public static function BusinessRulesViewsSelection::updateDependentField in Business Rules 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 2.x src/Plugin/EntityReferenceSelection/BusinessRulesViewsSelection.php \Drupal\business_rules\Plugin\EntityReferenceSelection\BusinessRulesViewsSelection::updateDependentField()
Update the dependent field options.
array $form: The form.
\Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state: The form state.
Return value
mixed The updated field.
- src/
Plugin/ EntityReferenceSelection/ BusinessRulesViewsSelection.php, line 161
- BusinessRulesViewsSelection
- Plugin override of the 'selection' entity_reference.
public static function updateDependentField(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$entity = $form_state
$trigger_field = $form_state
// Update children.
$children = $trigger_field['#ajax']['br_children'];
$response = new AjaxResponse();
foreach ($children as $child) {
$field_definition = $entity
if ($field_definition[$child]
->getSetting('handler') == 'business_rules_views') {
$handler_settings = $field_definition[$child]
$view = Views::getView($handler_settings['business_rules_view']['view_name']);
$parent_field_value = $trigger_field['#value'];
if ($trigger_field['#type'] === 'entity_autocomplete' && preg_match('/\\((\\d+)\\)$/', $parent_field_value, $matches)) {
// If the field widget is entity autocomplete, the returned value is a
// string which contains the entity id.
$parent_field_value = $matches[1];
if (!empty($handler_settings['business_rules_view']['reference_parent_by_uuid'])) {
$parent_field_value = static::convertEntityIdsToUuids($parent_field_value, $view
// If we have an array with values we should implode those values and
// enable Allow multiple values into our contextual filter.
if (is_array($parent_field_value)) {
$parent_field_value = implode(",", $parent_field_value);
// Get values from the view.
$arguments = $handler_settings['business_rules_view']['arguments'];
->setArguments(!empty($parent_field_value) ? [
] + $arguments : $arguments);
$options = static::getViewOptions($view);
$form_field = $form[$child];
$form_field['widget']['#options'] = $options;
$html_field_id = explode('-wrapper-', $form_field['#id'])[0];
// Fix html_field_id last char when it ends with _.
$html_field_id = substr($child, strlen($child) - 1, 1) == '_' ? $html_field_id . '-' : $html_field_id;
$formatter = $form_field['widget']['#type'];
->addCommand(new UpdateOptionsCommand($html_field_id, $options, $formatter));
return $response;