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bs_shortcodes.module in Bootstrap 3 shortcodes 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 bs_shortcodes.module


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 * @file
 * Adds shortcodes for all Bootstrap elements.
 * @author Filip Stefansson, Simon Yeldon, and Michael W. Delaney, Jurriaan Roelofs
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/functions.php';

 * Implementation of hook_preprocess_page().
function bs_shortcodes_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'bs_shortcodes');
  drupal_add_js($path . '/includes/js/bootstrap-shortcodes-tooltip.js', 'file');
  drupal_add_js($path . '/includes/js/bootstrap-shortcodes-popover.js', 'file');

  // drupal_add_js($path . 'js/bootstrap-shortcodes-scrollspy.js', 'file');

 * add_shortcodes
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_shortcode_info() {
  $shortcodes_list = array(
  foreach ($shortcodes_list as $shortcode) {
    $shortcode_php = 'bs_shortcodes_' . str_replace('-', '_', $shortcode);
    $shortcodes[$shortcode] = array(
      'title' => $shortcode,
      'description' => t("Bootstrap 3 @shortcode", array(
        '@shortcode' => $shortcode,
      'process callback' => $shortcode_php,
      'tips callback' => '',
      'default settings' => array(),
      'attributes callback' => $shortcode_php . '_attributes',
  $shortcodes['shortcode-help'] = array(
    'title' => '',
    'description' => t('Links documentation in text formats help'),
    'process callback' => '',
    'tips callback' => 'bs_shortcodes_shortcode_help_tips',
    'default settings' => array(),
    'attributes callback' => '',
  return $shortcodes;

 * bs_shortcodes_button
 * @author Filip Stefansson, Nicolas Jonas
 * @since 1.0
 * //DW mod added xclass var
function bs_shortcodes_button($attrs, $content = '') {
    "type" => '',
    "style" => '',
    "size" => '',
    "block" => '',
    "dropdown" => '',
    "link" => '',
    "target" => '',
    "disabled" => '',
    "active" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "title" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'btn';
  $class .= $type ? ' btn-' . $type : ' btn-default';
  $class .= $size ? ' btn-' . $size : '';
  $class .= $block != '' ? ' btn-block' : '';
  $class .= $dropdown != '' ? ' dropdown-toggle' : '';
  $class .= $disabled != '' ? ' disabled' : '';
  $class .= $active != '' ? ' active' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';

  // Styles:
  // Transparent
  // 3d
  // 3d-plus
  // swag see also
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<a href="%s" class="%s"%s%s%s>%s</a>', check_url($link), check_plain($class), $target ? sprintf(' target="%s"', check_plain($target)) : '', $title ? sprintf(' title="%s"', check_plain($title)) : '', $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_button_group
 * @author M. W. Delaney
function bs_shortcodes_button_group($attrs, $content = '') {
    "size" => '',
    "vertical" => '',
    "justified" => '',
    "dropup" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'btn-group';
  $class .= $size ? ' btn-group-' . $size : '';
  $class .= $vertical != '' ? ' btn-group-vertical' : '';
  $class .= $justified != '' ? ' btn-group-justified' : '';
  $class .= $dropup != '' ? ' dropup' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_button_toolbar
function bs_shortcodes_button_toolbar($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'btn-toolbar';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_caret
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_caret($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'caret';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<span class="%s"%s>%s</span>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_container
 * @author Robin Wouters
 * @since
function bs_shortcodes_container($attrs, $content = '') {
    "fluid" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = $fluid != '' ? 'container-fluid' : 'container';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_dropdown
 * @author M. W. Delaney
function bs_shortcodes_dropdown($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'dropdown-menu';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<ul role="menu" class="%s"%s>%s</ul>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_dropdown_item
 * @author M. W. Delaney
function bs_shortcodes_dropdown_item($attrs, $content = '') {
    "link" => '',
    "disabled" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $li_class = '';
  $li_class .= $disabled != '' ? ' disabled' : '';
  $a_class = '';
  $a_class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<li role="presentation" class="%s"><a role="menuitem" href="%s" class="%s"%s>%s</a></li>', check_plain($li_class), check_url($link), check_plain($a_class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_dropdown_divider
 * @author M. W. Delaney
function bs_shortcodes_divider($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'divider';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<li class="%s"%s>%s</li>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_dropdown_header
 * @author M. W. Delaney
function bs_shortcodes_dropdown_header($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'dropdown-header';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<li class="%s"%s>%s</li>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_nav
function bs_shortcodes_nav($attrs, $content = '') {
    "type" => '',
    "stacked" => '',
    "justified" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'nav';
  $class .= $type ? ' nav-' . $type : ' nav-tabs';
  $class .= $stacked != '' ? ' nav-stacked' : '';
  $class .= $justified != '' ? ' nav-justified' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<ul class="%s"%s>%s</ul>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_nav_item
function bs_shortcodes_nav_item($attrs, $content = '') {
    "link" => '',
    "active" => '',
    "disabled" => '',
    "dropdown" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $li_classes = '';
  $li_classes .= $dropdown ? 'dropdown' : '';
  $li_classes .= $active != '' ? ' active' : '';
  $li_classes .= $disabled != '' ? ' disabled' : '';
  $a_classes = '';
  $a_classes .= $dropdown != '' ? ' dropdown-toggle' : '';
  $a_classes .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);

  # Wrong idea I guess ....

  #$pattern = ( $dropdown ) ? '<li%1$s><a href="%2$s"%3$s%4$s%5$s></a>%6$s</li>' : '<li%1$s><a href="%2$s"%3$s%4$s%5$s>%6$s</a></li>';

  //* If we have a dropdown shortcode inside the content we end the link before the dropdown shortcode, else all content goes inside the link
  $content = $dropdown ? str_replace('[dropdown]', '</a>[dropdown]', $content) : $content . '</a>';
  return sprintf('<li%1$s><a href="%2$s"%3$s%4$s%5$s>%6$s</li>', !empty($li_classes) ? sprintf(' class="%s"', check_plain($li_classes)) : '', check_url($link), !empty($a_classes) ? sprintf(' class="%s"', check_plain($a_classes)) : '', $dropdown ? ' data-toggle="dropdown"' : '', $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_alert
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_alert($attrs, $content = '') {
    "type" => '',
    "dismissable" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'alert';
  $class .= $type ? ' alert-' . $type : ' alert-success';
  $class .= $dismissable != '' ? ' alert-dismissable' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $dismissable = $dismissable ? '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="TRUE">&times;</button>' : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $dismissable, $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_progress
function bs_shortcodes_progress($attrs, $content = '') {
    "striped" => '',
    "animated" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'progress';
  $class .= $striped != '' ? ' progress-striped' : '';
  $class .= $animated != '' ? ' active' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_progress_bar
function bs_shortcodes_progress_bar($attrs, $content = '') {
    "type" => '',
    "percent" => '',
    "label" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'progress-bar';
  $class .= $type ? ' progress-bar-' . $type : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s" role="progressbar" %s%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $percent ? ' aria-value="' . (int) $percent . '" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="width: ' . (int) $percent . '%;"' : '', $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $percent ? sprintf('<span%s>%s</span>', !$label ? ' class="sr-only"' : '', (int) $percent . '% Complete') : '');

 * bs_shortcodes_code
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_code($attrs, $content = '') {
    "inline" => '',
    "scrollable" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = '';
  $class .= $scrollable != '' ? ' pre-scrollable' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<%1$s class="%2$s"%3$s>%4$s</%1$s>', $inline ? 'code' : 'pre', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_row
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_row($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'row';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_column
 * @author Simon Yeldon
 * @since 1.0
 * @todo pull and offset
function bs_shortcodes_column($attrs, $content = '') {
    "lg" => false,
    "md" => false,
    "sm" => false,
    "xs" => false,
    "offset_lg" => false,
    "offset_md" => false,
    "offset_sm" => false,
    "offset_xs" => false,
    "pull_lg" => false,
    "pull_md" => false,
    "pull_sm" => false,
    "pull_xs" => false,
    "push_lg" => false,
    "push_md" => false,
    "push_sm" => false,
    "push_xs" => false,
    "xclass" => false,
    "data" => false,
  ), $attrs));
  $class = '';
  $class .= $lg ? ' col-lg-' . $lg : '';
  $class .= $md ? ' col-md-' . $md : '';
  $class .= $sm ? ' col-sm-' . $sm : '';
  $class .= $xs ? ' col-xs-' . $xs : '';
  $class .= $offset_lg || $offset_lg === 0 ? ' col-lg-offset-' . $offset_lg : '';
  $class .= $offset_md || $offset_md === 0 ? ' col-md-offset-' . $offset_md : '';
  $class .= $offset_sm || $offset_sm === 0 ? ' col-sm-offset-' . $offset_sm : '';
  $class .= $offset_xs || $offset_xs === 0 ? ' col-xs-offset-' . $offset_xs : '';
  $class .= $pull_lg || $pull_lg === 0 ? ' col-lg-pull-' . $pull_lg : '';
  $class .= $pull_md || $pull_md === 0 ? ' col-md-pull-' . $pull_md : '';
  $class .= $pull_sm || $pull_sm === 0 ? ' col-sm-pull-' . $pull_sm : '';
  $class .= $pull_xs || $pull_xs === 0 ? ' col-xs-pull-' . $pull_xs : '';
  $class .= $push_lg || $push_lg === 0 ? ' col-lg-push-' . $push_lg : '';
  $class .= $push_md || $push_md === 0 ? ' col-md-push-' . $push_md : '';
  $class .= $push_sm || $push_sm === 0 ? ' col-sm-push-' . $push_sm : '';
  $class .= $push_xs || $push_xs === 0 ? ' col-xs-push-' . $push_xs : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_list_group
 * @author M. W. Delaney
function bs_shortcodes_list_group($attrs, $content = '') {
    "linked" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'list-group';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<%1$s class="%2$s"%3$s>%4$s</%1$s>', $linked != '' ? 'div' : 'ul', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_list_group_item
 * @author M. W. Delaney
function bs_shortcodes_list_group_item($attrs, $content = '') {
    "link" => '',
    "type" => '',
    "active" => '',
    "target" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'list-group-item';
  $class .= $type ? ' list-group-item-' . $type : '';
  $class .= $active != '' ? ' active' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<%1$s %2$s %3$s class="%4$s"%5$s>%6$s</%1$s>', $link ? 'a' : 'li', $link ? 'href="' . check_url($link) . '"' : '', $target ? sprintf(' target="%s"', check_plain($target)) : '', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_list_group_item_heading
function bs_shortcodes_list_group_item_heading($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'list-group-item-heading';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<h4 class="%s"%s>%s</h4>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_list_group_item_text
function bs_shortcodes_list_group_item_text($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'list-group-item-text';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<p class="%s"%s>%s</p>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_breadcrumb
function bs_shortcodes_breadcrumb($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'breadcrumb';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<ol class="%s"%s>%s</ol>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_breadcrumb_item
 * @author M. W. Delaney
function bs_shortcodes_breadcrumb_item($attrs, $content = '') {
    "link" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<li><a href="%s" class="%s"%s>%s</a></li>', check_url($link), check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_label
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_label($attrs, $content = '') {
    "type" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'label';
  $class .= $type ? ' label-' . $type : ' label-default';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<span class="%s"%s>%s</span>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_badge
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_badge($attrs, $content = '') {
    "right" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'badge';
  $class .= $right != '' ? ' pull-right' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<span class="%s"%s>%s</span>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_icon
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_icon($attrs, $content = '') {
    "type" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'glyphicon';
  $class .= $type ? ' glyphicon-' . $type : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<i class="%s"%s>%s</i>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * simple_table
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
 * function bs_shortcodes_table( $attrs ) {
 *     extract( shortcode_attrs( array(
 *         'cols' => 'none',
 *         'data' => 'none',
 *         'bordered' => '',
 *         'striped' => '',
 *         'hover' => '',
 *         'condensed' => '',
 *     ), $attrs ) );
 *     $cols = explode(',',$cols);
 *     $data = explode(',',$data);
 *     $total = count($cols);
 *     $return  = '<table class="table ';
 *     $return .= ($bordered) ? 'table-bordered ' : '';
 *     $return .= ($striped) ? 'table-striped ' : '';
 *     $return .= ($hover) ? 'table-hover ' : '';
 *     $return .= ($condensed) ? 'table-condensed ' : '';
 *     $return .='"><tr>';
 *     foreach($cols as $col):
 *         $return .= '<th>'.$col.'</th>';
 *     endforeach;
 *     $output .= '</tr><tr>';
 *     $counter = 1;
 *     foreach($data as $datum):
 *         $return .= '<td>'.$datum.'</td>';
 *         if($counter%$total==0):
 *             $return .= '</tr>';
 *         endif;
 *         $counter++;
 *     endforeach;
 *         $return .= '</table>';
 *     return $return;
 * }

 * bs_shortcodes_table_wrap
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_table_wrap($attrs, $content = '') {
    'bordered' => '',
    'striped' => '',
    'hover' => '',
    'condensed' => '',
    'responsive' => '',
    'xclass' => '',
    'data' => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'table';
  $class .= $bordered != '' ? ' table-bordered' : '';
  $class .= $striped != '' ? ' table-striped' : '';
  $class .= $hover != '' ? ' table-hover' : '';
  $class .= $condensed != '' ? ' table-condensed' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $return = '';
  $tag = array(
  $title = '';
  $content = $content;
  $return .= _bs_shortcodes_scrape_dom_element($tag, $content, $class, $title, $data);
  if ($responsive != '') {
    $return = '<div class="table-responsive">' . $return . '</div>';
  return $return;

 * bs_shortcodes_well
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
 * Options:
 *   size: sm = small, lg = large
function bs_shortcodes_well($attrs, $content = '') {
    "size" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'well';
  $class .= $size ? ' well-' . $size : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_panel
 * @author M. W. Delaney
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_panel($attrs, $content = '') {
    "title" => '',
    "heading" => '',
    "type" => '',
    "footer" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'panel';
  $class .= $type ? ' panel-' . $type : ' panel-default';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  if (!$heading && $title) {
    $heading = $title;
    $title = TRUE;
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  $footer = $footer ? '<div class="panel-footer">' . $footer . '</div>' : '';
  if ($heading) {
    $heading = sprintf('<div class="panel-heading">%s%s%s</div>', $title ? '<h3 class="panel-title">' : '', check_markup($heading), $title ? '</h3>' : '');
  else {
    $heading = '';
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s<div class="panel-body">%s</div>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $heading, $content, $footer ? ' ' . $footer : '');

 * bs_shortcodes_tabs
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
 * Modified by TwItCh
 * Now acts a whole nav/tab/pill shortcode solution!
function bs_shortcodes_tabs($attrs, $content = '') {
    "type" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $ul_class = 'nav';
  $ul_class .= $type ? ' nav-' . $type : ' nav-tabs';
  $ul_class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $div_class = 'tab-content';
  $id = drupal_html_class('custom-tabs-' . $GLOBALS['tabs_count']);
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);

  // $attrs_map = bs_attribute_map( $content );
  // Because the Drupal API parses shortcodes from the inside out
  // we need to do some libxml magic here
  // ~Jur
  $previous_value = libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE);
  $dom = new DOMDocument();
    ->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($content, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
  $finder = new DomXPath($dom);
  $domNodes = $finder
    ->query("//div[contains(@class, tab-pane)]");
  $attrs_map = array();
  foreach ($domNodes as $domNode) {
    if (strpos($domNode
      ->getAttribute('class'), 'active') === FALSE) {
      $active = FALSE;
    else {
      $active = 'true';
    $attrs_map[] = array(
      'tab' => array(
        'title' => $domNode
        'active' => $active,

  // Extract the tab titles for use in the tab widget.
  if ($attrs_map) {
    $tabs = array();
    $GLOBALS['tabs_default_active'] = TRUE;
    foreach ($attrs_map as $check) {
      if (!empty($check["tab"]["active"])) {
        $GLOBALS['tabs_default_active'] = FALSE;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($attrs_map as $tab) {
      $tabs[] = sprintf('<li%s><a href="#%s" data-toggle="tab">%s</a></li>', !empty($tab["tab"]["active"]) || $GLOBALS['tabs_default_active'] && $i == 0 ? ' class="active"' : '', drupal_html_class('custom-tab-' . $GLOBALS['tabs_count'] . '-' . check_plain($tab["tab"]["title"])), $tab["tab"]["title"]);
  if (isset($GLOBALS['tabs_count'])) {
  else {
    $GLOBALS['tabs_count'] = 0;
  return sprintf('<ul class="%s" id="%s"%s>%s</ul><div class="%s">%s</div>', check_plain($ul_class), check_plain($id), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $tabs ? implode($tabs) : '', check_plain($div_class), $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_tab
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_tab($attrs, $content = '') {
  if (!isset($GLOBALS['tabs_count'])) {
    $GLOBALS['tabs_count'] = 0;
    'title' => '',
    'active' => '',
    'fade' => '',
    'xclass' => '',
    'data' => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'tab-pane';
  $class .= $fade != '' ? ' fade' : '';
  $class .= $active != '' ? ' active' : '';
  $class .= $active != '' && $fade != '' ? ' in' : '';
  $id = drupal_html_class('custom-tab-' . $GLOBALS['tabs_count'] . '-' . check_plain($title));
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);

  // We need to pass the title attribute to the tabs shortcode here ~Jur
  return sprintf('<div id="%s" title="%s" class="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($id), check_plain($title), check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_collapsibles
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_collapsibles($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'panel-group';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $id = 'custom-collapse-' . $GLOBALS['collapsibles_count'];
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  if (isset($GLOBALS['collapsibles_count'])) {
  return sprintf('<div class="%s" id="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), drupal_html_id($id), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_collapse
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_collapse($attrs, $content = '') {
  if (!isset($GLOBALS['collapsibles_count'])) {
    $GLOBALS['collapsibles_count'] = 0;
    "title" => '',
    "type" => '',
    "active" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $panel_class = 'panel';
  $panel_class .= $type ? ' panel-' . $type : ' panel-default';
  $panel_class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $link_class = 'accordion-toggle';
  $link_class .= $active != '' ? '' : ' collapsed';
  $collapse_class = 'panel-collapse';
  $collapse_class .= $active != '' ? 'collapse in' : ' collapse';
  $parent = 'custom-collapse-' . $GLOBALS['collapsibles_count'];
  $current_collapse = $parent . '-' . check_plain($title);
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%1$s"%2$s>
      <div class="panel-heading">
        <h4 class="panel-title">
          <a class="%3$s" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#%4$s" href="#%5$s">%6$s</a>
      <div id="%5$s" class="%7$s">
        <div class="panel-body">%8$s</div>
    </div>', check_plain($panel_class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', check_plain($link_class), $parent, drupal_html_id($current_collapse), $title, check_plain($collapse_class), $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_carousel
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_carousel($attrs, $content = '') {
    "interval" => '',
    "pause" => '',
    "wrap" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $div_class = 'carousel slide';
  $div_class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $inner_class = 'carousel-inner';
  $id = 'custom-carousel-' . $GLOBALS['carousel_count'];
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);

  // $attrs_map = bs_attribute_map( $content );
  // @see bs_shortcodes_tabs
  // ~Jur
  // Extract the slide titles for use in the carousel widget.
  $count = substr_count($content, 'class="item');
  $indicators = array();
  for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
    if ($i == 0) {
      $active = 'active';
    else {
      $active = '';
    $indicators[] = sprintf('<li class="%s" data-target="%s" data-slide-to="%s"></li>', $active, check_plain('#' . $id), check_plain($i));
  if (isset($GLOBALS['carousel_count'])) {
  else {
    $GLOBALS['carousel_count'] = 0;
  return sprintf('<div class="%s" id="%s" data-ride="carousel"%s%s%s%s>%s<div class="%s">%s</div>%s%s</div>', check_plain($div_class), check_plain($id), $interval ? sprintf(' data-interval="%d"', $interval) : '', $pause ? sprintf(' data-pause="%s"', check_plain($pause)) : '', $wrap != '' ? sprintf(' data-wrap="%s"', check_plain($wrap)) : '', $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $indicators ? '<ol class="carousel-indicators">' . implode($indicators) . '</ol>' : '', check_plain($inner_class), $content, '<a class="left carousel-control"  href="' . check_url('#' . $id) . '" data-slide="prev"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i></a>', '<a class="right carousel-control" href="' . check_url('#' . $id) . '" data-slide="next"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></i></a>');

 * bs_shortcodes_carousel_item
 * @author Filip Stefansson
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_carousel_item($attrs, $content = '') {
  if (!isset($GLOBALS['carousel_count'])) {
    $GLOBALS['carousel_count'] = 0;
    "active" => '',
    "caption" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'item';
  $class .= $active != '' ? ' active' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  $content = preg_replace('/class=".*?"/', '', $content);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content, $caption ? '<div class="carousel-caption">' . check_markup($caption) . '</div>' : '');

 * bs_shortcodes_tooltip
 * @author
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_tooltip($attrs, $content = '') {
  $defaults = array(
    'title' => '',
    'placement' => 'top',
    'animation' => 'TRUE',
    'html' => 'FALSE',
    'data' => '',
  extract(shortcode_attrs($defaults, $attrs));
  $class = 'bs-tooltip';
  $data .= $animation ? _bs_shortcodes_check_for_data($data) . 'animation,' . $animation : '';
  $data .= $placement ? _bs_shortcodes_check_for_data($data) . 'placement,' . $placement : '';
  $data .= $html ? _bs_shortcodes_check_for_data($data) . 'html,' . $html : '';
  $return = '';
  $tag = 'span';
  $content = $content;
  $return .= _bs_shortcodes_get_dom_element($tag, $content, $class, $title, $data);
  return $return;

 * bs_shortcodes_popover
function bs_shortcodes_popover($attrs, $content = '') {
  $defaults = array(
    'title' => '',
    'text' => '',
    'placement' => 'top',
    'animation' => 'TRUE',
    'html' => 'FALSE',
    'data' => '',
  extract(shortcode_attrs($defaults, $attrs));
  $class = 'bs-popover';
  $data .= _bs_shortcodes_check_for_data($data) . 'toggle,popover';
  $data .= _bs_shortcodes_check_for_data($data) . 'content,' . str_replace(',', '&#44;', $text);
  $data .= $animation ? _bs_shortcodes_check_for_data($data) . 'animation,' . $animation : '';
  $data .= $placement ? _bs_shortcodes_check_for_data($data) . 'placement,' . $placement : '';
  $data .= $html ? _bs_shortcodes_check_for_data($data) . 'html,' . $html : '';
  $return = '';
  $tag = 'span';
  $content = $content;
  $return .= _bs_shortcodes_get_dom_element($tag, $content, $class, $title, $data);
  return $return;

 * bs_shortcodes_media
 * @author
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_media($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'media';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);
function bs_shortcodes_media_object($attrs, $content = '') {
    "pull" => "left",
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = "media-object img-responsive";
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $return = '';
  $tag = array(
  $title = '';
  $content = preg_replace('/(<br>)+$/', '', $content);
  $return .= _bs_shortcodes_scrape_dom_element($tag, $content, $class, $title, $data);
  $return = '<span class="pull-' . check_plain($pull) . '">' . $return . '</span>';
  return $return;
function bs_shortcodes_media_body($attrs, $content = '') {
    "title" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $div_class = 'media-body';
  $div_class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $h4_class = 'media-heading';
  $h4_class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s><h4 class="%s">%s</h4>%s</div>', check_plain($div_class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', check_plain($h4_class), check_markup($title), $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_jumbotron
function bs_shortcodes_jumbotron($attrs, $content = '') {
    "title" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'jumbotron';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $title ? '<h1>' . check_plain($title) . '</h1>' : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_page_header
function bs_shortcodes_page_header($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  $class = "page-header";
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $return = '';
  $title = '';
  $tag = 'div';
  $content = _bs_shortcodes_strip_paragraph($content);
  $content = _bs_shortcodes_nest_dom_element('h1', 'div', $content);
  $return .= _bs_shortcodes_get_dom_element($tag, $content, $class, $title, $data);
  return $return;

 * bs_shortcodes_lead
function bs_shortcodes_lead($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'lead';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<p class="%s"%s>%s</p>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_emphasis
function bs_shortcodes_emphasis($attrs, $content = '') {
    "type" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = '';
  $class .= $type ? 'text-' . $type : 'text-muted';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<span class="%s"%s>%s</span>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_img
function bs_shortcodes_img($attrs, $content = '') {
    "type" => '',
    "responsive" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "title" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = '';
  $class .= $type ? 'img-' . $type . ' ' : '';
  $class .= $responsive != '' ? ' img-responsive' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $return = '';
  $tag = array(
  $return .= _bs_shortcodes_scrape_dom_element($tag, $content, $class, $title, $data);
  return $return;

 * bs_embed_responsive
function bs_shortcodes_embed_responsive($attrs, $content = '') {
    "ratio" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'embed-responsive ';
  $class .= $ratio ? ' embed-responsive-' . $ratio . ' ' : '';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $embed_class = 'embed-responsive-item';
  $tag = array(
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', _bs_shortcodes_scrape_dom_element($tag, $content, $embed_class, '', ''));

 * bs_shortcodes_thumbnail
function bs_shortcodes_thumbnail($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "has_content" => '',
    "title" => '',
    // adding missing variable ~Jur
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = "thumbnail";
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $return = '';
  if ($has_content) {
    $content = '<div>' . $content . '</div>';
    $tag = array(
  else {
    $tag = array(
  $content = $content;
  $return .= _bs_shortcodes_scrape_dom_element($tag, $content, $class, $title, $data);
  return $return;

 * bs_shortcodes_responsive
function bs_shortcodes_responsive($attrs, $content = '') {
    "visible" => '',
    "hidden" => '',
    "block" => '',
    "inline" => '',
    "inline_block" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = '';
  if ($visible) {
    $visible = explode(' ', $visible);
    foreach ($visible as $v) {
      $class .= "visible-{$v} ";
  if ($hidden) {
    $hidden = explode(' ', $hidden);
    foreach ($hidden as $h) {
      $class .= "hidden-{$h} ";
  if ($block) {
    $block = explode(' ', $block);
    foreach ($block as $b) {
      $class .= "visible-{$b}-block ";
  if ($inline) {
    $inline = explode(' ', $inline);
    foreach ($inline as $i) {
      $class .= "visible-{$i}-inline ";
  if ($inline_block) {
    $inline_block = explode(' ', $inline_block);
    foreach ($inline_block as $ib) {
      $class .= "visible-{$ib}-inline ";
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<span class="%s"%s>%s</span>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_modal
 * @author M. W. Delaney
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_modal($attrs, $content = '') {
    "text" => '',
    "title" => '',
    "size" => '',
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $a_class = '';
  $a_class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $div_class = 'modal fade';
  $div_class .= $size ? ' bs-modal-' . $size : '';
  $id = 'custom-modal-' . check_plain($title);
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<a data-toggle="modal" href="#%1$s" class="%2$s"%3$s>%4$s</a>
      <div class="%5$s" id="%1$s" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="TRUE">
          <div class="modal-dialog">
              <div class="modal-content">
                  <div class="modal-header">
                      <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="TRUE">&times;</button>
                  <div class="modal-body">
              </div> <!-- /.modal-content -->
          </div> <!-- /.modal-dialog -->
      </div> <!-- /.modal -->
    ', drupal_html_id($id), check_plain($a_class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', check_markup($text), check_plain($div_class), $title ? '<h4 class="modal-title">' . $title . '</h4>' : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_modal_footer
 * @author M. W. Delaney
 * @since 1.0
function bs_shortcodes_modal_footer($attrs, $content = '') {
    "xclass" => '',
    "data" => '',
  ), $attrs));
  $class = 'modal-footer';
  $class .= $xclass ? ' ' . $xclass : '';
  $data_props = _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data);
  return sprintf('<div class="%s"%s>%s</div>', check_plain($class), $data_props ? ' ' . $data_props : '', $content);

 * bs_shortcodes_help
 * Provides link to documentation in text format tips area
function bs_shortcodes_shortcode_help($attrs, $content = '') {
  return false;
function bs_shortcodes_shortcode_help_tips($format, $long) {
  $output = '<p>' . t('<strong>Bootstrap 3 shortcodes</strong> supports all bootstrap components, including responsive grids, buttons, tabs, accordeons, wells, dividers etc. Documentation:' . '</p>');
  $output .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-3">' . t('<a href="@docs" target="_blank">Shortcodes overview and examples</a>', array(
    '@docs' => '',
  )) . '</div>';
  $output .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-3">' . t('<a href="@docs" target="_blank">Bootstrap CSS documentation</a>', array(
    '@docs' => '',
  )) . '</div>';
  $output .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-3">' . t('<a href="@docs" target="_blank">Bootstrap Components documentation</a>', array(
    '@docs' => '',
  )) . '</div>';
  $output .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-md-3">' . t('<a href="@docs" target="_blank">Bootstrap Javascript documentation</a>', array(
    '@docs' => '',
  )) . '</div></div>';
  return $output;

 * Attributes callbacks
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/';

 * Parse data-attributes for shortcodes
function _bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes($data) {
  $data_props = '';
  if ($data) {
    $data = explode('|', $data);
    foreach ($data as $d) {
      $d = explode(',', $d);
      $data_props .= sprintf('data-%s="%s" ', check_plain($d[0]), check_plain(trim($d[1])));
  else {
    $data_props = FALSE;
  return $data_props;

 * get DOMDocument element and apply shortcode parameters to it. Create the element if it doesn't exist
function _bs_shortcodes_get_dom_element($tag, $content, $class, $title, $data = '') {

  //clean up content
  $content = trim(trim($content), chr(0xc2) . chr(0xa0));
  $previous_value = libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE);
  $dom = new DOMDocument();
  if (!$dom->documentElement) {
    $element = $dom
      ->createElement($tag, $content);
    ->setAttribute('class', $dom->documentElement
    ->getAttribute('class') . ' ' . check_plain($class));
  if ($title) {
      ->setAttribute('title', $title);
  if ($data) {
    $data = explode('|', $data);
    foreach ($data as $d) {
      $d = explode(',', $d);
        ->setAttribute('data-' . $d[0], trim($d[1]));
  return $dom

 * Scrape the shortcode's contents for a particular DOMDocument tag or tags, pull them out, apply attributes, and return just the tags.
function _bs_shortcodes_scrape_dom_element($tag, $content, $class, $title, $data = '') {
  if ($content && is_array($tag)) {
    $previous_value = libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE);
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
      ->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($content, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
    foreach ($tag as $find) {
      $tags = $dom
      foreach ($tags as $find_tag) {
        $outputdom = new DOMDocument();
        $new_root = $outputdom
          ->importNode($find_tag, TRUE);
        if (is_object($outputdom->documentElement)) {
            ->setAttribute('class', $outputdom->documentElement
            ->getAttribute('class') . ' ' . check_plain($class));
          if ($title) {
              ->setAttribute('title', $title);
          if ($data) {
            $data = explode('|', $data);
            foreach ($data as $d) {
              $d = explode(',', $d);
                ->setAttribute('data-' . $d[0], trim($d[1]));
        return $outputdom
  else {
    return '';

 * Find if content contains a particular tag, if not, create it, either way wrap it in a wrapper tag
 *     Example: Check if the contents of [page-header] include an h1, if not, add one, then wrap it all in a div so we can add classes to that.
function _bs_shortcodes_nest_dom_element($find, $append, $content) {
  $previous_value = libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE);
  $dom = new DOMDocument();

  //Does $content include the tag we're looking for?
  $hasFind = $dom

  //If not, add it and wrap it all in our append tag
  if ($hasFind->length == 0) {
    $wrapper = $dom
    $tag = $dom
      ->createElement($find, $content);
  else {
    $new_root = $dom
  return $dom

 * Add dividers to data attributes content if needed
function _bs_shortcodes_check_for_data($data) {
  if ($data) {
    return "|";

 * If the user puts a return between the shortcode and its contents, sometimes we want to strip the resulting P tags out
function _bs_shortcodes_strip_paragraph($content) {
  $content = str_ireplace('<p>', '', $content);
  $content = str_ireplace('</p>', '', $content);
  return $content;


Namesort descending Description
bs_shortcodes_alert bs_shortcodes_alert
bs_shortcodes_badge bs_shortcodes_badge
bs_shortcodes_breadcrumb bs_shortcodes_breadcrumb
bs_shortcodes_breadcrumb_item bs_shortcodes_breadcrumb_item
bs_shortcodes_button bs_shortcodes_button
bs_shortcodes_button_group bs_shortcodes_button_group
bs_shortcodes_button_toolbar bs_shortcodes_button_toolbar
bs_shortcodes_caret bs_shortcodes_caret
bs_shortcodes_carousel bs_shortcodes_carousel
bs_shortcodes_carousel_item bs_shortcodes_carousel_item
bs_shortcodes_code bs_shortcodes_code
bs_shortcodes_collapse bs_shortcodes_collapse
bs_shortcodes_collapsibles bs_shortcodes_collapsibles
bs_shortcodes_column bs_shortcodes_column
bs_shortcodes_container bs_shortcodes_container
bs_shortcodes_divider bs_shortcodes_dropdown_divider
bs_shortcodes_dropdown bs_shortcodes_dropdown
bs_shortcodes_dropdown_header bs_shortcodes_dropdown_header
bs_shortcodes_dropdown_item bs_shortcodes_dropdown_item
bs_shortcodes_embed_responsive bs_embed_responsive
bs_shortcodes_emphasis bs_shortcodes_emphasis
bs_shortcodes_icon bs_shortcodes_icon
bs_shortcodes_img bs_shortcodes_img
bs_shortcodes_jumbotron bs_shortcodes_jumbotron
bs_shortcodes_label bs_shortcodes_label
bs_shortcodes_lead bs_shortcodes_lead
bs_shortcodes_list_group bs_shortcodes_list_group
bs_shortcodes_list_group_item bs_shortcodes_list_group_item
bs_shortcodes_list_group_item_heading bs_shortcodes_list_group_item_heading
bs_shortcodes_list_group_item_text bs_shortcodes_list_group_item_text
bs_shortcodes_media bs_shortcodes_media
bs_shortcodes_modal bs_shortcodes_modal
bs_shortcodes_modal_footer bs_shortcodes_modal_footer
bs_shortcodes_nav bs_shortcodes_nav
bs_shortcodes_nav_item bs_shortcodes_nav_item
bs_shortcodes_page_header bs_shortcodes_page_header
bs_shortcodes_panel bs_shortcodes_panel
bs_shortcodes_popover bs_shortcodes_popover
bs_shortcodes_preprocess_page Implementation of hook_preprocess_page().
bs_shortcodes_progress bs_shortcodes_progress
bs_shortcodes_progress_bar bs_shortcodes_progress_bar
bs_shortcodes_responsive bs_shortcodes_responsive
bs_shortcodes_row bs_shortcodes_row
bs_shortcodes_shortcode_help bs_shortcodes_help
bs_shortcodes_shortcode_info add_shortcodes
bs_shortcodes_tab bs_shortcodes_tab
bs_shortcodes_table_wrap bs_shortcodes_table_wrap
bs_shortcodes_tabs bs_shortcodes_tabs
bs_shortcodes_thumbnail bs_shortcodes_thumbnail
bs_shortcodes_tooltip bs_shortcodes_tooltip
bs_shortcodes_well bs_shortcodes_well
_bs_shortcodes_check_for_data Add dividers to data attributes content if needed
_bs_shortcodes_get_dom_element get DOMDocument element and apply shortcode parameters to it. Create the element if it doesn't exist
_bs_shortcodes_nest_dom_element Find if content contains a particular tag, if not, create it, either way wrap it in a wrapper tag
_bs_shortcodes_parse_data_attributes Parse data-attributes for shortcodes
_bs_shortcodes_scrape_dom_element Scrape the shortcode's contents for a particular DOMDocument tag or tags, pull them out, apply attributes, and return just the tags.
_bs_shortcodes_strip_paragraph If the user puts a return between the shortcode and its contents, sometimes we want to strip the resulting P tags out