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Files in Brainstorm profile 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
feature_views.module modules/features/feature_views/feature_views.module modules/features/feature_views/
field--field_tags_portfolio--portfolio.tpl.php themes/brainstorm_theme/templates/field--field_tags_portfolio--portfolio.tpl.php field.tpl.php Default template implementation to display the value of a field.
global.base.css themes/brainstorm_theme/css/global.base.css /* * @file * global.base * * - normalize with small modifications for Drupal and AT: * - Gutter widths, see $gutter-width in _custom.scss * - Default container alignment. * - Flexible images and media…
global.styles.css themes/brainstorm_theme/css/global.styles.css @import url(//,600,700); @import url(//,600,700); @import url(animate.css); @import url(grid.css); @import…
grid.css themes/brainstorm_theme/css/grid.css .row { margin-right: -15px; margin-left: -15px; } .row:before { display: table; content: " "; } .row:after { display: table; content: " "; clear: both; } .col { position: relative; min-height: 1px; …
LICENSE.txt modules/custom/views_isotope/LICENSE.txt GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim…
lt-ie9.css themes/brainstorm_theme/css/lt-ie9.css /* * Target IE 6, 7 and 8 (less than IE9) */ /* * Assuming a mobile first approach with respond.js OFF, we must reset the font * size for lt IE9 */ html { font-size: 81.3%; } .view-main-slider .active .views-field-field-background-image…
naked.admin.css themes/brainstorm_theme/layouts/page/naked/naked.admin.css /* Set the icon for the layout in the theme settings form */ .form-type-radio label[for$=naked] { background: transparent url(naked.png) no-repeat 0 0; } themes/brainstorm_theme/layouts/page/naked/ Implimentation of an Adaptivetheme Page Layout plugin
node--blog.tpl.php themes/brainstorm_theme/templates/node--blog.tpl.php Adaptivetheme implementation to display a node.
node--portfolio.tpl.php themes/brainstorm_theme/templates/node--portfolio.tpl.php Adaptivetheme implementation to display a node.
OFL.txt themes/brainstorm_theme/fonts/Hind/OFL.txt Copyright (c) 2014, Indian Type Foundry ( This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ…
OFL.txt themes/brainstorm_theme/fonts/Raleway/Raleway/OFL.txt Copyright (c) 2010, Matt McInerney (, Copyright (c) 2011, Pablo Impallari (|, Copyright (c) 2011, Rodrigo Fuenzalida (|, with Reserved Font Name…
owl.carousel.css libraries/owl-carousel/owl.carousel.css /* * Core Owl Carousel CSS File * v1.3.3 */ /* clearfix */ .owl-carousel .owl-wrapper:after { content: "."; display: block; clear: both; visibility: hidden; line-height: 0; height: 0; } /* display none until init…
owl.theme.css libraries/owl-carousel/owl.theme.css /* * Owl Carousel Owl Demo Theme * v1.3.3 */ .owl-theme .owl-controls{ margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; } /* Styling Next and Prev buttons */ .owl-theme .owl-controls .owl-buttons div{ color: #FFF; display: inline-block; zoom:…
owl.transitions.css libraries/owl-carousel/owl.transitions.css /* * Owl Carousel CSS3 Transitions * v1.3.2 */ .owl-origin { -webkit-perspective: 1200px; -webkit-perspective-origin-x : 50%; -webkit-perspective-origin-y : 50%; -moz-perspective : 1200px; -moz-perspective-origin-x :…
page--blog.tpl.php themes/brainstorm_theme/templates/page--blog.tpl.php Adaptivetheme implementation to display a single Drupal page.
page--front.tpl.php themes/brainstorm_theme/templates/page--front.tpl.php Adaptivetheme implementation to display a single Drupal page.
page--portfolio.tpl.php themes/brainstorm_theme/templates/page--portfolio.tpl.php Adaptivetheme implementation to display a single Drupal page.
page.tpl.php themes/brainstorm_theme/templates/page.tpl.php Adaptivetheme implementation to display a single Drupal page.
print.css themes/brainstorm_theme/css/print.css /* * @file * Print Styles * This probably needs work, but it's a good starting point. */ /* * Body */ body { width: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; line-height: 1.4; word-spacing: 1.1pt; …
README.txt libraries/README.txt This directory should be used to place downloaded and custom libraries (such as JavaScript libraries) which are used by contributed or custom modules.
README.txt modules/custom/views_isotope/README.txt Views Isotope ------------- Views Isotope implements the javascript isotope package by metafizzy. Documentation: Installation Instructions:
responsive.custom.css themes/brainstorm_theme/css/responsive.custom.css /* * responsive.custom.css is for custom media queries that are not set via the * theme settings, such as cascading media queries. * * By default all the other responsive stylesheets used in Adaptivetheme use a * "stacking method",…
responsive.desktop.css themes/brainstorm_theme/css/responsive.desktop.css /* * responsive.custom.css is for custom media queries that are not set via the * theme settings, such as cascading media queries. * * By default all the other responsive stylesheets used in Adaptivetheme use a * "stacking method",…
responsive.smalltouch.landscape.css themes/brainstorm_theme/css/responsive.smalltouch.landscape.css /* * Important Information about this CSS File * * - Do not delete or rename this file, if you do not use it leave it blank (delete * everything) and the file will be skipped when you enable Production Mode in * the Global theme settings. …
responsive.smalltouch.portrait.css themes/brainstorm_theme/css/responsive.smalltouch.portrait.css /* * Important Information about this CSS File * * - Do not delete or rename this file, if you do not use it leave it blank (delete * everything) and the file will be skipped when you enable Production Mode in * the Global theme settings. …
responsive.tablet.landscape.css themes/brainstorm_theme/css/responsive.tablet.landscape.css /* * Important Information about this CSS File * * - Do not delete or rename this file, if you do not use it leave it blank (delete * everything) and the file will be skipped when you enable Production Mode in * the Global theme settings. …
responsive.tablet.portrait.css themes/brainstorm_theme/css/responsive.tablet.portrait.css /* * Important Information about this CSS File * * - Do not delete or rename this file, if you do not use it leave it blank (delete * everything) and the file will be skipped when you enable Production Mode in * the Global theme settings. …
template.php themes/brainstorm_theme/template.php Process theme data.
views-isotope-views-filter.tpl.php modules/custom/views_isotope/views/views-isotope-views-filter.tpl.php views-isotope-views-filter.tpl.php
views-isotope-views-grid.tpl.php modules/custom/views_isotope/views/views-isotope-views-grid.tpl.php views-isotope-views-grid.tpl.php
views-isotope-views-sorter.tpl.php modules/custom/views_isotope/views/views-isotope-views-sorter.tpl.php views-isotope-views-sorter.tpl.php
views-view-fields--main-slider.tpl.php themes/brainstorm_theme/templates/views-view-fields--main-slider.tpl.php Default simple view template to all the fields as a row. modules/custom/views_isotope/views/ Define the "filter" views plugin. modules/custom/views_isotope/views/ Define the "grid" views plugin. modules/custom/views_isotope/views/ Define the "sorter" views plugin.
views_isotope.css modules/custom/views_isotope/views_isotope.css Minimal CSS that applies to every probable implementation. modules/custom/views_isotope/ ; $Id: name = Isotope - Core description = Create reusable Isotope configurations. package = User interface core = 7.x configure = admin/config/user-interface/isotope dependencies[] = ctools ; Information added by packaging script on…
views_isotope.install modules/custom/views_isotope/views_isotope.install Installation functions.
views_isotope.module modules/custom/views_isotope/views_isotope.module Load the isotope library and provide configuration and theme options. modules/custom/views_isotope/plugins/export_ui/
views_isotope_example.css modules/custom/views_isotope/views_isotope_example/views_isotope_example.css CSS for the provided examples. modules/custom/views_isotope/views_isotope_example/ ; $Id: name = Isotope - Example description = An example of how to use the Isotope module. package = User interface core = 7.x configure = isotope-example dependencies[] = views_isotope ; Information added by packaging script on…
views_isotope_example.install modules/custom/views_isotope/views_isotope_example/views_isotope_example.install Create sample data to be used in isotope example.
views_isotope_example.module modules/custom/views_isotope/views_isotope_example/views_isotope_example.module Simple example module. modules/custom/views_isotope/views_isotope_example/ Default example view. modules/custom/views_isotope/plugins/context/ Contains the isotope_reaction subclass. modules/custom/views_isotope/views/ ; $Id: name = Isotope - Views description = Create isotope views from views queries. package = Views core = 7.x dependencies[] = views dependencies[] = views_isotope files[] = files[] =…


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