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public function BrightcoveVideo::save in Brightcove Video Connect 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/Entity/BrightcoveVideo.php \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveVideo::save()
  2. 3.x src/Entity/BrightcoveVideo.php \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveVideo::save()


bool $upload: Whether to upload the video to Brightcove or not.

Overrides EntityBase::save


src/Entity/BrightcoveVideo.php, line 616


Defines the Brightcove Video entity.




public function save($upload = FALSE) {

  // Check if it will be a new entity or an existing one being updated.
  $status = $this

  // Make sure that preSave runs before any modification is made for the
  // entity.
  $saved = parent::save();

  // Upload data for Brightcove only if we saved the video from form.
  if ($upload) {
    $cms = BrightcoveUtil::getCmsApi($this

    // Setup video object and set minimum required values.
    $video = new Video();

    // Save or update description if needed.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('description')) {

    // Save or update duration if needed.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('duration')) {

    // Save or update economics if needed.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('economics')) {

    // Save or update tags if needed.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('tags')) {

      // Get term IDs.
      $term_ids = [];
      foreach ($this
        ->getTags() as $tag) {
        $term_ids[] = $tag['target_id'];

      // Load terms.

      /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term[] $terms */
      $terms = Term::loadMultiple($term_ids);
      $tags = [];
      foreach ($terms as $term) {
        $tags[] = $term

    // Save or update link if needed.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('related_link')) {
      $link = new Link();
      $related_link = $this
      $is_link_set = FALSE;
      if (!empty($related_link['uri'])) {
          ->setUrl(Url::fromUri($related_link['uri'], [
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        $is_link_set = TRUE;
      if (!empty($related_link['title'])) {
        $is_link_set = TRUE;
      if ($is_link_set) {
      else {

    // Save or update long description if needed.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('long_description')) {

    // Save or update reference ID if needed.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('reference_id')) {

    // Save or update custom field values.
    $custom_field_num = \Drupal::entityQuery('brightcove_custom_field')
      ->condition('api_client', $this
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('custom_field_values') && $custom_field_num) {

    // Save or update schedule start at date if needed.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('schedule_starts_at') || $this
      ->isFieldChanged('schedule_ends_at')) {
      $starts_at = $this
      $ends_at = $this
      $schedule = new Schedule();
      $is_schedule_set = FALSE;
      if (!is_null($starts_at)) {
          ->setStartsAt($starts_at . '.000Z');
        $is_schedule_set = TRUE;
      if (!is_null($ends_at)) {
          ->setEndsAt($ends_at . '.000Z');
        $is_schedule_set = TRUE;
      if ($is_schedule_set) {
      else {

    // Upload text tracks.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('text_tracks')) {
      $video_text_tracks = [];
      $ingest_text_tracks = [];
      foreach ($this
        ->getTextTracks() as $text_track) {
        if (!empty($text_track['target_id'])) {

          /** @var \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveTextTrack $text_track_entity */
          $text_track_entity = BrightcoveTextTrack::load($text_track['target_id']);
          if (!is_null($text_track_entity)) {

            // Setup ingestion request if there was a text track uploaded.
            $webvtt_file = $text_track_entity
            if (!empty($webvtt_file[0]['target_id'])) {

              /** @var \Drupal\file\Entity\File $file */
              $file = File::load($webvtt_file[0]['target_id']);
              if (!is_null($file)) {
                $ingest_text_tracks[] = (new IngestTextTrack())
            else {
              $video_text_track = (new TextTrack())

              // If asset ID is set the src will be ignored, so in this case
              // we don't set the src.
              if (!empty($text_track_entity
                ->getAssetId())) {
              else {

              // Get text track sources.
              $video_text_track_sources = [];
              foreach ($text_track_entity
                ->getSources() as $source) {
                $text_track_source = new TextTrackSource();
                $video_text_track_sources[] = $text_track_source;
              $video_text_tracks[] = $video_text_track;

      // Set existing text tracks.

    // Update status field based on Brightcove's Video state.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('status')) {
        ->isPublished() ? self::STATE_ACTIVE : self::STATE_INACTIVE);

    // Create or update a video.
    switch ($status) {
      case SAVED_NEW:

        // Create new video on Brightcove.
        $saved_video = $cms

        // Set the rest of the fields on BrightcoveVideo entity.
      case SAVED_UPDATED:

        // Set Video ID.

        // Update video.
        $saved_video = $cms

    // Set ingestion for thumbnail.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged(self::IMAGE_TYPE_THUMBNAIL)) {

    // Set ingestion for poster.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged(self::IMAGE_TYPE_POSTER)) {

    // Set ingestion for video.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('video_file') && !empty($this
      ->getVideoFile())) {

      /** @var \Drupal\file\Entity\File $file */
      $file = File::load($this
      $ingest_request = $this
      $ingest_master = new IngestRequestMaster();
      $profiles = self::getProfileAllowedValues($this

    // Set ingestion for video url.
    if ($this
      ->isFieldChanged('video_url') && !empty($this
      ->getVideoUrl())) {
      $ingest_request = $this
      $ingest_master = new IngestRequestMaster();
      $profiles = self::getProfileAllowedValues($this

    // Set ingestion for text tracks.
    if (!empty($ingest_text_tracks)) {
      $ingest_request = $this

    // Update changed time and video entity with the video ID.
    if (isset($saved_video)) {

      // Save the entity again to save some new values which are only
      // available after creating/updating the video on Brightcove.
      // Also don't change the save state to show the correct message when if
      // the entity is created or updated.

    // Send the ingest request if there was an ingestible asset.
    if (!is_null($this->ingestRequest)) {

      // Get token.
      $token = $this

      // Make sure that the token is generated successfully. If there was an
      // error generating the token then be nice to Brightcove and don't set
      // the callback url, so it won't hit a wall by trying to notify us on a
      // non-valid URL.
      if (!is_null($token)) {
        $callback_url = Url::fromRoute('brightcove_ingestion_callback', [
          'token' => $token,
        ], [
          'absolute' => TRUE,

      // Send request.
      $di = BrightcoveUtil::getDiApi($this
        ->getBrightcoveId(), $this->ingestRequest);

  // Reset changed fields.
  $this->changedFields = [];
  return $saved;