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public function BrightcoveSubscription::save in Brightcove Video Connect 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Entity/BrightcoveSubscription.php \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription::save()
  2. 8 src/Entity/BrightcoveSubscription.php \Drupal\brightcove\Entity\BrightcoveSubscription::save()


bool $upload: Whether to upload the new subscription to Brightcove or not.

2 calls to BrightcoveSubscription::save()
BrightcoveSubscription::deleteFromBrightcove in src/Entity/BrightcoveSubscription.php
Delete the Subscription from Brightcove only.
BrightcoveSubscription::saveToBrightcove in src/Entity/BrightcoveSubscription.php
Saves the subscription entity to Brightcove.


src/Entity/BrightcoveSubscription.php, line 429


Defines the Brightcove Subscription entity.




public function save($upload = FALSE) {

  // Fields to insert or update.
  $fields = [
    'api_client_id' => $this
    'endpoint' => $this
    'events' => serialize($this
  $fields += [
    'bcsid' => !empty($this->bcsid) ? $this
      ->getBcSid() : NULL,
  $fields += [
    'status' => $this
      ->isDefault() ? (int) $this
      ->isActive() : 1,

  // Save new entity.
  if ($this
    ->isNew()) {

    // Try to get a default subscription.
    $default_subscription = self::loadDefault($this->apiClient);
    $default_endpoint = BrightcoveUtil::getDefaultSubscriptionUrl();

    // Check whether we already have a default subscription for the API client
    // and throw an exception if one already exists.
    if ($this
      ->isDefault() && !empty($default_subscription)) {
      throw new BrightcoveSubscriptionException(strtr('Default subscription already exists for the :api_client API Client.', [
        ':api_client' => $this->apiClient
    elseif (empty($default_subscription) && $this
      ->getEndpoint() == $default_endpoint) {
      $this->default = TRUE;

    // Create subscription on Brightcove only if the entity is new, as for now
    // it is not possible to update existing subscriptions.
    if ($upload) {

    // Insert Brightcove Subscription into the database.
      ->fields($fields + [
      'is_default' => (int) $this
  elseif (!$upload) {
      ->condition('id', $this
  else {
    throw new BrightcoveSubscriptionException('An already existing subscription cannot be updated!');