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9 calls to Botcha::getForm() in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 7.2

Botcha::getForms in controller/
Get a list of available BOTCHA form objects.
BotchaAdminTestCase::testBotchaAdminLinks in ./botcha.test
Testing of the BOTCHA administration links.
BotchaBaseWebTestCase::assertFormSubmission in ./botcha.test
Check whether our suspections are real.
BotchaBaseWebTestCase::getForm in ./botcha.test
Get one of predefined forms. Used to unify the process of testing.
BotchaRecipebookAbstract::getForms in controller/
@todo BotchaRecipebook getForms Description.
botcha_form_alter in ./botcha.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
botcha_form_exists in ./
botcha_form_load in ./botcha.module
Load an object of form.
_botcha_form_validate in ./botcha.module
Custom form validation - jump to __botcha_form_validate(). FIXME: Is there a standard way to put #validate handlers in a separate file?