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  1. 6.3 controller/form/

Controller layer of the BotchaForm objects.


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 * @file
 * Controller layer of the BotchaForm objects.
interface IBotchaFormController {
  public function getForm($form_id, $create = TRUE);
  public function getForms($reset = FALSE);
  public function save($form);
  public function delete($form);


 * Special class to abstract operations with form_id.
 * It looks like additional layer of abstraction after DatabaseAbstractionLayer.
 * It helps us to get necessary data - while we don't have to repeat ourselves
 * in many places, writing queries to the database. All logic is hidden under
 * this simple interface: getForm, getRecipebook, getRecipe, etc.
class BotchaFormController extends Controller implements IBotchaFormController {
  protected $app_name = 'Botcha';
  protected $controller_type = Botcha::CONTROLLER_TYPE_FORM;

   * Just for IDE autocomplete feature.
   * @return BotchaFormModel
  protected function getModel() {
    return parent::getModel();

   * Gets a form from cache. If it does not exists in cache - gets from
   * database. If it does not exists there also - returns new form or
   * BotchaFormNone depending on input parameter.
   * @param string $form_id
   * @param boolean $create
   *   Determines should we construct new form or return NULL if it does not exist.
   * @return BotchaForm
  public function getForm($form_id, $create = TRUE) {
    $none = TRUE;

    // Respect form exceptions (done by forbidden_forms recipe book).

    //if (!in_array($form_id, array('user_login', 'user_login_block', 'update_script_selection_form'))) {
    $form = $this
    if ($form || $create) {
      $none = FALSE;

    if ($none) {
      $botcha_form = new BotchaFormNone($form_id);
    else {
      $botcha_form = new BotchaForm($form_id);
    return $botcha_form;

   * Get a list of available BOTCHA form objects.
   * @todo Respect reset (?via Cacher?)
   * @param boolean $reset
   * @return BotchaForm
  public function getForms($reset = FALSE) {
    $forms = array();
    foreach ($this
      ->getForms() as $form) {
      $forms[$form->id] = $this
        ->getForm($form->id, FALSE);
    return $forms;

  // @todo ?Should we separate BotchaForm and BotchaFormAbstract?
  public function save($form) {

    // Save form to DB.

    // Return updated object to check results if necessary.
    return $this
      ->getForm($form->id, FALSE);
  public function delete($form) {

    // Save form to DB.

class BotchaForm {
  protected $recipebook;
  public function __construct($form_id) {
    $this->id = $form_id;
    $this->form_id = $form_id;
  public function setRecipebook($rbid) {
    $this->recipebook = $rbid;
    return $this;
  function unsetRecipebook() {
    return $this;

   * @todo BotchaForm getRecipebook Description.
   * @return BotchaRecipebook
  public function getRecipebook() {
    if (!isset($this->recipebook)) {
      $rbs = BotchaModel::getRecipebooksForms(array(
        'mode' => 'recipebook',
        'forms' => $this->id,

      // In fact there is not more than 1 item.
      // @todo Remove hardcode.
      $this->recipebook = !empty($rbs) ? current($rbs) : 'none';
    return $this->recipebook;
  public function isEnabled() {
    $form_id = $this->id;
    $isEnabled = variable_get("botcha_enabled_{$form_id}", 0);
    return $isEnabled;
  public function setEnabled($enabled) {
    $form_id = $this->id;

    // Cast to boolean first.
    $enabled = (bool) $enabled;

    // Cast to integer.
    $enabled = (int) $enabled;
    variable_set("botcha_enabled_{$form_id}", $enabled);
    return $this;
  public function addAdminLinks(&$form) {
    $form_id = $form['form_id']['#value'];
    if (variable_get('botcha_administration_mode', FALSE) && user_access('administer BOTCHA settings') && (arg(0) != 'admin' || variable_get('botcha_allow_on_admin_pages', FALSE) || $form_id == 'user_register') && $form_id != 'update_script_selection_form') {

      // Add BOTCHA administration tools.
      $botcha_element = $this

      // Get placement in form and insert in form.
      // @todo Make away with a dependency from
      $botcha_placement = _botcha_get_botcha_placement($form_id, $form);
      _botcha_insert_botcha_element($form, $botcha_placement, $botcha_element);
  protected function createAdminLinksFieldset($form_id) {

    // For administrators: show BOTCHA info and offer link to configure it.
    $botcha_element = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('BOTCHA'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
      // @todo Abstract it.

      //'#attributes' => array('class' => 'botcha-admin-links'),
      '#attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
    $rbid = $this

    // @todo Remove hardcode.
    if ($rbid === 'none') {
      $botcha_element['#title'] = t('BOTCHA: no protection enabled');
      $botcha_element['add_botcha'] = array(
        // @todo Abstract it.

        //'#value' => l(t('Add BOTCHA protection on form'), Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . "/form/add", array('query' => drupal_get_destination() . "&botcha_form_id=$form_id", 'html' => TRUE)),
        '#markup' => l(t('Add BOTCHA protection on form'), Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . "/form/add", array(
          'query' => array_merge(drupal_get_destination(), array(
            'botcha_form_id' => $form_id,
          'html' => TRUE,
    else {
      $botcha_element['#title'] = t('BOTCHA: protection enabled (@recipebook recipe book)', array(
        '@recipebook' => $rbid,
      $botcha_element['#description'] = t('Untrusted users will have form %form_id protected by BOTCHA (!recipebook_settings, !general_settings).', array(
        '%form_id' => $form_id,
        '!recipebook_settings' => l(t('Recipe book settings'), Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . "/recipebook/{$rbid}"),
        '!general_settings' => l(t('General BOTCHA settings'), Botcha::ADMIN_PATH),
      $botcha_element['protection'] = array(
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#title' => t('Enabled protection'),
        // @todo Abstract it.

        //'#value' => t('Form is protected by "@recipebook" recipe book (!edit, !disable)', array(
        '#markup' => t('Form is protected by "@recipebook" recipe book (!edit, !disable)', array(
          '@recipebook' => $rbid,
          '!edit' => l(t('edit'), Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . "/form/{$form_id}", array(
            'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
            'html' => TRUE,
          '!disable' => l(t('disable'), Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . "/form/{$form_id}/disable", array(
            'query' => drupal_get_destination(),
            'html' => TRUE,
    return $botcha_element;


 * Dummy class, created for data consistency and for interface unifying.
 * When there is no form, this class is used as a handler.
 * It has no logic at all - by design.
class BotchaFormNone extends BotchaForm {

  // @todo Refactor this since it is duplication.
  public function __construct($form_id = NULL) {
    $this->id = !empty($form_id) ? $form_id : 'none';
  public function getRecipebook() {

    // @todo Remove hardcode.
    return 'none';
  public function addAdminLinks(&$form) {
    $form_id = $form['form_id']['#value'];

    // Apply only to allowed forms.
    if (!in_array($form_id, array(
    ))) {



Namesort descending Description
BotchaFormController Special class to abstract operations with form_id. It looks like additional layer of abstraction after DatabaseAbstractionLayer. It helps us to get necessary data - while we don't have to repeat ourselves in many places, writing queries to the…
BotchaFormNone Dummy class, created for data consistency and for interface unifying. When there is no form, this class is used as a handler. It has no logic at all - by design.


Namesort descending Description
IBotchaFormController @file Controller layer of the BotchaForm objects.