You are here

commenter.bueditor.txt in BUEditor 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.2 import/commenter.bueditor.txt
array (
  'name' => 'Commenter',
  'pages' => 'node/*
  'excludes' => 'edit-log
  'iconpath' => '%BUEDITOR/icons',
  'spriteon' => '1',
  'buttons' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    array (
      'title' => 'Bold',
      'content' => '<strong>%TEXT%</strong>',
      'icon' => 'bold.png',
      'accesskey' => 'B',
      'weight' => '0',
    1 => 
    array (
      'title' => 'Italic',
      'content' => '<em>%TEXT%</em>',
      'icon' => 'italic.png',
      'accesskey' => 'I',
      'weight' => '1',
    2 => 
    array (
      'title' => 'tpl:dot',
      'content' => '',
      'icon' => 'dot.png',
      'accesskey' => '',
      'weight' => '2',
    3 => 
    array (
      'title' => 'Quote',
      'content' => '<blockquote>%TEXT%</blockquote>',
      'icon' => 'quote.png',
      'accesskey' => 'Q',
      'weight' => '3',
    4 => 
    array (
      'title' => 'Code',
      'content' => '<code>%TEXT%</code>',
      'icon' => 'code.png',
      'accesskey' => 'D',
      'weight' => '4',
    5 => 
    array (
      'title' => 'tpl:dot',
      'content' => '',
      'icon' => 'dot.png',
      'accesskey' => '',
      'weight' => '5',
    6 => 
    array (
      'title' => 'Number list',
      'content' => 'js:
var pos = E.replaceSelection(\'<ol>\\n  <li>\' + E.getSelection().replace(/\\r\\n?|\\n/g, \'</li>\\n  <li>\') + \'</li>\\n</ol>\').posSelection().end - 11;
E.makeSelection(pos, pos);',
      'icon' => 'ol.png',
      'accesskey' => 'O',
      'weight' => '6',
    7 => 
    array (
      'title' => 'Bullet list',
      'content' => 'js:
var pos = E.replaceSelection(\'<ul>\\n  <li>\' + E.getSelection().replace(/\\r\\n?|\\n/g, \'</li>\\n  <li>\') + \'</li>\\n</ul>\').posSelection().end - 11;
E.makeSelection(pos, pos);',
      'icon' => 'ul.png',
      'accesskey' => 'N',
      'weight' => '7',
    8 => 
    array (
      'title' => 'tpl:dot',
      'content' => '',
      'icon' => 'dot.png',
      'accesskey' => '',
      'weight' => '8',
    9 => 
    array (
      'title' => 'Insert link',
      'content' => 'js:
var url = prompt(\'Enter the link address\', \'\');
url && E.tagSelection(\'<a href="\'+ url +\'">\', \'</a>\');',
      'icon' => 'link.png',
      'accesskey' => 'L',
      'weight' => '9',
  'icons' => 
  array (
  'library' => 
  array (


View source
  1. array (
  2. 'name' => 'Commenter',
  3. 'pages' => 'node/*
  4. comment/*',
  5. 'excludes' => 'edit-log
  6. edit-menu-description',
  7. 'iconpath' => '%BUEDITOR/icons',
  8. 'spriteon' => '1',
  9. 'buttons' =>
  10. array (
  11. 0 =>
  12. array (
  13. 'title' => 'Bold',
  14. 'content' => '%TEXT%',
  15. 'icon' => 'bold.png',
  16. 'accesskey' => 'B',
  17. 'weight' => '0',
  18. ),
  19. 1 =>
  20. array (
  21. 'title' => 'Italic',
  22. 'content' => '%TEXT%',
  23. 'icon' => 'italic.png',
  24. 'accesskey' => 'I',
  25. 'weight' => '1',
  26. ),
  27. 2 =>
  28. array (
  29. 'title' => 'tpl:dot',
  30. 'content' => '',
  31. 'icon' => 'dot.png',
  32. 'accesskey' => '',
  33. 'weight' => '2',
  34. ),
  35. 3 =>
  36. array (
  37. 'title' => 'Quote',
  38. 'content' => '
  39. 'icon' => 'quote.png',
  40. 'accesskey' => 'Q',
  41. 'weight' => '3',
  42. ),
  43. 4 =>
  44. array (
  45. 'title' => 'Code',
  46. 'content' => '%TEXT%',
  47. 'icon' => 'code.png',
  48. 'accesskey' => 'D',
  49. 'weight' => '4',
  50. ),
  51. 5 =>
  52. array (
  53. 'title' => 'tpl:dot',
  54. 'content' => '',
  55. 'icon' => 'dot.png',
  56. 'accesskey' => '',
  57. 'weight' => '5',
  58. ),
  59. 6 =>
  60. array (
  61. 'title' => 'Number list',
  62. 'content' => 'js:
  63. var pos = E.replaceSelection(\'
    1. \' + E.getSelection().replace(/\\r\\n?|\\n/g, \'
    2. \\n
    3. \') + \'
    4. \\n
    \').posSelection().end - 11;
  64. E.makeSelection(pos, pos);',
  65. 'icon' => 'ol.png',
  66. 'accesskey' => 'O',
  67. 'weight' => '6',
  68. ),
  69. 7 =>
  70. array (
  71. 'title' => 'Bullet list',
  72. 'content' => 'js:
  73. var pos = E.replaceSelection(\'
    • \' + E.getSelection().replace(/\\r\\n?|\\n/g, \'
    • \\n
    • \') + \'
    • \\n
    \').posSelection().end - 11;
  74. E.makeSelection(pos, pos);',
  75. 'icon' => 'ul.png',
  76. 'accesskey' => 'N',
  77. 'weight' => '7',
  78. ),
  79. 8 =>
  80. array (
  81. 'title' => 'tpl:dot',
  82. 'content' => '',
  83. 'icon' => 'dot.png',
  84. 'accesskey' => '',
  85. 'weight' => '8',
  86. ),
  87. 9 =>
  88. array (
  89. 'title' => 'Insert link',
  90. 'content' => 'js:
  91. var url = prompt(\'Enter the link address\', \'\');
  92. url && E.tagSelection(\'\', \'\');',
  93. 'icon' => 'link.png',
  94. 'accesskey' => 'L',
  95. 'weight' => '9',
  96. ),
  97. ),
  98. 'icons' =>
  99. array (
  100. ),
  101. 'library' =>
  102. array (
  103. ),
  104. )