You are here in Breakpoints 7

name = Breakpoints test theme
description = Test theme for breakpoints.
core = 7.x
base theme = bartik
hidden = TRUE

breakpoints[mobile] = (min-width: 0px)
breakpoints[narrow] = (min-width: 560px)
breakpoints[wide] = (min-width: 851px)
breakpoints[tv] = only screen and (min-width: 3456px)


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  1. name = Breakpoints test theme
  2. description = Test theme for breakpoints.
  3. core = 7.x
  4. base theme = bartik
  5. hidden = TRUE
  6. breakpoints[mobile] = (min-width: 0px)
  7. breakpoints[narrow] = (min-width: 560px)
  8. breakpoints[wide] = (min-width: 851px)
  9. breakpoints[tv] = only screen and (min-width: 3456px)