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10 calls to Botcha::setRecipe() in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 6.2

Botcha::getRecipe in controller/
Gets a recipe from cache. If it does not exists in cache - gets from database. If it does not exists there also - returns NULL.
Botcha::getRecipes in controller/
Get a list of all BOTCHA recipes objects.
BotchaRecipe::setDescription in controller/
BotchaRecipe::setMethod in controller/
BotchaRecipe::setRecipebook in controller/
BotchaRecipe::setSecret in controller/
BotchaRecipe::setSetting in controller/
BotchaRecipe::setStatus in controller/
BotchaRecipe::setTitle in controller/
BotchaRecipeObscureUrl::applyRecipe in controller/