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* @author Sina Salek
* @version $Id: 209 2009-01-20 13:49:37Z Salek $
* Original persian to gregorian convertor by Milad Rastian , Roozbeh Pournader , Mohammad Toossi 
if (!is_callable('div')) {
  function div($a, $b) {
    return (int) ($a / $b);

class cmfcCalendarV1Arabic extends cmfcCalendarV1 {

   * define(ISLAMIC_EPOCH, 1948439.5);
  var $_islamicEpoch = '1948439.5';
  var $_dateFormats = array(
    'rfc10' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
    'ArraySimple' => '���� 5�� �������� 1387',
  var $_defaultFormat = 'rfc10';
  var $_monthsName = array(
    '1' => 'محرم',
    '2' => 'صفر',
    '3' => 'ربيع الأول',
    '4' => 'ربيع الثاني',
    '5' => 'جمادى الأول',
    '6' => 'جمادى الآخر',
    '7' => 'رجب',
    '8' => 'شعبان',
    '9' => 'رمضان',
    '10' => 'شوال',
    '11' => 'ذو القعدة',
    '12' => 'ذو الحجة',
  var $_monthsShortName = array(
    '1' => 'محرم',
    '2' => 'صفر',
    '3' => 'ربيع الأول',
    '4' => 'ربيع الثاني',
    '5' => 'جمادى الأول',
    '6' => 'جمادى الآخر',
    '7' => 'رجب',
    '8' => 'شعبان',
    '9' => 'رمضان',
    '10' => 'شوال',
    '11' => 'ذو القعدة',
    '12' => 'ذو الحجة',
  var $_weeksName = array(
    '6' => 'السبت',
    '0' => 'الأحد',
    '1' => 'الاثنين',
    '2' => 'الثلاثاء',
    '3' => 'الأربعاء',
    '4' => 'الخميس',
    '5' => 'الجمعة',
  var $_weeksShortName = array(
    '6' => 'السبت',
    '0' => 'الأحد',
    '1' => 'الاثنين',
    '2' => 'الثلاثاء',
    '3' => 'الأربعاء',
    '4' => 'الخميس',
    '5' => 'الجمعة',
  var $_meridiemsName = array(
    'am' => 'صباحاً',
    'pm' => 'مساءاً',
  var $_meridiemsShortName = array(
    'am' => 'صباحاً',
    'pm' => 'مساءاً',
  var $_weekDaysHoliday = array(

   * Islamic Calendar
   * @see v1/cmfcCalendarV1#timestampToStr($format, $timestamp)
  function timestampToStr($format, $timestamp = null) {
    return $this
      ->date($format, $timestamp);

   * Islamic Calendar
   * @see v1/cmfcCalendarV1#strToTimestamp($string)
  function strToTimestamp($string) {
    return $this
  function timestampToInfoArray($timestamp = null) {
    $arr = $this
    if (is_null($timestamp)) {
      $timestamp = $this
    list($arr['year'], $arr['month'], $arr['day']) = $this
      ->fromGregorian($arr['year'], $arr['mon'], $arr['mday']);
    $arr['monthName'] = $this
    $arr['monthShortName'] = $this
    $arr['monthFirstDayWeekday'] = $this
      ->phpDate('w', $this
      'year' => $arr['year'],
      'month' => $arr['month'],
      'day' => '1',
    ))) + 1;
    if ($arr['monthFirstDayWeekday'] >= 6) {
      $arr['monthFirstDayWeekday'] = 0;
    $arr['monthDaysNumber'] = $this
      ->date('t', $timestamp);
    $arr['weekday'] = $arr['wday'];
    $arr['weekdayName'] = $this
    $arr['weekdayShortName'] = $this
    return $arr;

   * Islamic Calendar
   * @see v1/cmfcCalendarV1#infoArrayToTimestamp()
  function infoArrayToTimestamp($arr) {
    list($gy, $gm, $gd) = $this
      ->toGregorian($arr['year'], $arr['month'], $arr['day']);
    if (!isset($arr['hour'])) {
      $arr['hour'] = $this
    if (!isset($arr['minute'])) {
      $arr['minute'] = $this
    if (!isset($arr['second'])) {
      $arr['second'] = $this
    return strtotime("{$gy}-{$gm}-{$gd}" . ' ' . $arr['hour'] . ':' . $arr['minute'] . ':' . $arr['second']);

   * Implementation of PHP date function
   * This is the simplified version by Sina Salek
  function date($format, $maket = null) {
    if (is_null($maket) or $maket == '') {
      $maket = $this
    $farsi = 1;
    $type = $format;

    //set 1 if you want translate number to farsi or if you don't like set 0
    $transnumber = false;

    ///chosse your timezone
    $TZhours = 0;
    $TZminute = 0;
    $need = "";
    $result1 = "";
    $result = "";
    if (is_null($maket)) {
      $year = $this
      $month = $this
      $day = $this
      $maket = mktime($this
        ->phpDate("H") + $TZhours, $this
        ->phpDate("i") + $TZminute, $this
        ->phpDate("s"), $this
        ->phpDate("m"), $this
        ->phpDate("d"), $this
    else {
      $maket += $TZhours * 3600 + $TZminute * 60;
      $year = $this
        ->phpDate("Y", $maket);
      $month = $this
        ->phpDate("m", $maket);
      $day = $this
        ->phpDate("d", $maket);
    $need = $maket;
    $i = 0;
    $subtype = "";
    $subtypetemp = "";
    list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = $this
      ->fromGregorian($year, $month, $day);
    while ($i < strlen($type)) {
      $subtype = substr($type, $i, 1);
      if ($subtypetemp == "\\") {
        $result .= $subtype;
      switch ($subtype) {
        case "A":
          $result1 = $this
            ->phpDate("a", $need);
          $result .= $this
        case "a":
          $result1 = $this
            ->phpDate("a", $need);
          $result .= $this
        case "d":
          if ($jday < 10) {
            $result1 = "0" . $jday;
          else {
            $result1 = $jday;
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "D":
          $result1 = $this
            ->phpDate("w", $need);
          $result .= $this
        case "F":
          $result .= $this
        case "g":
          $result1 = $this
            ->phpDate("g", $need);
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "G":
          $result1 = $this
            ->phpDate("G", $need);
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "h":
          $result1 = $this
            ->phpDate("h", $need);
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "H":
          $result1 = $this
            ->phpDate("H", $need);
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "i":
          $result1 = $this
            ->phpDate("i", $need);
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "j":
          $result1 = $jday;
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "l":
          $result1 = $this
            ->phpDate("w", $need);
          $result .= $this
        case "m":
          if ($jmonth < 10) {
            $result1 = "0" . $jmonth;
          else {
            $result1 = $jmonth;
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "M":
          $result .= $this
        case "n":
          $result1 = $jmonth;
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "s":
          $result1 = $this
            ->phpDate("s", $need);
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "S":
          $result .= html_entity_decode("&#1575;&#1605;");
        case "t":
          $result .= $this
            ->monthTotalDays($month, $day, $year);
        case "w":
          $result1 = $this
            ->phpDate("w", $need);
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "y":
          $result1 = substr($jyear, 2, 4);
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "Y":
          $result1 = $jyear;
          if ($transnumber == 1) {
            $result .= cmfcString::convertNumbersToNativeNumbers($result1);
          else {
            $result .= $result1;
        case "U":
          $result .= $this
        case "Z":
          $result .= $this
            ->yearTotalDays($jmonth, $jday, $jyear);
        case "L":
          list($tmp_year, $tmp_month, $tmp_day) = $this
            ->toGregorian(1384, 12, 1);

          echo $tmp_day;
          $result .= $subtype;
      $subtypetemp = substr($type, $i, 1);
    return $result;

   * accept array,timestamp and string as input datetime in jalali
   * or gregorian format and convert it to timestamp
   * Implementation of PHP strtotime function
  function strtotime($value) {
    foreach ($this->_dateFormats as $formatKey => $formatSample) {
      $result = call_user_func(array(
        'dateFormat' . $formatKey,
      ), $value);
      if ($result !== false) {
        return $result;
    return $value;
  function dateFormatArraySimple($value) {
    if (is_array($value)) {
      if (isset($value[0])) {
        $y = $value['0'];
        $m = $value['1'];
        $d = $value['2'];
        $h = $value['3'];
        $i = $value['4'];
        $s = $value['5'];
      elseif (isset($value['year'])) {
        $y = $value['year'];
        $m = $value['month'];
        $d = $value['day'];
        $h = $value['hour'];
        $i = $value['minute'];
        $s = $value['second'];
      elseif (isset($value['y'])) {
        $y = $value['y'];
        $m = $value['m'];
        $d = $value['d'];
        $h = $value['h'];
        $i = $value['i'];
        $s = $value['s'];
      return $this
        ->valueToTimeStamp($y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s);
    return false;
  function dateFormatRfc10($value) {
    if (is_string($value)) {
      if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{2,4})[-\\/\\\\]([0-9]{1,2})[-\\/\\\\]([0-9]{1,2})( +([0-9]{1,2})[:]([0-9]{1,2})[:]([0-9]{1,2}))?/', $value, $regs)) {
        $y = $regs['1'];
        $m = $regs['2'];
        $d = $regs['3'];
        $h = $regs['5'];
        $i = $regs['6'];
        $s = $regs['7'];
      return $this
        ->valueToTimeStamp($y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s);
    return false;

   * Islamic Calendar
   * @return Array          Hegri date [int Year, int Month, int Day] (Islamic calendar)
   * @param  Integer Year   Gregorian year
   *          Integer Month  Gregorian month
   *         Integer Day    Gregorian day
   * @desc   hj_convert will convert given Gregorian date into Hegri date (Islamic calendar)
   * @author Khaled Al-Shamaa
  function hj_convert($Y, $M, $D) {
    $jd = GregorianToJD($M, $D, $Y);
    list($year, $month, $day) = $this
    return array(

   * Islamic Calendar
   * @return Array        Hegri date [int Year, int Month, int Day] (Islamic calendar)
   * @param  Integer jd   Julian day
   * @desc   jd_to_islamic will convert given Julian day into Hegri date (Islamic calendar)
   * @author Khaled Al-Shamaa
  function jd_to_islamic($jd) {
    $jd = floor($jd) + 0.5;
    $year = floor((30 * ($jd - $this->_islamicEpoch) + 10646) / 10631);
    $month = min(12, ceil(($jd - (29 + $this
      ->islamic_to_jd($year, 1, 1))) / 29.5) + 1);
    $day = $jd - $this
      ->islamic_to_jd($year, $month, 1) + 1;
    return array(

   * Islamic Calendar
   * @return Integer        Julian day
   * @param  Integer Year   Hegri year
   *         Integer Month  Hegri month
   *         Integer Day    Hegri day
   * @desc   islamic_to_jd will convert given Hegri date (Islamic calendar) into Julian day
   * @author Khaled Al-Shamaa
  function islamic_to_jd($year, $month, $day) {
    return $day + ceil(29.5 * ($month - 1)) + ($year - 1) * 354 + floor((3 + 11 * $year) / 30) + $this->_islamicEpoch - 1;

   * Islamic Calendar
   * @param $g_y
   * @param $g_m
   * @param $g_d
   * @return unknown_type
  function fromGregorian($g_y, $g_m, $g_d) {
    $y = $g_y;
    $m = $g_m;
    $d = $g_d;
    if ($y > 1582 || $y == 1582 && $m > 10 || $y == 1582 && $m == 10 && $d > 14) {
      $jd = (int) (1461 * ($y + 4800 + (int) (($m - 14) / 12)) / 4) + (int) (367 * ($m - 2 - 12 * (int) (($m - 14) / 12)) / 12) - (int) (3 * (int) (($y + 4900 + (int) (($m - 14) / 12)) / 100) / 4) + $d - 32075;
    else {
      $jd = 367 * $y - (int) (7 * ($y + 5001 + (int) (($m - 9) / 7)) / 4) + (int) (275 * $m / 9) + $d + 1729777;
    $julianday = $jd;
    $l = $jd - 1948440 + 10632;
    $n = (int) (($l - 1) / 10631);
    $l = $l - 10631 * $n + 354;
    $j = (int) ((10985 - $l) / 5316) * (int) (50 * $l / 17719) + (int) ($l / 5670) * (int) (43 * $l / 15238);
    $l = $l - (int) ((30 - $j) / 15) * (int) (17719 * $j / 50) - (int) ($j / 16) * (int) (15238 * $j / 43) + 29;
    $m = (int) (24 * $l / 709);
    $d = $l - (int) (709 * $m / 24);
    $y = 30 * $n + $j - 30;
    return array(

   * Islamic Calendar
   * @param $i_y
   * @param $i_m
   * @param $i_d
   * @return unknown_type
  function toGregorian($i_y, $i_m, $i_d) {

    //$jd=$this->islamic_to_jd($i_y, $i_m, $i_d);

    //list($gy, $gm, $gd)=JDToGregorian($jd);
    $y = $i_y;
    $m = $i_m;
    $d = $i_d;
    $jd = (int) ((11 * $y + 3) / 30) + 354 * $y + 30 * $m - (int) (($m - 1) / 2) + $d + 1948440 - 385;

    //$this->julianday = $jd;
    if ($jd > 2299160) {
      $l = $jd + 68569;
      $n = (int) (4 * $l / 146097);
      $l = $l - (int) ((146097 * $n + 3) / 4);
      $i = (int) (4000 * ($l + 1) / 1461001);
      $l = $l - (int) (1461 * $i / 4) + 31;
      $j = (int) (80 * $l / 2447);
      $d = $l - (int) (2447 * $j / 80);
      $l = (int) ($j / 11);
      $m = $j + 2 - 12 * $l;
      $y = 100 * ($n - 49) + $i + $l;
    else {
      $j = $jd + 1402;
      $k = (int) (($j - 1) / 1461);
      $l = $j - 1461 * $k;
      $n = (int) (($l - 1) / 365) - (int) ($l / 1461);
      $i = $l - 365 * $n + 30;
      $j = (int) (80 * $i / 2447);
      $d = $i - (int) (2447 * $j / 80);
      $i = (int) ($j / 11);
      $m = $j + 2 - 12 * $i;
      $y = 4 * $k + $n + $i - 4716;
    return array(

   * @param $y
   * @param $m
   * @param $d
   * @param $h
   * @param $i
   * @param $s
   * @return unknown_type
  function valueToTimeStamp($y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s) {
    $y = intval(strval($y));
    $m = intval(strval($m));
    $d = intval(strval($d));
    $h = intval(strval($h));
    $i = intval(strval($i));
    $s = intval(strval($s));
    if ($y < 1900) {
      list($y, $m, $d) = $this
        ->toGregorian($y, $m, $d);
    if (!empty($h) or $h != 0) {
      $value = strtotime("{$y}-{$m}-{$d} {$h}:{$i}:{$s}");
    else {
      $value = strtotime("{$y}-{$m}-{$d}");
    return $value;

   * Find num of Day Begining Of Month ( 0 for Sat & 6 for Sun)
  function monthStartDay($month, $day, $year) {
    list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = $this
      ->fromGregorian($year, $month, $day);
    list($year, $month, $day) = $this
      ->toGregorian($jyear, $jmonth, "1");
    $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
    return $this
      ->phpDate("w", $timestamp);

   * Find days in this year untile now
  function yearTotalDays($jmonth, $jday, $jyear) {
    $year = "";
    $month = "";
    $year = "";
    $result = "";
    if ($jmonth == "01") {
      return $jday;
    for ($i = 1; $i < $jmonth || $i == 12; $i++) {
      list($year, $month, $day) = $this
        ->toGregorian($jyear, $i, "1");
      $result += lastday($month, $day, $year);
    return $result + $jday;

   * translate number of month to name of month
  function getWeekName($weekNumber) {
    return html_entity_decode($this->_weeksName[$weekNumber]);

   * @param $weekNumber
   * @return unknown_type
  function getWeekShortName($weekNumber) {
    return html_entity_decode($this->_weeksShortName[$weekNumber]);

   * translate number of month to name of month
  function getMonthName($month) {
    return html_entity_decode($this->_monthsName[$month]);
  function getMonthShortName($month) {
    return html_entity_decode($this->_monthsShortName[$month]);
  function getMeridiemName($m) {
    return html_entity_decode($this->_meridiemsName[$m]);
  function getMeridiemShortName($m) {
    return html_entity_decode($this->_meridiemsShortName[$m]);
  function isKabise($year) {
    if ($year % 4 == 0 && $year % 100 != 0) {
      return true;
    return false;

  function time()
      return mktime();

   * @param $hour
   * @param $minute
   * @param $second
   * @param $jmonth
   * @param $jday
   * @param $jyear
   * @return unknown_type
  function makeTime($hour = "", $minute = "", $second = "", $jmonth = "", $jday = "", $jyear = "") {
    if (!$hour && !$minute && !$second && !$jmonth && !$jmonth && !$jday && !$jyear) {
      return $this
    list($year, $month, $day) = $this
      ->toGregorian($jyear, $jmonth, $jday);
    $i = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year);
    return $i;

   * @param $month
   * @param $day
   * @param $year
   * @return unknown_type
  function isDateValid($month, $day, $year) {

    $j_days_in_month = array(31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29);
    if($month<=12 && $month>0)
        if($j_days_in_month[$month-1]>=$day && $day>0) {
            return 1;
        if(is_kabise($year)) {
            echo "Asdsd";
        if(is_kabise($year) && $j_days_in_month[$month-1]==31) {
            return 1;

    return 0;
  function dateDiff($first, $second) {

    $first_date = explode("-",$first);
    $first_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $first_date[1],$first_date[2], $first_date[0]);
    //echo $first_date[1];
    $second_date = explode("-",$second);
    $second_date = mktime(0, 0, 0,$second_date[1],$second_date[2], $second_date[0]);
    $totalsec=$second_date- $first_date;
    return $totalday = round(($totalsec/86400));

   * @author
   * Find Number Of Days In This Month
  function monthTotalDays($month, $day, $year) {
    $jday2 = "";
    $jdate2 = "";
    $lastdayen = $this
      ->phpDate("d", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 0, $year));
    list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday) = $this
      ->fromGregorian($year, $month, $day);
    $lastdatep = $jday;
    $jday = $jday2;
    while ($jday2 != "1") {
      if ($day < $lastdayen) {
        list($jyear, $jmonth, $jday2) = $this
          ->fromGregorian($year, $month, $day);
        if ($jdate2 == "1") {
        if ($jdate2 != "1") {
      else {
        $day = 0;
        if ($month == 13) {
          $month = "1";
    return $lastdatep - 1;

   * Find Number Of Days In This Month
  function daysInMonth($monthId) {

    $daysInMonth = array(
    return $daysInMonth[$monthId];

