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function BotchaRecipe::generateFormElements in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 controller/recipe/ \BotchaRecipe::generateFormElements()
  2. 7.2 controller/ \BotchaRecipe::generateFormElements()
  3. 7.3 controller/recipe/ \BotchaRecipe::generateFormElements()

Used to get information about the recipe. Must be overridden with calling to parent::generateFormElements. @todo Switch from indexed array to associative.

3 calls to BotchaRecipe::generateFormElements()
BotchaRecipe::applyRecipe in controller/
BotchaRecipeTimegate::generateFormElements in controller/
Used to get information about the recipe. Must be overridden with calling to parent::generateFormElements. @todo Switch from indexed array to associative.
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::generateFormElements in controller/
Used to get information about the recipe. Must be overridden with calling to parent::generateFormElements. @todo Switch from indexed array to associative.
2 methods override BotchaRecipe::generateFormElements()
BotchaRecipeTimegate::generateFormElements in controller/
Used to get information about the recipe. Must be overridden with calling to parent::generateFormElements. @todo Switch from indexed array to associative.
BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract::generateFormElements in controller/
Used to get information about the recipe. Must be overridden with calling to parent::generateFormElements. @todo Switch from indexed array to associative.


controller/, line 302
Controller layer of the BotchaRecipe objects.


Abstract class to describe recipe data structure.


function generateFormElements() {
  $css = $this
    ->getProperty($this->settings['css'], 'getCss');
  if (!empty($css)) {

    // @todo Abstract it.

    //drupal_add_css('' . $this->settings['css'] . '', array('type' => 'inline'));
    drupal_set_html_head('<style type="text/css">' . $css . '</style>');
  return array();