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cacheflush_ui.test in CacheFlush 7.3

Contains test suite for cacheflush ui module.


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 * @file
 * Contains test suite for cacheflush ui module.

 * Test the UI CRUD.
class CacheFlushUICRUD extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Cacheflush UI CRUD',
      'description' => 'Tests the UI CRUD.',
      'group' => 'CacheFlush',

   * Sets up the test.
  public function setUp() {
    $roles = array(
      'cacheflush create new',
      'cacheflush administer',
      'cacheflush view own',
      'cacheflush edit own',
      'cacheflush delete own',
    $user = $this

   * Test if add interface has all buttons/links/etc.
  public function testAddInterfaceIntegrity() {
      ->assertFieldByName('op', t('Save'));
    $tabs = module_invoke_all('cacheflush_ui_tabs');
    if ($tabs) {
      foreach ($tabs as $key => $value) {
    $checkboxes = _cacheflush_get_option_list();
    if ($checkboxes) {
      foreach ($checkboxes as $key => $value) {

        // Special tab element added only if there module are instaled.
        if ($value['category'] == 'vertical_tabs_often' && !module_exists($key)) {
          ->assertFieldByName($value['category'] . "[{$key}]");

   * Check if form requring is working on title field.
  public function testFieldRequiring() {
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/cacheflush/add', array(), t('Save'));

   * Test CRUD.
  public function testCRUD() {

    // Test Entity create.
    $data = array(
      'title' => 'NewEntityTitle',
      'vertical_tabs_core[cache]' => 1,
      'vertical_tabs_core[cache_filter]' => 1,
      ->drupalPost('admin/structure/cacheflush/add', $data, t('Save'));
    $entities = array_values(cacheflush_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'title' => 'NewEntityTitle',
      ->assertEqual($entities[0]->title, 'NewEntityTitle', 'Entity successfully created.');

    // Test Entity update.
    $data2 = array(
      'title' => 'UpdatedEntityTitle',
      'vertical_tabs_core[cache_path]' => 1,
      'vertical_tabs_core[cache_filter]' => FALSE,
      ->drupalGet('cacheflush/' . $entities[0]->id . '/edit');
      ->assertFieldByName('vertical_tabs_core[cache]', 1, 'Entity 1: vertical_tabs_core[cache] value appears correctly in the form.');
      ->assertFieldByName('vertical_tabs_core[cache_filter]', 1, 'Entity 1: vertical_tabs_core[cache_filter] value appears correctly in the form.');
      ->assertFieldByName('vertical_tabs_core[cache_path]', 0, 'Entity 1: vertical_tabs_core[cache_path] value appears correctly in the form.');
      ->drupalPost('cacheflush/' . $entities[0]->id . '/edit', $data2, t('Update'));
    $entities = array_values(cacheflush_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'title' => 'UpdatedEntityTitle',
    ), TRUE));
      ->assertEqual($entities[0]->title, 'UpdatedEntityTitle', 'Entity successfully updated.');
      ->drupalGet('cacheflush/' . $entities[0]->id . '/edit');
      ->assertFieldByName('vertical_tabs_core[cache]', 1, 'Entity 1: vertical_tabs_core[cache] value appears correctly in the form.');
      ->assertFieldByName('vertical_tabs_core[cache_filter]', 0, 'Entity 1: vertical_tabs_core[cache_filter] value appears correctly in the form.');
      ->assertFieldByName('vertical_tabs_core[cache_path]', 1, 'Entity 1: vertical_tabs_core[cache_path] value appears correctly in the form.');

    // Test delete page and delete.
      ->drupalGet('cacheflush/' . $entities[0]->id . '/delete');
      ->assertFieldByName('op', t('Confirm'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Confirm'));
      ->drupalGet('cacheflush/' . $entities[0]->id);

   * Tests List page.
  public function testAdminPage() {
    $entities = $this
      ->assertLink(t('Add cacheflush'));
      ->operationTest($entities[0], $entities[1]);

   * Tests for List interface filters.
  public function filterTest() {
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'status' => 1,
      'menu' => 0,
    ), t('Filter'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'status' => 0,
      'menu' => 1,
    ), t('Filter'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'status' => 1,
      'menu' => 1,
    ), t('Filter'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'status' => 0,
      'menu' => 0,
    ), t('Filter'));

   * Tests for Bulk Operations.
  public function operationTest($enabled, $disabled) {

    // Check publish and remove menu entry operation.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'operation' => 'enable',
      'presets[' . $disabled->id . ']' => 1,
    ), t('Update'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'operation' => 'remove_menu_entry',
      'presets[' . $disabled->id . ']' => 1,
    ), t('Update'));
    $disabled_to_enabled = cacheflush_load_multiple(array(
    ), NULL, TRUE);
      ->assertEqual($disabled_to_enabled[$disabled->id]->status, 1, 'Entity successfully Published.');
      ->assertEqual($disabled_to_enabled[$disabled->id]->menu, 0, 'Menu entry removed.');

    // Check unpublish and add menu entry operation.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'operation' => 'disable',
      'presets[' . $enabled->id . ']' => 1,
    ), t('Update'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'operation' => 'add_menu_entry',
      'presets[' . $enabled->id . ']' => 1,
    ), t('Update'));
    $enabled_to_disabled = cacheflush_load_multiple(array(
    ), NULL, TRUE);
      ->assertEqual($enabled_to_disabled[$enabled->id]->status, 0, 'Entity successfully Unpublished.');
      ->assertEqual($enabled_to_disabled[$enabled->id]->menu, 1, 'Add menu entry.');

    // Remove the entities.
    $edit = array(
      'operation' => 'delete',
      'presets[' . $enabled->id . ']' => 1,
      'presets[' . $disabled->id . ']' => 1,
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Update'));
      ->assertFieldByName('op', t('Delete'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Delete'));
    $entities = array_values(cacheflush_load_multiple(FALSE));
      ->assertEqual(count($entities), 0, 'Entity successfully deleted.');

   * Create cacheflush test entities.
  public function createTestEntitys() {
    $entity = entity_create('cacheflush', array(
      'title' => 'Test-Entity-Enabled',
      'status' => 1,
      'menu' => 0,
      'uid' => $this->loggedInUser->uid,
    $entity = entity_create('cacheflush', array(
      'title' => 'Test-Entity-Disabled',
      'status' => 0,
      'menu' => 1,
      'uid' => $this->loggedInUser->uid,
    $entities = array_values(cacheflush_load_multiple(FALSE));
      ->assertEqual($entities[0]->title, 'Test-Entity-Enabled', 'Entity successfully created.');
      ->assertEqual($entities[1]->title, 'Test-Entity-Disabled', 'Entity successfully created.');

    // Clear menu cache to rebuild the Cacheflush clear menus.
    return $entities;


 * Defines a test for cacheflush ui module CRUD access.
class CacheFlushUICRUDAccessTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Profile to use.
  protected $profile = 'testing';

   * User of test.
  protected $testUser;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(

   * CRUD urls.
   * @var array
  protected $urls = array(
    'admin' => 'admin/structure/cacheflush',
    'new' => 'admin/structure/cacheflush/add',
    'clear' => 'admin/cacheflush/clear/',
    'view' => 'cacheflush/[ID]/view',
    'edit' => 'cacheflush/[ID]/edit',
    'delete' => 'cacheflush/[ID]/delete',

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Cacheflush UI Access',
      'description' => 'Test cacheflush UI access on links and interface.',
      'group' => 'CacheFlush',

   * Sets up the test.
  public function setUp() {
    $role1 = array(
      'cacheflush administer',
      'cacheflush clear any',
      'cacheflush create new',
      'cacheflush view any',
      'cacheflush edit any',
      'cacheflush delete any',
    $this->admin_user = $this
    $role2 = array(
      'cacheflush clear own',
      'cacheflush create new',
      'cacheflush view own',
      'cacheflush edit own',
      'cacheflush delete own',
    $this->logged_user = $this
    $role3 = array(
      'cacheflush administer',
      'cacheflush view own',
      'cacheflush edit own',
      'cacheflush delete own',
    $this->interface_user = $this
    $role4 = array(
      'cacheflush administer',
      'cacheflush view any',
      'cacheflush edit own',
    $this->interface_user2 = $this
    $this->anonymous_user = drupal_anonymous_user();

   * Test the access for user with no permissions.
  public function testAccessAnonymous() {

    // Access to administration page.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['admin'], 403);

    // Access to new entity create.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['new'], 403);

    // Access to cache clear.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['clear'] . '1', 403);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['clear'] . '2', 403);

    // Access to CRUD.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 1, $this->urls['view']), 403);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 1, $this->urls['edit']), 403);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 1, $this->urls['delete']), 403);

   * Test the access for user with permissions for own content.
  public function testAccessLogged() {

    // Access to administration page.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['admin'], 403);

    // Access to new entity create.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['new'], 200);

    // Access to cache clear.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['clear'] . '1', 200);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['clear'] . '2', 403);

    // Access to CRUD for own entity.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 1, $this->urls['view']), 200);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 1, $this->urls['edit']), 200);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 1, $this->urls['delete']), 200);

    // Access to CRUD for other user created entity.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 2, $this->urls['view']), 403);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 2, $this->urls['edit']), 403);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 2, $this->urls['delete']), 403);

   * Test the access for user with permissions to all content (full CRUD).
  public function testAccessAdmin() {

    // Access to administration page.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['admin'], 200);

    // Access to new entity create.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['new'], 200);

    // Access to cache clear.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['clear'] . '1', 200);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess($this->urls['clear'] . '2', 200);

    // Access to CRUD for own entity.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 2, $this->urls['view']), 200);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 2, $this->urls['edit']), 200);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 2, $this->urls['delete']), 200);

    // Access to CRUD for other user created entity.
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 1, $this->urls['view']), 200);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 1, $this->urls['edit']), 200);
      ->cacheflushUrlAccess(str_replace("[ID]", 1, $this->urls['delete']), 200);

    // Check Access on the list interface.

    // User has access on the 4 entities to all operations.
      ->assertLink('Edit', 3);
      ->assertLink('Delete', 3);

   * Test interface listed entity views access.
  public function testAccessInterface() {

    // Check Access on the list interface.

    // User has access on the own entity to all operations.
      ->assertLink('Edit', 0);
      ->assertLink('Delete', 0);

   * Test interface listed entity views access.
  public function testAccessInterface2() {

    // Check Access on the list interface.

    // User has access to all entities.
    // Edit 1 -> own.
    // No delete.
      ->assertLink('Edit', 0);

   * Check access of URL.
   * @param string $url
   *   URL to check access.
   * @param int $code
   *   HTTP response.
  public function cacheflushUrlAccess($url, $code) {

   * Create cacheflush test entities.
  public function createTestEntitys() {
    $options = _cacheflush_get_option_list();
    $data = array();
    $data['cache']['functions'] = $options['cache']['functions'];
    $data['cache_menu']['functions'] = $options['cache_menu']['functions'];
    $data['css']['functions'] = $options['css']['functions'];
    $data = serialize($data);
    $entity = entity_create('cacheflush', array(
      'title' => 'LoggedUserEntity',
      'status' => 1,
      'menu' => 1,
      'data' => $data,
      'uid' => $this->logged_user->uid,
    $entity = entity_create('cacheflush', array(
      'title' => 'AdminUserEntity',
      'status' => 1,
      'menu' => 1,
      'data' => $data,
      'uid' => $this->admin_user->uid,
    $entity = entity_create('cacheflush', array(
      'title' => 'InterfaceUserEntity',
      'status' => 1,
      'menu' => 1,
      'data' => $data,
      'uid' => $this->interface_user->uid,
    $entity = entity_create('cacheflush', array(
      'title' => 'InterfaceUser2Entity',
      'status' => 1,
      'menu' => 1,
      'data' => $data,
      'uid' => $this->interface_user2->uid,

    // Clear menu cache to rebuild the Cacheflush clear menus.



Namesort descending Description
CacheFlushUICRUD Test the UI CRUD.
CacheFlushUICRUDAccessTest Defines a test for cacheflush ui module CRUD access.