in Cache Actions 7.2
Same filename and directory in other branches
Provides a simple time-based caching option for panel panes.
plugins/cache/rules.incView source
* @file
* Provides a simple time-based caching option for panel panes.
// Plugin definition.
$plugin = array(
'title' => t('Rules-based cache'),
'description' => t('Use rules and Cache Actions to determine when to clear the cache.'),
'cache get' => 'cache_actions_rules_cache_get_cache',
'cache set' => 'cache_actions_rules_cache_set_cache',
'cache clear' => 'cache_actions_rules_cache_clear_cache',
'cache clear pane' => 'cache_actions_rules_cache_clear_pane_cache',
'settings form' => 'cache_actions_rules_cache_settings_form',
'settings form validate' => 'cache_actions_rules_cache_settings_form_validate',
'settings form submit' => 'cache_actions_rules_cache_settings_form_submit',
'defaults' => array(
'granularity' => 'none',
'language' => 1,
'language_content' => 1,
'cache_key' => '',
'substitute' => 0,
* Get cached content.
function cache_actions_rules_cache_get_cache($conf, $display, $args, $contexts, $pane = NULL) {
if (!empty($conf['new'])) {
$cid = cache_actions_rules_cache_get_id($conf, $display, $args, $contexts, $pane);
$cache = cache_get($cid, 'cache');
if (!$cache) {
return FALSE;
return $cache->data;
$message = 'The panel pane %pane is using the old cache actions caching mechanism,
and won\'t be cached until you resave it.';
$parameters = array(
'%pane' => $pane->subtype,
watchdog('cache_actions', $message, $parameters, WATCHDOG_WARNING);
// Be very verbose for people who can control panels.
if (user_access('use panels caching features') && user_access('administer panels layouts')) {
drupal_set_message(t($message, $parameters), 'warning');
* Set cached content.
function cache_actions_rules_cache_set_cache($conf, $content, $display, $args, $contexts, $pane = NULL) {
if (!empty($conf['new'])) {
$cid = cache_actions_rules_cache_get_id($conf, $display, $args, $contexts, $pane);
cache_set($cid, $content);
* Clear cached content.
* @param stdClass $display
* The display object. If this object has a property named clear_pane, then
* that pane will be cleared.
function cache_actions_rules_cache_clear_cache($display) {
$cid = 'rc';
// Add some text if this is a pane, so that we don't clear all panes when
// we clear a panel pane.
if (isset($display->clear_pane)) {
$cid .= ':p';
if (is_numeric($display->did) && $display->did) {
$cid .= ':' . $display->did;
else {
// Add the cache key if this is an in-code display.
$cid .= ':' . $display->cache_key;
// If this is a mini panel then we have the owner property. Let's
// use the machine name for those.
if (isset($display->owner->name)) {
$cid .= ':' . $display->owner->name;
// If we have a pane specified, then append that to the key as well.
if (isset($display->clear_pane)) {
$cid .= ':' . $display->clear_pane->pid;
cache_clear_all($cid, 'cache', TRUE);
* Figure out an id for our cache based upon input and settings.
function cache_actions_rules_cache_get_id($conf, $display, $args, $contexts, $pane) {
$id = $conf['cache_key'];
if (!empty($display->context) && !empty($conf['substitute'])) {
$id = ctools_context_keyword_substitute($id, array(), $display->context);
if (user_access('view pane admin links')) {
$id .= ':adm';
switch ($conf['granularity']) {
case 'args':
foreach ($args as $arg) {
// Arguments can be many things, but we only consider the ones that are
// string values.
if (is_string($arg)) {
$id .= ':' . $arg;
case 'context':
if (!is_array($contexts)) {
$contexts = array(
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
if (isset($context->argument)) {
$id .= ':' . $context->argument;
// Add cache for individual language.
if ($conf['language']) {
global $language;
$id .= ':' . $language->language;
// Add cache for individual content language.
if (!empty($conf['language_content'])) {
global $language_content;
$id .= ':' . $language_content->language;
$cache = new stdClass();
$cache->conf = $conf;
$cache->display = $display;
$cache->args = $args;
$cache->contexts = $contexts;
$cache->pane = $pane;
$cache->key = $id;
// Let other modules alter the cache key.
drupal_alter('cache_actions_panels_cache_key', $cache);
return $cache->key;
* Provide a form for the cache settings.
* @param array $conf
* The current configuration.
* @param stdClass $display
* The display object
* @param string $pid
* The pane pid.
function cache_actions_rules_cache_settings_form(&$conf, $display, $pid) {
$form = array();
$form['granularity'] = array(
'#title' => t('Granularity'),
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => array(
'args' => t('Arguments'),
'context' => t('Context'),
'none' => t('None'),
'#description' => t('If "arguments" are selected, this content will be cached per individual argument to the entire display; if "contexts" are selected, this content will be cached per unique context in the pane or display; if "neither" there will be only one cache for this pane.'),
'#default_value' => $conf['granularity'],
$form['language'] = array(
'#title' => t('Cache per interface language'),
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#default_value' => $conf['language'],
'#description' => t('Select this if you want to cache content per language'),
$form['language_content'] = array(
'#title' => t('Cache per content language'),
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#default_value' => $conf['language_content'],
'#description' => t('Select this if you want to cache content per language'),
$form['advanced'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Advanced'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
// If we encounter an old value, we should convert it to a unique id instead.
if (!empty($conf['cache_key']) && $conf['cache_key'] == $display->cache_key) {
$conf['cache_key'] = uniqid();
$form['advanced']['cache_key'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#required' => TRUE,
'#title' => t('Cache key'),
'#default_value' => empty($conf['cache_key']) ? uniqid() : $conf['cache_key'],
'#description' => t('This is the key that will be used.
The granularity and language settings will be appended after this key.
You can use substitutions here.'),
$form['advanced']['substitute'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Use context keywords'),
'#description' => t('If checked, context keywords will be substituted in this content.
This is not compatible with the standard cache actions clear pane action!'),
'#default_value' => !empty($conf['substitute']),
$form['advanced']['contexts'] = array(
'#title' => t('Substitutions'),
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
$rows = array();
foreach ($display->context as $context) {
foreach (ctools_context_get_converters('%' . check_plain($context->keyword) . ':', $context) as $keyword => $title) {
$rows[] = array(
t('@identifier: @title', array(
'@title' => $title,
'@identifier' => $context->identifier,
$header = array(
$form['advanced']['contexts']['context'] = array(
'#markup' => theme('table', array(
'header' => $header,
'rows' => $rows,
// Store the old cache key so we can look up any rules that needs changing.
$form['old_cache_key'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $conf['cache_key'],
// Store the display cache key so we can use it in the submit callback.
$form['display_cache_key'] = array(
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => $display->cache_key,
return $form;
* Validates the cache settings.
function cache_actions_rules_cache_settings_form_validate($form, $values) {
$args = func_get_args();
$display = $form['display']['#value'];
$pid = $form['pid']['#value'];
foreach ($display->content as $pane) {
if (!empty($pane->cache['method']) && $pane->cache['method'] == 'rules' && $pid != $pane->pid && $pane->cache['settings']['cache_key'] == $values['advanced']['cache_key']) {
form_set_error('cache_key', t('The cache key must be unique'));
* Saves the cache settings.
* @param array $values
* The values to store.
function cache_actions_rules_cache_settings_form_submit(&$values) {
$values['cache_key'] = $values['advanced']['cache_key'];
$values['substitute'] = $values['advanced']['substitute'];
// Add an indicator that this is stored with the new caching mechanism.
$values['new'] = TRUE;
// Store cache key updates in a variable,
// so that we can update any rules that may be using the old cache key.
if (!empty($values['old_cache_key']) && $values['old_cache_key'] != $values['cache_key']) {
$cache_actions_updated_panes = variable_get('cache_actions_updated_panes', array());
// Store the oldest cache key for this session under the newest key.
if (isset($cache_actions_updated_panes[$values['display_cache_key']][$values['old_cache_key']])) {
$cache_actions_updated_panes[$values['display_cache_key']][$values['cache_key']] = $cache_actions_updated_panes[$values['display_cache_key']][$values['old_cache_key']];
else {
$cache_actions_updated_panes[$values['display_cache_key']][$values['cache_key']] = $values['old_cache_key'];
variable_set('cache_actions_updated_panes', $cache_actions_updated_panes);
unset($values['advanced']['cache_key'], $values['advanced']['substitute'], $values['old_cache_key'], $values['display_cache_key']);
Name | Description |
cache_actions_rules_cache_clear_cache | Clear cached content. |
cache_actions_rules_cache_get_cache | Get cached content. |
cache_actions_rules_cache_get_id | Figure out an id for our cache based upon input and settings. |
cache_actions_rules_cache_settings_form | Provide a form for the cache settings. |
cache_actions_rules_cache_settings_form_submit | Saves the cache settings. |
cache_actions_rules_cache_settings_form_validate | Validates the cache settings. |
cache_actions_rules_cache_set_cache | Set cached content. |