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Controller layer of the BotchaRecipe objects.


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 * @file
 * Controller layer of the BotchaRecipe objects.

 * Abstract class to describe recipe data structure.
abstract class BotchaRecipe {

   * Identifier of the recipe.
  public $id;

   * Brief description of the recipe.
   * It should contain explanation of how bots would fail with it
   * and what the recipe exactly does.
  protected $description;

   * Options that received as parameters turned into settings
   * by merging with default values.
  protected $settings = array();

   * Secret.
  protected $secret;

   * Method of recipe genration.
  protected $method;

   * CSS to add to the page.
  protected $css;

   * Javascript to add to the page.
  protected $js;

   * @todo Do we really need it? Probably the best way is to provide mail field always - it hides our fields.
   * Name of the field in the form to use in error messages
   * (to mask botcha fields).
  public $error_field;

   * Text to give users if botcha recipe blocks submission.
   * It should give some help to real human users in cases
   * of disabled Javascript or CSS.
  public $error_text;
  protected $recipebooks = array();

   * Status of the spam check.
  public $status = 'none';
  public static function getRecipe($id, $create = TRUE) {
    $r = BotchaRecipeModel::getRecipe($id);
    $classname = $r->classname;
    $recipe = new $classname($id);
    return $recipe;
  public function setRecipebook($rbid) {
    $this->recipebooks[$rbid] = $rbid;

    // Save changed state.
    return $this;
  public function save() {

    // Clean session to fetch new values.
  function setTitle($title) {
    $this->title = $title;

    // Save changed state.
    return $this;
  function getTitle() {
    return $this->title;
  function setDescription($description) {
    $this->description = $description;

    // Save changed state.
    return $this;
  function getDescription() {
    return $this->description;
  function setSecret($secret) {
    $this->secret = $secret;

    // Save changed state.
    return $this;
  function getSecret() {
    return $this->secret;
  function setMethod($method) {
    $this->method = $method;

    // Save changed state.
    return $this;
  function getMethod() {
    return $this->method;
  function setStatus($status) {
    $this->status = $status;

    // Save changed state.
    return $this;
  function getStatus() {
    return $this->status;
  function getSetting($key) {
    return $this->settings[$key];
  function setSetting($key, $value) {
    $this->settings[$key] = $value;

    // Save changed state.
    return $this;

   * Magic method __construct.
  function __construct($id) {
    $this->id = $id;

    // Get human-readable description about this recipe
    // to clarify its work process.

   * Used to get information about the recipe.
   * Must be overridden.
  function getInfo() {
    $this->error_field = 'mail';
    $this->error_text = t('You must be a human, not a spam bot, to submit forms on this website.') . ' ' . t('If you insist that you are a human, please try again.') . ' ' . t('If error persists, contact webmaster using contact link at the bottom of this page and give all the details of this error (your browser, version, OS).');

   * Used to get default recipe data structure.
  function getDefaultSettings() {
    return array(
      'fields' => $this
      'css' => $this
      'js' => $this

   * Universal getter.
   * Wrapper getProperty is used to let class methods be used not only in getting
   * default settings. It gives flexibility to make calls to the class methods
   * in any order: the first of them will always calculate the property value
   * and set the setting, while others will just get this already calculated value.
   * It also provides consistency: we are sure that when we get some property,
   * it is set appropriately.
  function getProperty(&$value, $getter_callback, $parameters = NULL) {
    if (empty($value)) {
      $value = $this
    return $value;

   * Spam check.
   * @param type $form
   * @param type $form_state
  function isSpam($form, $form_state) {

   * Handle form depending on the result of spam check.
   * @param type $result
   * @param type $form
   * @param type $form_state
  function handle($result, $form, $form_state) {

    // !!~ @todo handle Implement real logic of handling.
    switch ($result) {
      case 'success':
      case 'spam':
  function getSeed() {
    return md5(get_class($this) . substr($this->secret, 0, -4));
  function getFields() {
    $fields_count = $this
    $fields = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $fields_count; $i++) {
      $fields[$i] = $this
    return $fields;

  // @todo BotchaRecipe getField Replace deltas with machine names.
  function getField($delta) {
    return array(
      'name' => $this
        ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'][$delta]['name'], 'getFieldName', $delta),
      'class' => $this
        ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'][$delta]['class'], 'getFieldClass', $delta),
      'prefix' => $this
        ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'][$delta]['prefix'], 'getFieldPrefix', $delta),

   * Should be overridden.
   * @return string
  public function getCss() {

   * Should be overridden.
   * @return array
  public function getJs() {

  // @todo BotchaRecipe getFieldName Replace deltas with machine names.
  function getFieldName($delta) {
    return substr($this
      ->getProperty($this->seed, 'getSeed'), 0, 3) . '_name';

  // @todo BotchaRecipe getFieldClass Replace deltas with machine names.
  function getFieldClass($delta) {

    // 'a' fix for Firefox - it breaks on ".<number>" class in CSS filter!
    return 'a' . substr($this
      ->getProperty($this->seed, 'getSeed'), 1, 4) . '_field';

  // @todo BotchaRecipe getFieldPrefix Replace deltas with machine names.
  function getFieldPrefix($delta) {
    return substr($this
      ->getProperty($this->seed, 'getSeed'), 10, mt_rand(3, 6));

   * Used to get information about the recipe.
   * Must be overridden with calling to parent::generateFormElements.
   * @todo BotchaRecipe generateFormElements Switch from indexed array to associative.
  function generateFormElements() {
    $css = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['css'], 'getCss');
    if (!empty($css)) {
      drupal_add_css('' . $this->settings['css'] . '', array(
        'type' => 'inline',
    return array();

   * Apply recipe modifying form properties.
  public function applyRecipe(&$form, &$form_state) {

    // Add BOTCHA fields to the form.
    $form_elements = $this
    foreach ($form_elements as $field_name => $field_properties) {
      $form[$field_name] = $field_properties;
      if ($this->method == 'build_id_submit') {

        // Save submitted values in our stash for later use in _validate,
        // as we have to reset them here at _form_alter stage.
        // It won't be possible to reset after validation as there is no
        // reliable mechanism in Form API, i.e. form_set_value() does not
        // change rendered form and form errors disable whole 'rebuild' business.
        if (isset($_POST[$field_name])) {
          $form_state['botcha_submit_values'][$field_name] = $_POST[$field_name];
        if (isset($field_properties['#default_value'])) {

          // Reset our controls to defaults here (as explained above).
          $form[$field_name]['#value'] = $field_properties['#default_value'];
          $form_state['post'][$field_name] = $field_properties['#default_value'];
          $_POST[$field_name] = $field_properties['#default_value'];
      else {


class BotchaRecipeNoResubmit extends BotchaRecipe {
  function getInfo() {
    $this->description = t('Prevent form resubmission.' . ' Bots will try to resubmit old form prepared.' . ' Form is remembered, and only one submission is allowed.');
    $this->error_text .= '<br />' . t('Form session reuse detected.') . ' ' . t('An old form was submitted again, which may happen' . ' if it was retrieved from browser history using "Back" button.') . '<br />' . t('Please try again - fill all entries on this page' . ' without going "Back".');
  function isSpam($form, $form_state) {

    // !!~ @todo Reduce code duplication.
    // @see BotchaRecipe.applyRecipe()
    $isSpam = TRUE;
    $build_id = isset($_POST['form_build_id']) ? $_POST['form_build_id'] : $form['#build_id'];
    if ($cached = cache_get("botcha_{$build_id}", 'cache_form')) {
      $data = $cached->data;
      if (isset($data['#cache_token']) && $data['#cache_token'] == $this
        ->getToken()) {
        $isSpam = FALSE;
    return $isSpam;
  protected function getToken($value = '') {
    return drupal_get_token($value);
  function applyRecipe(&$form, &$form_state) {
    parent::applyRecipe($form, $form_state);

    // Save build id.
    $build_id = $form['#build_id'];

    // !!~ @todo Reduce code duplication.
    // @see BotchaRecipebook.apply()
    $build_id_submit = isset($_POST['form_build_id']) ? $_POST['form_build_id'] : FALSE;

    // Issue the client a new build_id, make sure that the form has it set
    // in the hidden field.
    if ($build_id_submit != $build_id) {
      $form_state['post']['form_build_id'] = $build_id;

    // 6 hours cache life time for forms should be plenty.
    // @todo Provide UI for controlling the botcha_cache_expiration_timeout parameter.
    $expire = variable_get('botcha_cache_expiration_timeout', 21600);
    $data = array();
    $data['#cache_token'] = $this

    // We use cache_form table.
    // Sneaky, but why build our own table since we are working side-by-side with form API?
    cache_set('botcha_' . $build_id, $data, 'cache_form', REQUEST_TIME + $expire);
  function handle($mode, $form, $form_state) {
    parent::handle($mode, $form, $form_state);

    // !!~ @todo Reduce code duplication.
    // @see BotchaRecipe.applyRecipe()
    $build_id = isset($_POST['form_build_id']) ? $_POST['form_build_id'] : $form['#build_id'];

    // Invalidate cache so resubmit will not work.
    // Make it to expire immediately.
    $expire = 0;
    $data = array();
    cache_set('botcha_' . $build_id, $data, 'cache_form', REQUEST_TIME + $expire);

class BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract extends BotchaRecipe {
  function getInfo() {
    $this->error_text .= '<br />' . t('Please enable Javascript to use this form.');
  function getFieldCount() {
    return 1;
  function generateFormElements() {
    $fields = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'], 'getFields');
    $js = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['js'], 'getJs');
    $form_elements = array(
      $fields[0]['name'] => array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('Enter your name'),
        // Leave the bot enough hints for it to guess it is a good name field
        '#default_value' => $fields[0]['default_value'],
        // Store part of secure_token
        '#description' => t('Your first name.'),
        // This is for human users without CSS.
        '#prefix' => '<div class="' . $fields[0]['class'] . '">' . '<span class="description"> (' . t('If you\'re a human, don\'t change the following field') . ')</span>',
        // @todo Move it to constant since it is also used in error_text.
        '#suffix' => '</div>' . '<noscript>' . t('Please enable Javascript to use this form.') . '</noscript>',
        '#attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
          'autocomplete' => 'off',
        '#weight' => -20,
        '!valid_token' => $js['secure_token'],
    $js_value = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['js']['value'], 'getJsValue');
    if (!empty($js_value)) {
      drupal_add_js($js_value, array(
        'type' => 'inline',
        'preprocess' => FALSE,
    return array_merge(parent::generateFormElements(), $form_elements);
  function getField($delta) {
    return array_merge(parent::getField($delta), array(
      'default_value' => $this
        ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'][$delta]['default_value'], 'getFieldDefault', $delta),

   * What server sends to JS in the field.
   * @return string
  function getFieldDefault($delta) {
    $fields = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'], 'getFields');
    $js = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['js'], 'getJs');
    $field_prefix = $fields[$delta]['prefix'];
    $chops_positions = array_keys($js['chops']);
    $secure_token = $js['secure_token'];
    return $field_prefix . substr($secure_token, $chops_positions[0], $chops_positions[1]);
  public function getCss() {
    $fields = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'], 'getFields');
    return 'div.' . $fields[0]['class'] . ' { display: none; visibility: hidden; }';
  public function getJs() {

    // JS has to reconstruct the token from tok1, part of field_dflt, tok2.
    return array(
      'name' => $this
        ->getProperty($this->settings['js']['name'], 'getJsName'),
      'pos' => $this
        ->getProperty($this->settings['js']['pos'], 'getJsPos'),
      'match' => $this
        ->getProperty($this->settings['js']['match'], 'getJsMatch'),
      'secure_token' => $this
        ->getProperty($this->settings['js']['secure_token'], 'getJsSecureToken'),
      'chops' => $this
        ->getProperty($this->settings['js']['chops'], 'getJsChops'),

   * Get name of JS-script, attached to field.
  function getJsName() {

    // Must start with a literal.
    return 'a' . substr($this->secret, 0, 10) . substr($this
      ->getProperty($this->seed, 'getSeed'), 6, 8);

   * What position is the part of the token.
  function getJsPos() {
    return strlen($this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'][0]['prefix'], 'getFieldPrefix'));

   *  What JS matches in the field.
  function getJsMatch() {
    $chop_positions = array_keys($this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['js']['chops'], 'getJsChops'));
    return substr($this
      ->getFieldDefault(0), 0, $this
      ->getJsPos() + mt_rand(2, $chop_positions[1]));
  function getJsChops() {
    $secure_token = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['js']['secure_token'], 'getJsSecureToken');

    // Chop the token in 3 parts.
    $js_chops = array();
    $chop1 = 2;
    $js_chops[$chop1] = substr($secure_token, 0, $chop1);
    $chop2 = mt_rand(5, 8);
    $js_chops[$chop2] = substr($secure_token, $chop1 + $chop2);
    return $js_chops;
  function getJsSecureToken() {
    return substr($this
      ->getProperty($this->seed, 'getSeed'), 4, -2) . '_form';
  function getJsValue() {

class BotchaRecipeHoneypot extends BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract {
  function getInfo() {
    $this->description = t('Insert JS+CSS+honeypot field.') . ' ' . t('Bots will not run JS or will mess with the field') . ' ' . t('%parts are added to the form.', array(
      '%parts' => t('Honeypot field') . ', CSS , JS',
    )) . ' ' . t('CSS hides the input field.') . ' ' . t('JS enters key value into the field.');
  function getJsValue() {

    // Just ensure that parameters are set.
    $fields = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'], 'getFields');
    $js = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['js'], 'getJs');
    $js_tok1 = reset($js['chops']);
    $js_tok2 = next($js['chops']);
    return <<<END
(function (\$) {
  Drupal.behaviors.{<span class="php-variable">$js</span>[<span class="php-string">'name'</span>]} = {
    attach: function (context, settings) {
      \$("input.{<span class="php-variable">$fields</span>[<span class="php-constant">0</span>][<span class="php-string">'class'</span>]}").each(function() {
        if (f.value.indexOf("{<span class="php-variable">$js</span>[<span class="php-string">'match'</span>]}")==0){f.value="{<span class="php-variable">$js_tok1</span>}"+f.value.substring({<span class="php-variable">$js</span>[<span class="php-string">'pos'</span>]})+"{<span class="php-variable">$js_tok2</span>}";}
  function isSpam($form, $form_state) {
    $isSpam = parent::isSpam($form, $form_state);
    foreach ($this
      ->generateFormElements() as $field_name => $formElement) {
      if (isset($formElement['!valid_token']) && isset($form_state['botcha_submit_values'][$field_name]) && $form_state['botcha_submit_values'][$field_name] !== $formElement['!valid_token']) {
        $isSpam = TRUE;
    return $isSpam;


// @todo BotchaRecipeHoneypot2 Refactor it as a configuration of BotchaRecipeHoneypot.
class BotchaRecipeHoneypot2 extends BotchaRecipeHoneypot {
  function getFieldName($delta) {
    switch ($delta) {
      case 0:
        return parent::getFieldName($delta);
  function getCss() {
    $fields = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'], 'getFields');
    $js = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['js'], 'getJs');
    $chops_positions = array_keys($js['chops']);
    $css_tok2 = substr($js['secure_token'], $chops_positions[0] + $chops_positions[1]);

    // 'a' before css token is because font name must start with a letter.
    return parent::getCss() . " input.{$fields[0]['class']} { font-family: sans-serif, a{$css_tok2} !important; }";
  function getJsValue() {
    $fields = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'], 'getFields');
    $js = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['js'], 'getJs');
    $js_tok1 = reset($js['chops']);
    $selector = "input.{$fields[0]['class']}";
    return <<<END
(function (\$) {
  Drupal.behaviors.{<span class="php-variable">$js</span>[<span class="php-string">'name'</span>]} = {
    attach: function (context, settings) {
      \$("{<span class="php-variable">$selector</span>}").each(function() {
        if(tok2.charAt(0) == "'" || tok2.charAt(0) == '"') tok2=tok2.substring(1, tok2.length-1);
        tok2=tok2.substring(1, tok2.length);
        if (f.value.indexOf("{<span class="php-variable">$js</span>[<span class="php-string">'match'</span>]}")==0){f.value="{<span class="php-variable">$js_tok1</span>}"+f.value.substring({<span class="php-variable">$js</span>[<span class="php-string">'pos'</span>]})+tok2;}

class BotchaRecipeObscureUrl extends BotchaRecipeUsingJsAbstract {
  function getInfo() {
    $this->description = t('Insert a new field into form action URL.') . ' ' . t('Bots will not run JS and miss the field.') . ' ' . t('%parts is added to the form.', array(
      '%parts' => 'JS',
    )) . ' ' . t('JS enters key value into the field.');
  function isSpam($form, $form_state) {
    $isSpam = parent::isSpam($form, $form_state);
    foreach ($this->url_elements as $field => $value) {
      $url_field = isset($_GET[$field]) ? $_GET[$field] : FALSE;
      if (isset($value['!valid_token']) && $url_field !== $value['!valid_token']) {
        $isSpam = TRUE;
    return $isSpam;
  function applyRecipe(&$form, &$form_state) {

    // Make some preparations dependent on form before applying.
    $this->settings['form_id'] = $form['form_id']['#value'];
    $this->settings['form_action'] = $form['#action'];
    parent::applyRecipe($form, $form_state);

    // !!~ @todo Merge url_elements with just fields.
    $this->url_elements[$this->settings['fields'][2]['name']] = array(
      // Describe URL field. JS will return token in URL field.
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#default_value' => '',
      '!valid_token' => $this->settings['js']['secure_token'],

    // @todo Refactor url_elements saving.
  function getFieldCount() {
    return 3;
  function getFieldName($delta) {
    switch ($delta) {
      case 2:
        return substr($this
          ->getProperty($this->seed, 'getSeed'), 1, 4) . '_name';
      case 1:
        return parent::getFieldName($delta);
      case 0:

        // @todo BotchaRecipeObscureUrl getFieldName Remove hardcode.
        return 'botcha';
  function getJsValue() {

    // Just ensure that parameters are set.
    $fields = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'], 'getFields');
    $js = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['js'], 'getJs');
    $chops_positions = array_keys($js['chops']);
    $field2_name = $fields[2]['name'];
    $form_id = str_replace('_', '-', $this
    $submit = _botcha_url($this
      ->getSetting('form_action'), array(
      'query' => array(
        $field2_name => '__replace__',

    // Secure_token.
    $submit = preg_replace('/__replace__/', $js['chops'][$chops_positions[0]] . '\'+v+\'' . $js['chops'][$chops_positions[1]], $submit);
    return <<<END
(function (\$) {
  Drupal.behaviors.{<span class="php-variable">$js</span>[<span class="php-string">'name'</span>]} = {
    attach: function (context, settings) {
      \$("input.{<span class="php-variable">$fields</span>[<span class="php-constant">1</span>][<span class="php-string">'class'</span>]}").each(function() {
        if (f.value.indexOf("{<span class="php-variable">$js</span>[<span class="php-string">'match'</span>]}")==0){
          v=f.value.substring({<span class="php-variable">$js</span>[<span class="php-string">'pos'</span>]});
          \$("#{<span class="php-variable">$form_id</span>}").get(0).setAttribute('action', '{<span class="php-variable">$submit</span>}');
  function generateFormElements() {
    $fields = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'], 'getFields');
    return array_merge(parent::generateFormElements(), array(
      // Add hidden field to keep part of the token.
      $fields[1]['name'] => array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        // Store part of secure_token.
        '#default_value' => $fields[1]['default_value'],
        '#attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
        '#weight' => 20,

class BotchaRecipeTimegate extends BotchaRecipe {
  protected $time;
  function getInfo() {
    $this->description = t('Check time spended for submitting a form.') . ' ' . t('Bots submit form too fast.') . ' ' . t('Form is marked with timestamp which is checked during submit.');
    $this->error_text .= '<br />' . t('Form is submitted too fast.') . '<br />' . t('Please spend more time filling in the form.');
  function getFieldCount() {
    return 1;
  function getFieldName($delta) {
    switch ($delta) {
      case 0:
        return 'timegate';
  function generateFormElements() {
    $fields = $this
      ->getProperty($this->settings['fields'], 'getFields');
    return array_merge(parent::generateFormElements(), array(
      $fields[0]['name'] => array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#title' => 'Timegate',
        '#weight' => 5,
        '#required' => FALSE,
        '#default_value' => time(),

  /* !!-{
    function applyRecipe(&$form, &$form_state) {
      // Save the timestamp of form creation
      // to compare it with time() during validation.
      switch ($this->method) {
        case 'build_id':
          $this->time = time();
        case 'build_id_submit':
          $this->time = $form_state['input']['timegate'];
      parent::applyRecipe($form, $form_state);
   * !!-}
  function isSpam($form, $form_state) {
    $isSpam = parent::isSpam($form, $form_state);
    $absence = empty($form['timegate']);
    $minimal_delay = variable_get('botcha_timegate', 5);
    $form_generated = !empty($form_state['botcha_submit_values']['timegate']) ? $form_state['botcha_submit_values']['timegate'] : NULL;
    $form_submitted = !empty($form_state['values']['timegate']) ? $form_state['values']['timegate'] : NULL;
    if ($absence || (int) $form_submitted < (int) $form_generated + (int) $minimal_delay) {
      $isSpam = TRUE;
    return $isSpam;
