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6 calls to _calendar_systems_is_patch_applied() in Calendar Systems 7

calendar_systems_format_date in ./calendar_systems.module
Simulating core format_date in case the patch wasn't applied Formats a date, using a date type or a custom date format string.
calendar_systems_form_alter in ./calendar_systems.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
calendar_systems_preprocess_comment in ./calendar_systems.module
The usage is to improve compatibility when the core patch is not available Implements hook_preprocess_comment().
calendar_systems_preprocess_node in ./calendar_systems.module
The usage is to improve compatibility when the core patch is not available Implements hook_preprocess_node().
calendar_systems_profile_overview in ./
Form callback for calendar systems profiles.
calendar_systems_requirements in ./calendar_systems.install
Implements hook_requirements().