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8 calls to brightcove_cache_set() in Brightcove Video Connect 7.5

brightcove_get_playlists in ./
Get the playlists from Brightcove.
brightcove_playlist_load in ./brightcove.module
brightcove_status in ./brightcove.module
Return the status of a specific video.
brightcove_video_load in ./brightcove.module
Loads Brightcove video from BC Media API. Uses a 5 minutes cache to speed up lookups.
_brightcove_create_form_callback in ./brightcove.module
Create the new playlist.
_brightcove_field_playlist_browse in brightcove_field/
_brightcove_field_video_browse in brightcove_field/
_brightcove_upload_form_callback in ./brightcove.module
Upload the submitted video.