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public static function Botcha::getRecipebook in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 controller/ \Botcha::getRecipebook()

Gets a recipe book from cache. If it does not exists in cache - gets from database. If it does not exists there also - returns new recipe book or BotchaRecipebookNone depending on input parameter.


string $id: Machine name of the recipe book to look for.

boolean $create: Determines whether we should initialize new recipe book or not.

Return value


6 calls to Botcha::getRecipebook()
Botcha::getAdminForm in controller/
Botcha::getRecipebooks in controller/
Get a list of all BOTCHA recipe book objects.
BotchaBaseWebTestCase::assertFormSubmission in ./botcha.test
Check whether our suspections are real.
BotchaFormAbstract::getRecipebook in controller/
@todo BotchaForm getRecipebook Description.
botcha_recipebook_id_validate in ./

... See full list


controller/, line 356
Contains Botcha class.


Singleton realization of botcha application.


public static function getRecipebook($id = 'default', $create = TRUE) {
  $recipebook_session =& $_SESSION[self::BOTCHA_SESSION_RECIPEBOOKS][$id];
  if (empty($recipebook_session) || $create) {
    $recipebook = BotchaRecipebook::getRecipebook($id, $create);
    if (!$recipebook instanceof BotchaRecipebookNone) {

      // Set relationships for this concrete recipe book.
      $fs = array_keys(BotchaModel::getRecipebooksForms(array(
        'mode' => 'form',
        'recipebooks' => $id,
      foreach ($fs as $form_id) {
        $recipebook = $recipebook

      // Get recipe book - recipe relationships.
      $rs = array_keys(BotchaModel::getRecipebooksRecipes(array(
        'mode' => 'recipe',
        'recipebooks' => $id,
      foreach ($rs as $recipe_id) {
        $recipebook = $recipebook
  $recipebook = unserialize($recipebook_session);
  return $recipebook;