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23 calls to BotchaRecipe::getProperty() in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 7.3

BotchaRecipe::generateFormElements in controller/recipe/
Used to get information about the recipe. Must be overridden with calling to parent::generateFormElements. @todo Switch from indexed array to associative. @see?
BotchaRecipe::getField in controller/recipe/
BotchaRecipe::getFieldClass in controller/recipe/
BotchaRecipe::getFieldName in controller/recipe/
BotchaRecipe::getFieldPrefix in controller/recipe/
BotchaRecipeHoneypot2::generateFormElements in controller/recipe/
Used to get information about the recipe. Must be overridden with calling to parent::generateFormElements. @todo Switch from indexed array to associative. @see?
BotchaRecipeHoneypot2::getJsValue in controller/recipe/
BotchaRecipeHoneypot::getJsValue in controller/recipe/
BotchaRecipeObscureUrl::generateFormElements in controller/recipe/
Used to get information about the recipe. Must be overridden with calling to parent::generateFormElements. @todo Switch from indexed array to associative. @see?
BotchaRecipeObscureUrl::getFieldName in controller/recipe/
BotchaRecipeObscureUrl::getJsValue in controller/recipe/
BotchaRecipeObscureUrl::prepare in controller/recipe/
BotchaRecipeTimegate::generateFormElements in controller/recipe/
Used to get information about the recipe. Must be overridden with calling to parent::generateFormElements. @todo Switch from indexed array to associative. @see?
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::generateFormElements in controller/recipe/
Used to get information about the recipe. Must be overridden with calling to parent::generateFormElements. @todo Switch from indexed array to associative. @see?
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::getCss in controller/recipe/
Should be overridden.
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::getField in controller/recipe/
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::getFieldDefault in controller/recipe/
What server sends to JS in the field.
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::getJs in controller/recipe/
Should be overridden.
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::getJsChops in controller/recipe/
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::getJsMatch in controller/recipe/
What JS matches in the field.
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::getJsName in controller/recipe/
Get name of JS-script, attached to field.
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::getJsPos in controller/recipe/
What position is the part of the token.
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::getJsSecureToken in controller/recipe/