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Functions in Brightcove Video Connect 7.5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
brightcove_playlist_delete_form ./ Delete playlist confirm form. 1
brightcove_playlist_delete_form_submit ./brightcove.module Playlist delete confirm form submit handler.
brightcove_playlist_edit_form ./ Playlist edit form. 2
brightcove_playlist_edit_form_ajax_callback ./ Ajax callback for playlist edit form. 1
brightcove_playlist_edit_form_delete ./ brightcove_playlist_edit_form delete button callback. 1
brightcove_playlist_edit_form_submit ./ brightcove_playlist_edit_form submit handler. 1
brightcove_playlist_edit_page ./ 1
brightcove_playlist_load ./brightcove.module 4
brightcove_playlist_overview_page ./ Renders the playlist overview page. 1
brightcove_playlist_title ./brightcove.module Title callback of the playlist edit page. 1
brightcove_remote_image ./brightcove.module Function that saves a remote image as a local file. 1
brightcove_remove_logo_overlay ./brightcove.module Remove a logo overlay from a specific video.
brightcove_requirements ./brightcove.install Implements hook_requirements().
brightcove_schema ./brightcove.install Implements hook_schema().
brightcove_status ./brightcove.module Return the status of a specific video.
brightcove_theme ./brightcove.module Implements of hook_theme().
brightcove_uninstall ./brightcove.install Implements hook_uninstall().
brightcove_update_7001 ./brightcove.install Adds brightcove_player table.
brightcove_update_7002 ./brightcove.install Migrates old player id and key to the table.
brightcove_update_7003 ./brightcove.install Create individual primary key for players.
brightcove_update_7004 ./brightcove.install Make name column unique.
brightcove_update_7005 ./brightcove.install Adding a "Display name" column. Move existing "Name" data into that and make "Name" machine-readable.
brightcove_update_7006 ./brightcove.install Create cache table for Brightcove objects.
brightcove_update_7007 ./brightcove.install Fix default players for Brightcove field instances.
brightcove_update_7008 ./brightcove.install Add responsive flag to players.
brightcove_update_playlist ./brightcove.module Wrapper function around playlist update. 1
brightcove_upload_video ./brightcove.module Upload video to Brightcove. 1
brightcove_verify_tokens ./brightcove.module Verifies the brightcove API keys. 1
brightcove_video_load ./brightcove.module Loads Brightcove video from BC Media API. Uses a 5 minutes cache to speed up lookups. 4
brightcove_write_api_access ./brightcove.module Check a set of API keys to determine write access to Brightcove Studio. Only customers with Professional and higher accounts have write access. 2
theme_brightcove_field_browser brightcove_field/brightcove_field.module Theme function returning a video field.
theme_brightcove_field_browse_button brightcove_field/ Theme callback for a Brightcove browse button. Currently it's just a thin wrapper around the theme_button() function which only returns a button of type submit. The themed representation is just adapted to achieve an input html tag of the type… 1
theme_brightcove_field_browse_item brightcove_field/ Theme callback for Brightcove browse table item.
theme_brightcove_field_browse_items brightcove_field/ Theme callback for Brightcove browse table.
theme_brightcove_field_formatter_default brightcove_field/ Theme callback for Brightcove field formatter. Returns an embedded player with default site player.
theme_brightcove_field_image brightcove_field/ Theme function to render brightcove images.
theme_brightcove_field_metadata brightcove_field/ Theme function to render brightcove metadata.
theme_brightcove_unavailable_message ./brightcove.module
_brightcove_cache_fix_file_path ./brightcove.module Helper function to be able to add the closing "/" character, if it doesn't exist. 2
_brightcove_create_form_callback ./brightcove.module Create the new playlist. 1
_brightcove_delete_cache_files ./brightcove.module Helper function to be able to delete unnecessary cache files. 1
_brightcove_delete_memcached ./brightcove.module Helper function to be able to delete outdated memcached items. 1
_brightcove_field_formatter_dimension_validate brightcove_field/brightcove_field.module 2
_brightcove_field_get_object_formatter_keys brightcove_field/brightcove_field.module Brightcove video metadata properties. 3
_brightcove_field_playlist_browse brightcove_field/ 1
_brightcove_field_playlist_instance_settings_form brightcove_field/ @file Holds all of the playlist field related methods. 1
_brightcove_field_playlist_widget_form brightcove_field/ 1
_brightcove_field_video_browse brightcove_field/ 1
_brightcove_field_video_instance_settings_form brightcove_field/ @file Holds all of the video field related methods. 1
_brightcove_field_video_widget_form brightcove_field/ 1


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