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8 calls to CalendarHelper::getDateArgumentHandler() in Calendar 8

Calendar::render in src/Plugin/views/style/Calendar.php
Render the display in this style.
Calendar::validate in src/Plugin/views/style/Calendar.php
Validate that the plugin is correct and can be saved.
Calendar::viewOptionsForGranularity in src/Plugin/views/style/Calendar.php
Get options for Views displays that support Calendar with set granularity.
CalendarHeader::render in src/Plugin/views/area/CalendarHeader.php
Render the area.
CalendarHelper::getDisplayForGranularity in src/CalendarHelper.php
Get the display that handles a given granularity.
CalendarHelper::getViewArgumentValues in src/CalendarHelper.php
Returns all the argument values for the specified view's current display.
CalendarPager::init in src/Plugin/views/pager/CalendarPager.php
Initialize the plugin.
calendar_granularity_path in ./calendar.module
Find the path for the calendar display that has a specific granularity.