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7 calls to brightcove_get_default_player() in Brightcove Video Connect 7.6

brightcove_client_form in ./
Form callback: create or edit a brightcove client.
MediaBrightcoveVideoStreamWrapper::brightcoveValues in brightcove_media/includes/
Extracts values from a brightcove:// or a brightcove-playlist:// uri.
theme_brightcove_field_formatter_default in ./
Theme callback for Brightcove field formatter. Returns an embedded player with default site player.
theme_brightcove_field_formatter_iframe in ./
_brightcove_field_playlist_widget_form in ./
Helper function to return the playlist widget form.
_brightcove_field_video_widget_form in ./
Helper function to return the video widget form.
_filter_brightcove_replace_old in ./brightcove.module
Callback for preg_replace() in _filter_brightcove().