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7 calls to Matrix::getCellByElementUuid() in Business Rules 2.x

Matrix::getBottomCells in src/Util/Flowchart/Matrix.php
Get all not empty cells at bottom of one element.
Matrix::getElementAbove in src/Util/Flowchart/Matrix.php
Get the element above in the matrix.
Matrix::getLeftCells in src/Util/Flowchart/Matrix.php
Get all not empty cells at left of one element.
Matrix::getRightCells in src/Util/Flowchart/Matrix.php
Get all not empty cells at right of one element.
Matrix::leftCellIsEmpty in src/Util/Flowchart/Matrix.php
Check if the cell at left from the element is empty.
Matrix::putElement in src/Util/Flowchart/Matrix.php
Put an element inside the matrix.
Matrix::rightCellIsEmpty in src/Util/Flowchart/Matrix.php
Check if the cell at right from the element is empty.