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9 calls to calendar_systems_calendars() in Calendar Systems 6.2

calendar_systems_calendars_form in ./
Form callback to list all available calendars and their config links.
calendar_systems_calendar_form in ./
Form callback for a calendar administration settings.
calendar_systems_calendar_title in ./calendar_systems.module
Calendar menu title callback.
calendar_systems_call in ./calendar_systems.module
API function to call a calendar's internal routine.
calendar_systems_default in ./calendar_systems.module
API function to get current default calendar.
calendar_systems_form_locale_languages_overview_form_alter in ./calendar_systems.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
calendar_systems_pick in ./calendar_systems.module
API function which selects the best-fit calendar for the environment.
calendar_systems_uninstall in ./calendar_systems.install
Implements hook_uninstall().
calendar_systems_user in ./calendar_systems.module
Implements hook_user().