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public function BotchaAdminTestCase::testAdminLog in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 7.2

Testing of placing messages into log.


./botcha.test, line 874
Tests for BOTCHA module.




public function testAdminLog() {

  // Assert filtering vulnerable data: password. Use case is as follows:
  // 1) Enable BOTCHA protection for user registration form.
  $form_controller = $this->application
  $form_id = 'user_register_form';
  $botcha_form = $form_controller

  // Set log level to one of the highest.
  variable_set('botcha_loglevel', 6);

  // Disable email verification to allow setting password during registration.
  variable_set('user_email_verification', 0);

  // 2) Register new user via that form.
  $edit = array(
    'name' => $username = $this
    'mail' => $mail = $username . '',
    'pass[pass1]' => $password = user_password(),
    'pass[pass2]' => $password,
    ->drupalPost('user/register', $edit, t('Create new account'));

  // 3) Check that password is encrypted.

  // Always blocked, because Simpletest can't run JavaScript.
    ->clickLink("{$form_id} post blocked by BOTCHA: submission...");
  $pass_fields = array(
    // Assert password is hidden in POST.
    // Assert password is hidden in values.
    // Assert password is hidden in form.
  foreach ($pass_fields as $pass_field) {

    // Filtering is needed because matching is handled on filtered text.
      ->assertText(filter_xss("[{$pass_field}] => ******", array()), t("Password {$pass_field} is hidden"));
      ->assertNoText(filter_xss("[{$pass_field}] => {$password}", array()), t("There is no raw {$pass_field} password"));