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public function BynderUploadWidgetTest::testUploadConfigurationForm in Bynder 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/BynderUploadWidgetTest.php \Drupal\Tests\bynder\FunctionalJavascript\BynderUploadWidgetTest::testUploadConfigurationForm()
  2. 8 tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/BynderUploadWidgetTest.php \Drupal\Tests\bynder\FunctionalJavascript\BynderUploadWidgetTest::testUploadConfigurationForm()
  3. 4.0.x tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/BynderUploadWidgetTest.php \Drupal\Tests\bynder\FunctionalJavascript\BynderUploadWidgetTest::testUploadConfigurationForm()

Tests upload configuration form.

Return value



tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/BynderUploadWidgetTest.php, line 179
Tests Bynder upload widget.


Test the Bynder upload widget.




public function testUploadConfigurationForm() {
  $metaproperties = [
    'test_filter' => [
      'label' => 'Test filter',
      'name' => 'test_filter',
      'id' => 'test_filter',
      'isFilterable' => TRUE,
      'isMultiselect' => FALSE,
      'isRequired' => FALSE,
      'zindex' => 1,
      'options' => [
        'optiona1' => [
          'displayLabel' => 'option A1',
          'id' => 'optiona1',
        'optiona2' => [
          'displayLabel' => 'option A2',
          'id' => 'optiona2',
    'test_another_filter' => [
      'label' => 'Test another filter',
      'name' => 'test_another_filter',
      'id' => 'test_another_filter',
      'isFilterable' => TRUE,
      'isMultiselect' => FALSE,
      'isRequired' => FALSE,
      'zindex' => 1,
      'options' => [
        'optionb1' => [
          'displayLabel' => 'option B1',
          'id' => 'optionb1',
        'optionb2' => [
          'displayLabel' => 'option B2',
          'id' => 'optionb2',
    ->set('bynder.bynder_test_metaproperties', $metaproperties);
    ->set('bynder.bynder_test_brands', [
      'id' => 'brand_id',
      'name' => 'Brand Name',
      'subBrands' => [],

  // Confirm no upload widget is present, remove search widget.
    ->pageTextNotContains('Label (Bynder upload)');
    ->fieldValueEquals('Label (Bynder search)', 'Bynder');
    ->pageTextNotContains('Label (Bynder search)');

  // Add upload widget and confirm default values.
    ->selectFieldOption('widget', 'bynder_upload');
    ->fieldValueEquals('Label (Bynder upload)', 'bynder_upload');
    ->fieldValueEquals('Submit button text', 'Select entities');
    ->fieldValueEquals('Allowed file extensions', 'jpg jpeg png gif');
    ->fieldValueEquals('Dropzone drag-n-drop zone text', 'Drop files here to upload them.');
    ->fieldValueEquals('Tags', '');

  // Set custom values, save and check if they were saved.
    ->fillField('Label (Bynder upload)', 'Upload');
    ->fillField('Submit button text', 'Upload assets');
    ->fillField('Allowed file extensions', 'png jpg');
    ->fillField('Dropzone drag-n-drop zone text', 'Drop files...');
    ->fillField('Tags', 'foo,bar,     baz');
    ->selectFieldOption('Media type', 'Bynder');
    ->selectFieldOption('Brand', 'Brand Name');
  $entity_browser = \Drupal\entity_browser\Entity\EntityBrowser::load('bynder');
    ->count() == 1);
  $widget_uuid = $entity_browser
  $widget_uuid = reset($widget_uuid);
  $upload_widget = $entity_browser
  $expected_config = [
    'settings' => [
      'brand' => 'brand_id',
      'extensions' => 'png jpg',
      'dropzone_description' => 'Drop files...',
      'tags' => [
      'media_type' => 'bynder',
      'submit_text' => 'Upload assets',
      'metaproperty_options' => [],
    'uuid' => $widget_uuid,
    'weight' => 1,
    'label' => 'Upload',
    'id' => 'bynder_upload',
    ->assertEquals($expected_config, $upload_widget
    ->fieldValueEquals('Label (Bynder upload)', 'Upload');
    ->fieldValueEquals('Submit button text', 'Upload assets');
    ->elementExists('xpath', '//select[@name="table[' . $widget_uuid . '][form][media_type]"]//option[@selected="selected" and @value="bynder"]');
    ->elementExists('xpath', '//select[@name="table[' . $widget_uuid . '][form][brand]"]//option[@selected="selected" and @value="brand_id"]');
    ->fieldValueEquals('Allowed file extensions', 'png jpg');
    ->fieldValueEquals('Dropzone drag-n-drop zone text', 'Drop files...');
    ->fieldValueEquals('Tags', 'foo, bar, baz');

  // Play with metaproperties AJAX form and confirm it saves correctly.
    ->checkField('table[' . $widget_uuid . '][form][metaproperties][test_filter]');
    ->selectFieldOption('table[' . $widget_uuid . '][form][metaproperty_options][test_filter][]', 'optiona2');
    ->pageTextContains('The entity browser Bynder has been updated.');
  $entity_browser = \Drupal\entity_browser\Entity\EntityBrowser::load('bynder');
    ->count() == 1);
  $widget_uuid = $entity_browser
  $widget_uuid = reset($widget_uuid);
  $upload_widget = $entity_browser
  $expected_config = [
    'settings' => [
      'brand' => 'brand_id',
      'extensions' => 'png jpg',
      'dropzone_description' => 'Drop files...',
      'tags' => [
      'media_type' => 'bynder',
      'submit_text' => 'Upload assets',
      'metaproperty_options' => [
        'test_filter' => [
    'uuid' => $widget_uuid,
    'weight' => 1,
    'label' => 'Upload',
    'id' => 'bynder_upload',
    ->assertEquals($expected_config, $upload_widget