button_field.module in Button Field 8
Same filename and directory in other branches
Defines a field, widget and formatter for the button field type.
button_field.moduleView source
* @file
* Defines a field, widget and formatter for the button field type.
use Drupal\button_field\Event\ButtonFieldClickedEvent;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse;
use Drupal\Core\Ajax\RedirectCommand;
* Implements button_field_views_api().
function button_field_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => 3,
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'button_field') . '/includes/views',
* Form builder callback for the dummy form used to render button field's on a
* display that is not editable.
function button_field_dummy_form($form, &$form_state) {
// Set the form's language.
$langcode = field_language($form_state['#entity_type'], $form_state['#' . $form_state['#entity_type']], $form_state['#field']['field_name']);
$form['language']['#value'] = $langcode;
// Add the field and the instance to the form state.
$field_name = $form_state['#field']['field_name'];
$form_state['field'][$field_name][$langcode]['field'] =& $form_state['#field'];
$form_state['field'][$field_name][$langcode]['instance'] =& $form_state['#instance'];
// Add the field element to the form.
$form[$field_name][$langcode][0] = $form_state['#element'];
return $form;
* Callback function for the FAPI ajax framework, used on edit forms.
function button_field_callback_ajax(&$form, &$form_state) {
$entity = $form_state
$field_name = $form_state
$field = $entity
$event = new ButtonFieldClickedEvent($entity, [
'field' => $field,
'entity' => $entity,
$event_dispatcher = \Drupal::service('event_dispatcher');
->dispatch(ButtonFieldClickedEvent::EVENT_NAME, $event);
return _button_field_ajax_response();
* Builds the response for an ajax callback.
function _button_field_ajax_response() {
$response = new AjaxResponse();
$container = \Drupal::getContainer();
$request = $container
$rules_path = $request->attributes
if (!empty($rules_path)) {
// Remove the redirect so that we don't return an HTML response, and add an
// ajax redirect command.
->addCommand(new RedirectCommand($rules_path));
return $response;
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
* Hides the required setting and default value from the field instance settings
* form because they do not apply to this field type.
function button_field_form_field_ui_field_instance_edit_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form['#field']
->getType() == 'button_field') {
// Hide the required field and set it to false.
$form['instance']['required']['#access'] = FALSE;
$form['instance']['required']['#default_value'] = FALSE;
// No need to display a default value widget.
$form['instance']['default_value']['#access'] = FALSE;
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
* Hides the cardinality fields from the field settings form because it does not
* apply to this field type.
function button_field_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form['#field']
->getType() == 'button_field') {
// Hide the cardinality and set it to one.
$form['field']['cardinality_container']['#access'] = FALSE;
$form['field']['cardinality_container']['cardinality']['#default_value'] = 'number';
$form['field']['cardinality_container']['cardinality_number']['#default_value'] = 1;
Name![]() |
Description |
button_field_callback_ajax | Callback function for the FAPI ajax framework, used on edit forms. |
button_field_dummy_form | Form builder callback for the dummy form used to render button field's on a display that is not editable. |
button_field_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter | Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
button_field_form_field_ui_field_instance_edit_form_alter | Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
button_field_views_api | Implements button_field_views_api(). |
_button_field_ajax_response | Builds the response for an ajax callback. |