that might not yet have a wrapper method as part of the package.
   * @param string $action The API call.
   * @param array $options An associative array of values to send as part of the request.
   * @return array The parsed XML of the request.
  function makeCall($action = '', $options = array()) {

    // NEW [2008-06-24]: switch to soap automatically for these calls
    $old_method = $this->method;
    if ($action == 'Subscriber.AddWithCustomFields' || $action == 'Subscriber.AddAndResubscribeWithCustomFields' || $action == 'Campaign.Create') {
      $this->method = 'soap';
    if (!$action) {
      return null;
    $url = $this->url;

    // DONE: like facebook's client, allow for get/post through the file wrappers
    // if curl isn't available. (or maybe have curl-emulating functions defined
    // at the bottom of this script.)

    //$ch = curl_init();
    if (!isset($options['header'])) {
      $options['header'] = array();
    $options['header'][] = 'User-Agent: CMBase URL Handler 1.5';
    $postdata = '';
    $method = 'GET';
    if ($this->method == 'soap') {
      $options['header'][] = 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8';
      $options['header'][] = 'SOAPAction: "' . $this->soapAction . $action . '"';
      $postdata = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
      $postdata .= "<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=\"\"";
      $postdata .= " xmlns:xsd=\"\"";
      $postdata .= " xmlns:soap=\"\">\n";
      $postdata .= "<soap:Body>\n";
      $postdata .= "\t<{$action} xmlns=\"{$this->soapAction}\">\n";
      $postdata .= "\t\t<ApiKey>{$this->api}</ApiKey>\n";
      if (isset($options['params'])) {
        $postdata .= array2xml($options['params'], "\t\t");
      $postdata .= "\t</{$action}>\n";
      $postdata .= "</soap:Body>\n";
      $postdata .= "</soap:Envelope>";
      $method = 'POST';

      //curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );

      //curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata );
    else {
      $postdata = "ApiKey={$this->api}";
      $url .= "/{$action}";

      // NOTE: since this is GET, the assumption is that params is a set of simple key-value pairs.
      if (isset($options['params'])) {
        foreach ($options['params'] as $k => $v) {
          $postdata .= '&' . $k . '=' . rawurlencode(utf8_encode($v));
      if ($this->method == 'get') {
        $url .= '?' . $postdata;
        $postdata = '';
      else {
        $options['header'][] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
        $method = 'POST';

        //curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1 );

        //curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata );
    $res = '';

    // WARNING: using fopen() does not recognize stream contexts in PHP 4.x, so
    // my guess is using fopen() in PHP 4.x implies that POST is not supported
    // (otherwise, how do you tell fopen() to use POST?). tried fsockopen(), but
    // response time was terrible. if someone has more experience with working
    // directly with streams, please troubleshoot that.
    // NOTE: fsockopen() needs a small timeout to force the socket to close.
    // it's defined in SOCKET_TIMEOUT.
    // preferred method is curl, only if it exists and $this->curl is true.
    if ($this->curl && $this->curlExists) {
      $ch = curl_init();
      if ($this->method != 'get') {
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $options['header']);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $this->show_response_headers);

      // except for the response, all other information will be stored when debugging is on.
      $res = curl_exec($ch);
      if ($this->debug_level) {
        $this->debug_url = $url;
        $this->debug_request = $postdata;
        $this->debug_info = curl_getinfo($ch);
        $this->debug_info['headers_sent'] = $options['header'];
      $this->debug_response = $res;
    else {

      // 'header' is actually the entire HTTP payload. as such, you need
      // Content-Length header, otherwise you'll get errors returned/emitted.
      $postLen = strlen($postdata);
      $ctx = array(
        'method' => $method,
        'header' => implode("\n", $options['header']) . "\nContent-Length: " . $postLen . "\n\n" . $postdata,
      if ($this->debug_level) {
        $this->debug_url = $url;
        $this->debug_request = $postdata;
        $this->debug_info['overview'] = 'Used stream_context_create()/fopen() to make request. Content length=' . $postLen;
        $this->debug_info['headers_sent'] = $options['header'];

        //$this->debug_info['complete_content'] = $ctx;
      $pv = PHPVER;

      // the preferred non-cURL way if user is using PHP 5.x
      if ($pv[0] == '5') {
        $context = stream_context_create(array(
          'http' => $ctx,
        $fp = fopen($url, 'r', false, $context);
        $res = ob_get_clean();
      else {

        // this should work with PHP 4, but it seems to take forever to get data back this way
        // NOTE: setting the default_socket_timeout seems to alleviate this issue [finally].
        list($protocol, $url) = explode('//', $url, 2);
        list($domain, $path) = explode('/', $url, 2);
        $fp = fsockopen($domain, 80, $tvar, $tvar2, SOCKET_TIMEOUT);
        if ($fp) {
          $payload = "{$method} /{$path} HTTP/1.1\n" . "Host: {$domain}\n" . $ctx['header'];
          fwrite($fp, $payload);

          // even with the socket timeout set, using fgets() isn't playing nice, but
          // fpassthru() seems to be doing the right thing.
          list($headers, $res) = explode("\r\n\r\n", ob_get_clean(), 2);
          if ($this->debug_level) {
            $this->debug_info['headers_received'] = $headers;
        elseif ($this->debug_level) {
          $this->debug_info['overview'] .= "\nOpening {$domain}/{$path} failed!";

    //$this->method = $old_method;
    if ($res) {
      if ($this->method == 'soap') {
        $tmp = xml2array($res, '/soap:Envelope/soap:Body');
        if (!is_array($tmp)) {
          return $tmp;
        else {
          return $tmp[$action . 'Response'][$action . 'Result'];
      else {
        return xml2array($res);
    else {
      return null;

   * Wrapper for Subscribers.GetActive. This method triples as Subscribers.GetUnsubscribed
   * and Subscribers.GetBounced when the very last parameter is overridden.
   * @param mixed $date If a string, should be in the date() format of 'Y-m-d H:i:s', otherwise, a Unix timestamp.
   * @param int $list_id (Optional) A valid List ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @param string $action (Optional) Set the actual API method to call. Defaults to Subscribers.GeActive if no other valid value is given.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function subscribersGetActive($date = 0, $list_id = null, $action = 'Subscribers.GetActive') {
    if (!$list_id) {
      $list_id = $this->list_id;
    if (is_numeric($date)) {
      $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date);
    $valid_actions = array(
      'Subscribers.GetActive' => '',
      'Subscribers.GetUnsubscribed' => '',
      'Subscribers.GetBounced' => '',
    if (!isset($valid_actions[$action])) {
      $action = 'Subscribers.GetActive';
    return $this
      ->makeCall($action, array(
      'params' => array(
        'ListID' => $list_id,
        'Date' => $date,

   * @param mixed $date If a string, should be in the date() format of 'Y-m-d H:i:s', otherwise, a Unix timestamp.
   * @param int $list_id (Optional) A valid List ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @see
  function subscribersGetUnsubscribed($date = 0, $list_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->subscribersGetActive($date, $list_id, 'Subscribers.GetUnsubscribed');

   * @param mixed $date If a string, should be in the date() format of 'Y-m-d H:i:s', otherwise, a Unix timestamp.
   * @param int $list_id (Optional) A valid List ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @see
  function subscribersGetBounced($date = 0, $list_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->subscribersGetActive($date, $list_id, 'Subscribers.GetBounced');

   * subscriberAdd()
   * @param string $email Email address.
   * @param string $name User's name.
   * @param int $list_id (Optional) A valid List ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @param boolean $resubscribe If true, does an equivalent 'AndResubscribe' API method.
   * @see
  function subscriberAdd($email, $name, $list_id = null, $resubscribe = false) {
    if (!$list_id) {
      $list_id = $this->list_id;
    $action = 'Subscriber.Add';
    if ($resubscribe) {
      $action = 'Subscriber.AddAndResubscribe';
    return $this
      ->makeCall($action, array(
      'params' => array(
        'ListID' => $list_id,
        'Email' => $email,
        'Name' => $name,

   * This encapsulates the check of whether this particular user unsubscribed once.
   * @param string $email Email address.
   * @param string $name User's name.
   * @param int $list_id (Optional) A valid List ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
  function subscriberAddRedundant($email, $name, $list_id = null) {
    $added = $this
      ->subscriberAdd($email, $name, $list_id);
    if ($added && $added['Result']['Code'] == '204') {
      $subscribed = $this
        ->subscribersGetIsSubscribed($email, $list_id);

      // Must have unsubscribed, so resubscribe
      if ($subscribed['anyType'] == 'False') {

        // since we're internal, we'll just call the method with full parameters rather
        // than go through a secondary wrapper function.
        $added = $this
          ->subscriberAdd($email, $name, $list_id, true);
        return $added;
    return $added;

   * @param string $email Email address.
   * @param string $name User's name.
   * @param mixed $fields Should be a $key => $value mapping. If there are more than one items for $key, let
   *        $value be a list of scalar values. Example: array( 'Interests' => array( 'xbox', 'wii' ) )
   * @param int $list_id (Optional) A valid List ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @param boolean $resubscribe If true, does an equivalent 'AndResubscribe' API method.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function subscriberAddWithCustomFields($email, $name, $fields, $list_id = null, $resubscribe = false) {
    if (!$list_id) {
      $list_id = $this->list_id;
    $action = 'Subscriber.AddWithCustomFields';
    if ($resubscribe) {
      $action = 'Subscriber.AddAndResubscribeWithCustomFields';
    if (!is_array($fields)) {
      $fields = array();
    $_fields = array(
      'SubscriberCustomField' => array(),
    foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
      if (is_array($v)) {
        foreach ($v as $nv) {
          $_fields['SubscriberCustomField'][] = array(
            'Key' => $k,
            'Value' => $nv,
      else {
        $_fields['SubscriberCustomField'][] = array(
          'Key' => $k,
          'Value' => $v,
    return $this
      ->makeCall($action, array(
      'params' => array(
        'ListID' => $list_id,
        'Email' => $email,
        'Name' => $name,
        'CustomFields' => $_fields,

   * Same as subscriberAddRedundant() except with CustomFields.
   * @param string $email Email address.
   * @param string $name User's name.
   * @param int $list_id (Optional) A valid List ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
  function subscriberAddWithCustomFieldsRedundant($email, $name, $fields, $list_id = null) {
    $added = $this
      ->subscriberAddWithCustomFields($email, $name, $fields, $list_id);
    if ($added && $added['Code'] == '0') {
      $subscribed = $this
      if ($subscribed == 'False') {
        $added = $this
          ->subscriberAddWithCustomFields($email, $name, $fields, $list_id, true);
        return $added;
    return $added;

   * @param string $email Email address.
   * @param int $list_id (Optional) A valid List ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @param boolean $check_subscribed If true, does the Subscribers.GetIsSubscribed API method instead.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function subscriberUnsubscribe($email, $list_id = null, $check_subscribed = false) {
    if (!$list_id) {
      $list_id = $this->list_id;
    $action = 'Subscriber.Unsubscribe';
    if ($check_subscribed) {
      $action = 'Subscribers.GetIsSubscribed';
    return $this
      ->makeCall($action, array(
      'params' => array(
        'ListID' => $list_id,
        'Email' => $email,

   * @return string A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function subscribersGetIsSubscribed($email, $list_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->subscriberUnsubscribe($email, $list_id, true);

   * Given an array of lists, indicate whether the $email is subscribed to each of those lists.
   * @param string $email User's email
   * @param mixed $lists An associative array of lists to check against. Each key should be a List ID
   * @param boolean $no_assoc If true, only returns an array where each value indicates that the user is subscribed
   *        to that particular list. Otherwise, returns a fully associative array of $list_id => true | false.
   * @return mixed An array corresponding to $lists where true means the user is subscribed to that particular list.
  function checkSubscriptions($email, $lists, $no_assoc = true) {
    $nlist = array();
    foreach ($lists as $lid => $misc) {
      $val = $this
        ->subscribersGetIsSubscribed($email, $lid);
      $val = $val != 'False';
      if ($no_assoc && $val) {
        $nlist[] = $lid;
      elseif (!$no_assoc) {
        $nlist[$lid] = $val;
    return $nlist;


* XMLArrayInstance, xml2array() and array2xml() will be used to convert data
* between XML and Array. We're using a class because that is the only way we can
* safely use xml_parse() and other related functions (the alternative is to use
* $GLOBALS to hold data).
* XMLArrayInstance can be initialized to start processing from a specific path
* in the XML. In the case of Campaign Monitor, we want to start from 
* '/soap:Envelope/soap:Body', which is the default 2nd parameter for xml2array().
* @package CampaignMonitorLib
* @subpackage CMBase
class XMLArrayInstance {
  var $root = '/';
  var $rootStart = 0;
  var $stack = array();
  var $stack_path = '';
  var $stack_sz = 0;
  var $array = array();
  var $arrCurrent = null;
  var $inRoot = false;
  var $counter = 0;
  var $stack_count = array();
  var $stack_prefix = '/';
  var $data_buffer = array();

   * @param string $root An absolute path that points to where XML data
   *        should start being converted to an array. Do not add an ending '/'.
  function XMLArrayInstance($root = null) {
    if ($root != null && $root != '/') {
      $this->root = $root;
      $this->rootStart = substr_count($root, '/');
      $this->stack_prefix = $root . '/';

  // function default( $parser, $data ) {}
  // function startNS( $parser, $userdata, $prefix, $uri ) {}
  function start($parser, $ele, $atts) {
    $this->stack[] = $ele;
    $this->stack_path = '/' . implode('/', $this->stack);
    if (!isset($this->stack_count[$this->stack_path])) {
      $this->stack_count[$this->stack_path] = -1;
    $this->data_buffer[$this->stack_path] = '';
  function data($parser, $data) {
    $data = trim($data);

    // if $data is empty or we're not within start path, skip
    if (strpos($this->stack_path, $this->root) !== 0 || $data == '') {

    // delay inserting the data, because the parser handles entities as a
    // separate call. that meant that before buffering data, a simple text node
    // would be broken up into multiple parts because of the entities.
    $this->data_buffer[$this->stack_path] .= $data;

  // function ddefault( $parser, $data ) { }
  function end($parser, $ele) {
    if ($this->data_buffer[$this->stack_path] != '') {
    $this->stack_path = '/' . implode('/', $this->stack);
  function setArrValue($data) {

    // iterate through $arr to find the right element and populate it.
    // if the element doesn't exist, set it as a scalar. otherwise,
    // convert it to an array first and then append the value.
    $ptr =& $this->array;

    // the depth to insert the value at
    $depth = $this->stack_sz - 1;
    $sep = '';
    $partial = '';
    for ($i = $this->rootStart; $i < $this->stack_sz; $i++) {
      $key = $this->stack[$i];
      $partial .= $sep . $key;
      $sep = '/';
      $_c = $this->stack_count[$this->stack_prefix . $partial];

      //echo "$key : [{$this->stack_prefix}]$partial\n";

      // this current path doesn't exist. either we're going deeper
      // into the XML (and the paths haven't been created yet), or the
      // node we're on hasn't been created.
      if (!isset($ptr[$key])) {
        if ($i == $depth) {
          $ptr[$key] = $data;
        else {
          $ptr[$key] = array();
        $ptr =& $ptr[$key];
      elseif ($i < $depth) {

        // if the absolute path of this node has more than one occurrence, $_c > 0.
        // if that's the case, then, we need to test if the node is currently a hash
        // or a list. if it's a hash, convert it to a list. then, check that the list
        // item exists (create it if it doesn't).
        // if it's just a single occurrence, set the pointer to the hash.
        if ($_c > 0) {
          if (!isset($ptr[$key][0])) {
            $tmp = $ptr[$key];
            $ptr[$key] = array(
          if (!isset($ptr[$key][$_c])) {
            $ptr[$key][$_c] = array();
          $ptr =& $ptr[$key][$_c];
        else {
          $ptr =& $ptr[$key];
      elseif ($i == $depth) {

        // the current node exists. but, since it's not an array, we need
        // to convert it first.
        if (!is_array($ptr[$key])) {
          $tmp = $ptr[$key];
          $ptr[$key] = array(
        elseif (!isset($ptr[$key][0])) {
          $tmp = $ptr[$key];
          $ptr[$key] = array(
        $ptr[$key][] = $data;
        $ptr =& $ptr[$key];


* Converts an XML document to an array. Note that this only recognizes element names
* (which become keys) and text data (which become values)--attributes are not saved.
* Note also that if two or more elements exist at the same depth, the value for that 
* key becomes a list of values. For example,
* <code><xml><item>1</item></xml>"</code>
* is equivalent to
* <code>array( 'xml' => array( 'item' => '1' ) )</code>
* However, 
* <code><xml><item>1</item><item>2</item></xml></code>
* is equivalent to 
* <code>array( 'xml' => array( 'item' => array( '1', '2' ) ) )</code>
* Lastly, a node must either contain other nodes or non-empty text, not both. So
* <code><xml><item> hii there<subitem>1</subitem></item></xml></code>
* is incorrect, but
* <code><xml><item><subitem>1</subitem><text>hii there</text></item></xml></code>
* is correct. This won't crash the code, but it won't be put in to the array
* as you'd expect (and the inverse function array2xml() won't return the XML
* you'd expect).
* @param string $str The XML body.
* @param string $root (Optional) The start path within the XML body.
* @param string $charset (Optional) The character set of the XML document.
* @return array The converted XML document.
function xml2array($str, $root = '/', $charset = 'utf-8') {
  $xmlp = xml_parser_create($charset);
  $xmlarr = new XMLArrayInstance($root);
  xml_parser_set_option($xmlp, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
  xml_set_element_handler($xmlp, array(
  ), array(
  xml_set_character_data_handler($xmlp, array(

  //xml_set_default_handler( $xmlp, array( $xmlarr, 'ddefault' ) );
  $cur = 0;
  $len = strlen($str);
  $c_sz = 2048;
  while ($cur < $len) {
    $chunk = substr($str, $cur, $c_sz);
    $cur += $c_sz;
    if (!xml_parse($xmlp, $chunk, !($cur < $len))) {
      echo "xml2array() error: Line ", xml_get_current_line_number($xmlp), ': ', xml_error_string($xmlp);
  return $xmlarr->array;

* Converts an array to XML. This is the inverse to xml2array(). Values
* are automatically escaped with htmlentities(), so you don't need to escape 
* values ahead of time. If you have, just set the third parameter to false.
* This is an all-or-nothing deal.
* @param mixed $arr The associative to convert to an XML fragment
* @param string $indent (Optional) Starting identation of each element
* @param string $escape (Optional) Determines whether or not to escape a text node.
* @return string An XML fragment.
function array2xml($arr, $indent = '', $escape = true) {
  $buff = '';
  foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
    if (!is_array($v)) {
      $buff .= "{$indent}<{$k}>" . ($escape ? utf8_encode($v) : $v) . "</{$k}>\n";
    else {

      Encountered a list. The primary difference between the two branches is that
      in the 'if' branch, a $k element is generated for each item in $v, whereas
      in the 'else' branch, a single $k element encapsulates $v.
      if (isset($v[0])) {
        foreach ($v as $_k => $_v) {
          if (is_array($_v)) {
            $buff .= "{$indent}<{$k}>\n" . array2xml($_v, $indent . "\t", $escape) . "{$indent}</{$k}>\n";
          else {
            $buff .= "{$indent}<{$k}>" . ($escape ? utf8_encode($_v) : $_v) . "</{$k}>\n";
      else {
        $buff .= "{$indent}<{$k}>\n" . array2xml($v, $indent . "\t", $escape) . "{$indent}</{$k}>\n";
  return $buff;

* The new CampaignMonitor class that now extends from CMBase. This should be 
* backwards compatible with the original (PHP5) version.
* If you used the static functions convertXMLToArray() and convertArrayToXML() 
* in other contexts, you'll need to replace them with xml2array() and array2xml().
* They share the same core parameters, so this should be a simple 1-to-1 mapping.
* Of course, you could write the convert*() static methods back into the class
* as wrappers for xml2array() and array2xml().
* @package CampaignMonitorLib
* @subpackage CampaignMonitor
* @version 1.5
* @author Kaiser Shahid <> (
* @copyright 2007-2008
* @see

// this assumes CMBase.php is in the same directory as this file

//require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/CMBase.php' );
class CampaignMonitor extends CMBase {
  var $url = '', $soapAction = '';

   * @param string $api Your API key.
   * @param string $client The default ClientId you're going to work with.
   * @param string $campaign The default CampaignId you're going to work with.
   * @param string $list The default ListId you're going to work with.
   * @param string $method Determines request type. Values are either get, post, or soap.
  function CampaignMonitor($api = null, $client = null, $campaign = null, $list = null, $method = 'get') {
    CMBase::CMBase($api, $client, $campaign, $list, $method);

   * @param string $email Email address.
   * @param string $name User's name.
   * @param int $list_id (Optional) A valid List ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @see
  function subscriberAddAndResubscribe($email, $name, $list_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->subscriberAdd($email, $name, $list_id, true);

   * @param string $email Email address.
   * @param string $name User's name.
   * @param mixed $fields Should only be a single-dimension array of key-value pairs.
   * @param int $list_id (Optional) A valid List ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @param boolean $resubscribe If true, does an equivalent 'AndResubscribe' API method.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function subscriberAddAndResubscribeWithCustomFields($email, $name, $fields, $list_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->subscriberAddWithCustomFields($email, $name, $fields, $list_id, true);

   * A generic wrapper to feed Client.* calls.
   * @param string $method The API method to call.
   * @param int $client_id (Optional) A valid Client ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
  function clientGeneric($method, $client_id = null) {
    if (!$client_id) {
      $client_id = $this->client_id;
    return $this
      ->makeCall('Client.' . $method, array(
      'params' => array(
        'ClientID' => $client_id,

   * @param int $client_id (Optional) A valid Client ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function clientGetLists($client_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->clientGeneric('GetLists', $client_id);

   * Creates an associative array with list_id => List_label pairings.
   * @param int $client_id (Optional) A valid Client ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
  function clientGetListsDropdown($client_id = null) {
    $lists = $this
    if (!isset($lists['List'])) {
      return null;
    else {
      $lists = $lists['List'];
    $_lists = array();
    if (isset($lists[0])) {
      foreach ($lists as $list) {
        $_lists[$list['ListID']] = $list['Name'];
    else {
      $_lists[$lists['ListID']] = $lists['Name'];
    return $_lists;

   * Creates an associative array with list_id:List_Label => (list_id) List_label pairings.
   * Remember that you'll need to split the key on ':' only once to get the appropriate ListID
   * and Segment Name.
   * @param int $client_id (Optional) A valid Client ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
  function clientGetSegmentsDropdown($client_id = null) {
    $lists = $this
    if (!isset($lists['List'])) {
      return null;
    else {
      $lists = $lists['List'];
    $_lists = array();
    if (isset($lists[0])) {
      foreach ($lists as $list) {
        $_lists[$list['ListID'] . ':' . $list['Name']] = '(' . $list['ListID'] . ') ' . $list['Name'];
    else {
      $_lists[$lists['ListID'] . ':' . $lists['Name']] = '(' . $lists['ListID'] . ') ' . $lists['Name'];
    return $_lists;

   * @param int $client_id (Optional) A valid Client ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function clientGetCampaigns($client_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->clientGeneric('GetCampaigns', $client_id);

   * @param int $client_id (Optional) A valid Client ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function clientGetSegments($client_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->clientGeneric('GetSegments', $client_id);

   * @param int $client_id (Optional) A valid Client ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function clientGetSuppressionList($client_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->clientGeneric('GetSuppressionList', $client_id);

   * @param int $client_id (Optional) A valid Client ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function clientGetDetail($client_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->clientGeneric('GetDetail', $client_id);

   * @param string $companyName (CompanyName) Company name of the client to be added
   * @param string $contactName (ContactName) Contact name of the client to be added
   * @param string $emailAddress (EmailAddress) Email Address of the client to be added
   * @param string $country (Country) Country of the client to be added
   * @param string $timezone (Timezone) Timezone of the client to be added
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function clientCreate($companyName, $contactName, $emailAddress, $country, $timezone) {
    return $this
      ->makeCall('Client.Create', array(
      'params' => array(
        'CompanyName' => $companyName,
        'ContactName' => $contactName,
        'EmailAddress' => $emailAddress,
        'Country' => $country,
        'Timezone' => $timezone,

   * @param int $client_id (ClientID) ID of the client to be updated
   * @param string $companyName (CompanyName) Company name of the client to be updated
   * @param string $contactName (ContactName) Contact name of the client to be updated
   * @param string $emailAddress (EmailAddress) Email Address of the client to be updated
   * @param string $country (Country) Country of the client to be updated
   * @param string $timezone (Timezone) Timezone of the client to be updated
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function clientUpdateBasics($client_id, $companyName, $contactName, $emailAddress, $country, $timezone) {
    return $this
      ->makeCall('Client.UpdateBasics', array(
      'params' => array(
        'ClientID' => $client_id,
        'CompanyName' => $companyName,
        'ContactName' => $contactName,
        'EmailAddress' => $emailAddress,
        'Country' => $country,
        'Timezone' => $timezone,

   * @param int $client_id (ClientID) ID of the client to be updated
   * @param string $accessLevel (AccessLevel) AccessLevel of the client
   * @param string $username (Username) Clients username
   * @param string $password (Password) Password of the client
   * @param string $billingType (BillingType) BillingType that the client will be set as
   * @param string $currency (Currency) Currency that the client will pay in
   * @param string $deliveryFee (DeliveryFee) Per campaign deliivery fee for the campaign
   * @param string $costPerRecipient (CostPerRecipient) Per email fee for the client
   * @param string $designAndSpamTestFee (DesignAndSpamTestFee) Amount the client will
   *				be charged if they have access to send design/spam tests
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function clientUpdateAccessAndBilling($client_id, $accessLevel, $username, $password, $billingType, $currency, $deliveryFee, $costPerRecipient, $designAndSpamTestFee) {
    return $this
      ->makeCall('Client.UpdateAccessAndBilling', array(
      'params' => array(
        'ClientID' => $client_id,
        'AccessLevel' => $accessLevel,
        'Username' => $username,
        'Password' => $password,
        'BillingType' => $billingType,
        'Currency' => $currency,
        'DeliveryFee' => $deliveryFee,
        'CostPerRecipient' => $costPerRecipient,
        'DesignAndSpamTestFee' => $designAndSpamTestFee,

   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function userGetClients() {
    return $this

   * @return string A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function userGetSystemDate() {
    return $this

   * @return string A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function userGetTimezones() {
    return $this

   * @return string A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function userGetCountries() {
    return $this

   * A generic wrapper to feed Campaign.* calls.
   * @param string $method The API method to call.
   * @param int $campaign_id (Optional) A valid Campaign ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
  function campaignGeneric($method, $campaign_id = null) {
    if (!$campaign_id) {
      $campaign_id = $this->campaign_id;
    return $this
      ->makeCall('Campaign.' . $method, array(
      'params' => array(
        'CampaignID' => $campaign_id,

   * @param int $campaign_id (Optional) A valid Campaign ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function campaignGetSummary($campaign_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->campaignGeneric('GetSummary', $campaign_id);

   * @param int $campaign_id (Optional) A valid Campaign ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function campaignGetOpens($campaign_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->campaignGeneric('GetOpens', $campaign_id);

   * @param int $campaign_id (Optional) A valid Campaign ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function campaignGetBounces($campaign_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->campaignGeneric('GetBounces', $campaign_id);

   * @param int $campaign_id (Optional) A valid Campaign ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function campaignGetSubscriberClicks($campaign_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->campaignGeneric('GetSubscriberClicks', $campaign_id);

   * @param int $campaign_id (Optional) A valid Campaign ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function campaignGetUnsubscribes($campaign_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->campaignGeneric('GetUnsubscribes', $campaign_id);

   * @param int $campaign_id (Optional) A valid Campaign ID to check against. If not given, the default class property is used.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function campaignGetLists($campaign_id = null) {
    return $this
      ->campaignGeneric('GetLists', $campaign_id);

   * @param int $client_id The ClientID you wish to use; set it to null to use the default class property.
   * @param string $name (CampaignName) Name of campaign
   * @param string $subject (CampaignSubject) Subject of campaign mailing
   * @param string $fromName (FromName) The From name of the sender
   * @param string $fromEmail (FromEmail) The email of the sender
   * @param string $replyTo (ReplyTo) An alternate email to send replies to
   * @param string $htmlUrl (HtmlUrl) Location of HTML body of email
   * @param string $textUrl (TextUrl) Location of plaintext body of email
   * @param array $subscriberListIds (SubscriberListIDs) An array of ListIDs. This will automatically be converted to the right format
   * @param array $listSegments (ListSegments) An array of segment names and their corresponding ListIDs. Each element needs to
   *        be an associative array with keys ListID and Name.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function campaignCreate($client_id, $name, $subject, $fromName, $fromEmail, $replyTo, $htmlUrl, $textUrl, $subscriberListIds, $listSegments) {
    if ($client_id == null) {
      $client_id = $this->client_id;
    $_subListIds = '';
    if ($subscriberListIds != "") {
      $_subListIds = array(
        'string' => array(),
      if (is_array($subscriberListIds)) {
        foreach ($subscriberListIds as $lid) {
          $_subListIds['string'] = $lid;
    $_seg = '';
    if ($listSegments != "") {
      $_seg = array(
        'List' => array(),
      if (is_array($listSegments)) {
        foreach ($listSegments as $seg) {
          $_seg['List'][] = $seg;
    return $this
      ->makeCall('Campaign.Create', array(
      'params' => array(
        'ClientID' => $client_id,
        'CampaignName' => $name,
        'CampaignSubject' => $subject,
        'FromName' => $fromName,
        'FromEmail' => $fromEmail,
        'ReplyTo' => $replyTo,
        'HtmlUrl' => $htmlUrl,
        'TextUrl' => $textUrl,
        'SubscriberListIDs' => $_subListIds,
        'ListSegments' => $_seg,

   * @param int $client_id The CampaignID you wish to use; set it to null to use the default class property
   * @param string $confirmEmail (ConfirmationEmail) Email address to send confirmation of campaign send to
   * @param string $sendDate (SendDate) The timestamp to send the campaign. It must be formatted as YYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
   *               and should correspond to user's timezone.
  function campaignSend($campaign_id, $confirmEmail, $sendDate) {
    if ($campaign_id == null) {
      $campaign_id = $this->campaign_id;
    return $this
      ->makeCall('Campaign.Send', array(
      'params' => array(
        'CampaignID' => $campaign_id,
        'ConfirmationEmail' => $confirmEmail,
        'SendDate' => $sendDate,

  * @param int $client_id (ClientID) ID of the client the list will be created for
  * @param string $title (Title) Name of the new list
  * @param string $unsubscribePage (UnsubscribePage) URL of the page users will be
  *				directed to when they unsubscribe from this list.
  * @param string $confirmOptIn (ConfirmOptIn) If true, the user will be sent a confirmation
  *				email before they are added to the list. If they click the link to confirm
  *				their subscription they will be added to the list. If false, they will be
  *				added automatically.
  * @param string $confirmationSuccessPage (ConfirmationSuccessPage) URL of the page that
  *				users will be sent to if they confirm their subscription. Only required when
  				$confirmOptIn is true.
  * @see
  function listCreate($client_id, $title, $unsubscribePage, $confirmOptIn, $confirmationSuccessPage) {
    if ($confirmOptIn == 'false') {
      $confirmationSuccessPage = '';
    return $this
      ->makeCall('List.Create', array(
      'params' => array(
        'ClientID' => $client_id,
        'Title' => $title,
        'UnsubscribePage' => $unsubscribePage,
        'ConfirmOptIn' => $confirmOptIn,
        'ConfirmationSuccessPage' => $confirmationSuccessPage,

  * @param int $list_id (List) ID of the list to be updated
  * @param string $title (Title) Name of the new list
  * @param string $unsubscribePage (UnsubscribePage) URL of the page users will be
  *				directed to when they unsubscribe from this list.
  * @param string $confirmOptIn (ConfirmOptIn) If true, the user will be sent a confirmation
  *				email before they are added to the list. If they click the link to confirm
  *				their subscription they will be added to the list. If false, they will be
  *				added automatically.
  * @param string $confirmationSuccessPage (ConfirmationSuccessPage) URL of the page that
  *				users will be sent to if they confirm their subscription. Only required when
  				$confirmOptIn is true.
  * @see
  function listUpdate($list_id, $title, $unsubscribePage, $confirmOptIn, $confirmationSuccessPage) {
    if ($confirmOptIn == 'false') {
      $confirmationSuccessPage = '';
    return $this
      ->makeCall('List.Update', array(
      'params' => array(
        'ListID' => $list_id,
        'Title' => $title,
        'UnsubscribePage' => $unsubscribePage,
        'ConfirmOptIn' => $confirmOptIn,
        'ConfirmationSuccessPage' => $confirmationSuccessPage,

   * @param int $list_id (List) ID of the list to be deleted
   * @see
  function listDelete($list_id) {
    return $this
      ->makeCall('List.Delete', array(
      'params' => array(
        'ListID' => $list_id,

   * @param int $list_id (List) ID of the list to be deleted
   * @see
  function listGetDetail($list_id) {
    return $this
      ->makeCall('List.GetDetail', array(
      'params' => array(
        'ListID' => $list_id,

  function listCreateCustomField($list_id, $fieldName, $dataType, $options) {
    if ($dataType == 'Text' || $dataType == 'Number') {
      $options = null;
    return $this
      ->makeCall('List.CreateCustomField', array(
      'params' => array(
        'ListID' => $list_id,
        'FieldName' => $fieldName,
        'DataType' => $dataType,
        'Options' => $options,

   * @param int $list_id (ListID) A valid list ID to check against.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function listGetCustomFields($list_id) {
    return $this
      ->makeCall('List.GetCustomFields', array(
      'params' => array(
        'ListID' => $list_id,

   * @param int $list_id (ListID) A valid list ID to check against.
   * @param int $key (Key) The Key of the field we want to delete.
   * @return mixed A parsed response from the server, or null if something failed.
   * @see
  function listDeleteCustomField($list_id, $key) {
    return $this
      ->makeCall('List.DeleteCustomField', array(
      'params' => array(
        'ListID' => $list_id,
        'Key' => $key,



Namesort descending Description
array2xml Converts an array to XML. This is the inverse to xml2array(). Values are automatically escaped with htmlentities(), so you don't need to escape values ahead of time. If you have, just set the third parameter to false. This is an all-or-nothing deal.
xml2array Converts an XML document to an array. Note that this only recognizes element names (which become keys) and text data (which become values)--attributes are not saved. Note also that if two or more elements exist at the same depth, the value for that…


Namesort descending Description
PHPVER This is an all-inclusive package for interfacing with Campaign Monitor's services. It supports SOAP, GET, and POST seamlessly (just set the $method property to 'soap', 'get', or 'post' before making a call) and…


Namesort descending Description
XMLArrayInstance XMLArrayInstance, xml2array() and array2xml() will be used to convert data between XML and Array. We're using a class because that is the only way we can safely use xml_parse() and other related functions (the alternative is to use $GLOBALS to…