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Functions in Brightcove Video Connect 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
brightcove_upload_video ./brightcove.module Upload video to Brightcove. 2
brightcove_video_cache_get ./brightcove.module Fetches a brighcove video object from the cache, if available. 4
brightcove_video_cache_set ./brightcove.module Caches the status of a video for faster validation. 2
brightcove_video_load ./brightcove.module Loads Brightcove video from BC Media API. Uses a 5 minutes cache to speed up lookups. 15
brightcove_write_api_access ./brightcove.module Check a set of API keys to determine write access to Brightcove Studio. Only customers with Professional and higher accounts have write access. 1
template_preprocess_brightcove_cck_lightbox2 brightcove_cck/ Template preprocess for brightcove_cck_lightbox2 theme file. Suggest templates based on a field and type name. 1
template_preprocess_brightcove_cck_node_image brightcove_cck/ Template preprocess for brightcove_cck_node_image theme file. Suggest templates based on a field and type name. 1
template_preprocess_brightcove_cck_node_link brightcove_cck/ Template preprocess for brightcove_cck_node_link theme file. Suggest templates based on a field and type name. 1
theme_brightcove_cck_browser brightcove_cck/brightcove_cck.module Theme function returning a video field.
theme_brightcove_cck_browse_button brightcove_cck/ Theme callback for a Brightcove browse button. Currently it's just a thin wrapper around the theme_button() function which only returns a button of type submit. The themed representation is just adapted to achieve an input html tag of the type… 1
theme_brightcove_cck_browse_item brightcove_cck/ Theme callback for Brightcove browse table item.
theme_brightcove_cck_browse_items brightcove_cck/ Theme callback for Brightcove browse table.
theme_brightcove_cck_embed brightcove_cck/ 1
theme_brightcove_cck_formatter_default brightcove_cck/ Theme callback for Brightcove CCK formatter. Returns an embedded player with default site player. 1
theme_brightcove_cck_lightbox2_imagecache brightcove_cck/ Theme callback for Lightbox2 with imagecache player. 1
theme_brightcove_cck_lightbox2_player brightcove_cck/ Theme callback for Default thumbnail -> Lightbox2 player formatter. 1
theme_brightcove_cck_node_image brightcove_cck/ Theme callback for Default thumbnail. 1
theme_brightcove_cck_node_image_imagecache brightcove_cck/ Theme callback for imagecache image 1
theme_brightcove_cck_node_link brightcove_cck/ Theme callback for Default thumbnail linked to node formatter. 1
theme_brightcove_cck_node_link_imagecache brightcove_cck/ Theme callback for imagecache image linking to node 1
theme_brightcove_unavailable_message ./brightcove.module
_brightcove_cck_views_data brightcove_cck/views/ This is NOT implementation of hook_views_data(). This is a helper function for hook_field_settings op = 'views data'. 1
_brightcove_initialize Deprecated ./brightcove.module Initializes the Brightcove Media API and returns an instance of the object. 6


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