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20 calls to brightcove_initialize() in Brightcove Video Connect 7.3

brightcove_add_logo_overlay in ./brightcove.module
Add a logo overlay to a video object. This function is also upload the logo image.
brightcove_add_playlist in ./brightcove.module
Wrapper function around playlist save.
brightcove_autocomplete_videos in ./brightcove.module
Autocomplete callback for listing videos.
brightcove_field_autocomplete in brightcove_field/
Menu callback for brightcove_field/autocomplete.
brightcove_field_browser_video_validate in brightcove_field/brightcove_field.module
Validate callback for the video field.
brightcove_field_refresh_video_entity_link in brightcove_field/brightcove_field.module
Updates the video entity link on a video.
brightcove_get_playlists in ./
Get the playlists from Brightcove.
brightcove_media_list in brightcove_media/brightcove_media.module
Menu callback function to list videos through the brightcove api.
brightcove_media_media_element_process in brightcove_media/brightcove_media.module
brightcove_media_node_presave in brightcove_media/brightcove_media.module
Implements hook_node_presave(). (needed for media gallery)
brightcove_playlist_delete in ./brightcove.module
Delete a playlists from brightcove wrapper function.
brightcove_playlist_load in ./brightcove.module
brightcove_remove_logo_overlay in ./brightcove.module
Remove a logo overlay from a specific video.
brightcove_status in ./brightcove.module
Return the status of a specific video.
brightcove_update_playlist in ./brightcove.module
Wrapper function around playlist update.
brightcove_upload_video in ./brightcove.module
Upload video to Brightcove.
brightcove_verify_tokens in ./brightcove.module
Verifies the brightcove API keys.
brightcove_video_load in ./brightcove.module
Loads Brightcove video from BC Media API. Uses a 5 minutes cache to speed up lookups.
_brightcove_field_playlist_browse in brightcove_field/
_brightcove_field_video_browse in brightcove_field/