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botcha.module in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 6.3

BOTCHA - Spam Prevention It modifies forms by adding various botcha's.


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 * @file
 * BOTCHA - Spam Prevention
 * It modifies forms by adding various botcha's.
define('BOTCHA_SECRET', variable_get('botcha_secret', '3288039533f40382398a85d52a8da366'));
define('BOTCHA_LOG', 'BOTCHA');
define('BOTCHA_LOGLEVEL', variable_get('botcha_loglevel', 2));

 *  0 - no log
 *  1 - log blocked/bad submissions only
 *  2 - also log why blocked
 *  3 - also log good submissions
 *  4 - also log when preparing forms
 *  5 - log extra submission details
 *  6 - misc development items

// Error message.
define('BOTCHA_WRONG_RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGE', 'You must be a human, not a spam bot, to submit forms on this website.');
if (!function_exists('watchdog_exception')) {
  function _botcha_get_last_caller($backtrace) {

    // Errors that occur inside PHP internal functions do not generate
    // information about file and line. Ignore black listed functions.
    $blacklist = array(
    while ($backtrace && !isset($backtrace[0]['line']) || isset($backtrace[1]['function']) && in_array($backtrace[1]['function'], $blacklist)) {

    // The first trace is the call itself.
    // It gives us the line and the file of the last call.
    $call = $backtrace[0];

    // The second call give us the function where the call originated.
    if (isset($backtrace[1])) {
      if (isset($backtrace[1]['class'])) {
        $call['function'] = $backtrace[1]['class'] . $backtrace[1]['type'] . $backtrace[1]['function'] . '()';
      else {
        $call['function'] = $backtrace[1]['function'] . '()';
    else {
      $call['function'] = 'main()';
    return $call;
  function _botcha_decode_exception($exception) {
    $message = $exception
    $backtrace = $exception

    // Add the line throwing the exception to the backtrace.
    array_unshift($backtrace, array(
      'line' => $exception
      'file' => $exception

    // For PDOException errors, we try to return the initial caller,
    // skipping internal functions of the database layer.
    if ($exception instanceof PDOException) {

      // The first element in the stack is the call, the second element gives us the caller.
      // We skip calls that occurred in one of the classes of the database layer
      // or in one of its global functions.
      $db_functions = array(
      while (!empty($backtrace[1]) && ($caller = $backtrace[1]) && (isset($caller['class']) && (strpos($caller['class'], 'Query') !== FALSE || strpos($caller['class'], 'Database') !== FALSE || strpos($caller['class'], 'PDO') !== FALSE) || in_array($caller['function'], $db_functions))) {

        // We remove that call.
      if (isset($exception->query_string, $exception->args)) {
        $message .= ": " . $exception->query_string . "; " . print_r($exception->args, TRUE);
    $caller = _botcha_get_last_caller($backtrace);
    return array(
      '%type' => get_class($exception),
      // The standard PHP exception handler considers that the exception message
      // is plain-text. We mimick this behavior here.
      '!message' => check_plain($message),
      '%function' => $caller['function'],
      '%file' => $caller['file'],
      '%line' => $caller['line'],
      'severity_level' => WATCHDOG_ERROR,

   * Backport from D7
  function watchdog_exception($type, Exception $exception, $message = NULL, $variables = array(), $severity = WATCHDOG_ERROR, $link = NULL) {

    // Use a default value if $message is not set.
    if (empty($message)) {

      // The exception message is run through check_plain() by _botcha_decode_exception().
      $message = '%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).';

    // $variables must be an array so that we can add the exception information.
    if (!is_array($variables)) {
      $variables = array();
    $variables += _botcha_decode_exception($exception);
    watchdog($type, $message, $variables, $severity, $link);

 * Filter out sensitive form data for logging
 * Recursive.
function _botcha_filter_form_log($form, $level = 0) {
  if (is_array($form) && !is_string($form)) {
    foreach ($form as $key => $value) {
      if ($key == '#post') {
        $form[$key] = $level == 0 ? _botcha_filter_form_values_log($value) : t('...[redundand entry - removed]');
      elseif ($key == '#parameters') {
        foreach ($value as $n => $arg) {
          $value[$n] = _botcha_filter_form_log($arg, -1);
        $form[$key] = $value;
      elseif (!element_property($key)) {

        // Handle recursion for $key == '#parameters'
        if ($level == -1) {
          $form[$key] = $key == 'pass' ? '********' : _botcha_filter_form_log($value, -1);
        else {
          $form[$key] = _botcha_filter_form_log($value, $level + 1);
          if ($key == 'pass' && isset($form[$key]['#value'])) {
            $form[$key]['#value'] = '********';
  return $form;

 * Filter out sensitive form data from values for logging
function _botcha_filter_form_values_log($values) {
  if (is_array($values) && isset($values['pass']) && is_string($values['pass'])) {
    $values['pass'] = '********';
  return $values;

 * Helper function to get placement information for a given form_id.
 * @param $form_id the form_id to get the placement information for.
 * @param $form if a form corresponding to the given form_id, if there
 *   is no placement info for the given form_id, this form is examined to
 *   guess the placement.
 * @return placement info array
 * @see _botcha_insert_botcha_element()
 *   for more info about the fields 'path', 'key' and 'weight'.
function _botcha_get_botcha_placement($form_id, $form) {

  // Get BOTCHA placement map from cache. Two levels of cache:
  // static variable in this function and storage in the variables table.
  static $placement_map = NULL;

  // Try first level cache.
  if ($placement_map === NULL) {

    // If first level cache missed: try second level cache.
    $placement_map = variable_get('botcha_placement_map_cache', NULL);
    if ($placement_map === NULL) {

      // If second level cache missed: start from a fresh placement map.
      $placement_map = array();

      // Prefill with some hard coded default entries.
      // The comment form can have a 'Preview' button, or both a 'Submit' and 'Preview' button,
      // which is tricky for automatic placement detection. Luckily, Drupal core sets their
      // weight (19 and 20), so we just have to specify a slightly smaller weight.
      $placement_map['comment_form'] = array(
        'path' => array(),
        'key' => NULL,
        'weight' => 18.9,

      //FIXME: port over from CAPTCHA D7:

      // Additional note: the node forms also have the posibility to only show a 'Preview' button.
      // However, the 'Submit' button is always present, but is just not rendered ('#access' = FALSE)
      // in those cases. The the automatic button detection should be sufficient for node forms.
      // $placement_map['user_login'] = array('path' => array(), 'key' => NULL, 'weight' => 1.9);
      // TODO: also make the placement 'overridable' from the admin UI?
      // If second level cache missed: initialize the placement map
      // and let other modules hook into this with the hook_botcha_placement_map hook.
      // By default however, probably all Drupal core forms are already correctly
      // handled with the best effort guess based on the 'actions' element (see below).
      //      $placement_map = module_invoke_all('botcha_placement_map');

  // Query the placement map.
  if (array_key_exists($form_id, $placement_map)) {
    $placement = $placement_map[$form_id];
  else {
    $buttons = _botcha_search_buttons($form);
    if (count($buttons)) {

      // Pick first button.
      // TODO: make this more sophisticated? Use cases needed.
      $placement = $buttons[0];
    else {

      // Use NULL when no buttons were found.
      $placement = NULL;

    // Store calculated placement in caches.
    $placement_map[$form_id] = $placement;
    variable_set('botcha_placement_map_cache', $placement_map);
  return $placement;

 * Helper function to insert a BOTCHA element in a form before a given form element.
 * @param $form the form to add the BOTCHA element to.
 * @param $placement information where the BOTCHA element should be inserted.
 *   $placement should be an associative array with fields:
 *     - 'path': path (array of path items) of the container in the form where the
 *       BOTCHA element should be inserted.
 *     - 'key': the key of the element before which the BOTCHA element
 *       should be inserted. If the field 'key' is undefined or NULL, the BOTCHA will
 *       just be appended to the container.
 *     - 'weight': if 'key' is not NULL: should be the weight of the element defined by 'key'.
 *       If 'key' is NULL and weight is not NULL: set the weight property of the BOTCHA element
 *       to this value.
 * @param $botcha_element the BOTCHA element to insert.
function _botcha_insert_botcha_element(&$form, $placement, $botcha_element) {

  // Get path, target and target weight or use defaults if not available.
  $target_key = isset($placement['key']) ? $placement['key'] : NULL;
  $target_weight = isset($placement['weight']) ? $placement['weight'] : NULL;
  $path = isset($placement['path']) ? $placement['path'] : array();

  // Walk through the form along the path.
  $form_stepper =& $form;
  foreach ($path as $step) {
    if (isset($form_stepper[$step])) {
      $form_stepper =& $form_stepper[$step];
    else {

      // Given path is invalid: stop stepping and
      // continue in best effort (append instead of insert).
      $target_key = NULL;

  // If no target is available: just append the BOTCHA element to the container.
  if ($target_key == NULL || !array_key_exists($target_key, $form_stepper)) {

    // Optionally, set weight of BOTCHA element.
    if ($target_weight != NULL) {
      $botcha_element['#weight'] = $target_weight;
    $form_stepper['botcha'] = $botcha_element;
  else {

    // If target has a weight: set weight of BOTCHA element a bit smaller
    // and just append the BOTCHA: sorting will fix the ordering anyway.
    if ($target_weight != NULL) {
      $botcha_element['#weight'] = $target_weight - 0.1;
      $form_stepper['botcha'] = $botcha_element;
    else {

      // If we can't play with weights: insert the BOTCHA element at the right position.
      // Because PHP lacks a function for this (array_splice() comes close,
      // but it does not preserve the key of the inserted element), we do it by hand:
      // chop of the end, append the BOTCHA element and put the end back.
      $offset = array_search($target_key, array_keys($form_stepper));
      $end = array_splice($form_stepper, $offset);
      $form_stepper['botcha'] = $botcha_element;
      foreach ($end as $k => $v) {
        $form_stepper[$k] = $v;
function _botcha_i18n() {
  $variables = _botcha_variables(TRUE);
  $i18n_variables = variable_get('i18n_variables', array());
  if (in_array($variables[0], $i18n_variables)) {
  $i18n_variables = array_merge($i18n_variables, $variables);
  variable_set('i18n_variables', $i18n_variables);

 * Helper function for searching the buttons in a form.
 * @param $form the form to search button elements in
 * @return an array of paths to the buttons.
 *   A path is an array of keys leading to the button, the last
 *   item in the path is the weight of the button element
 *   (or NULL if undefined).
function _botcha_search_buttons($form) {
  $buttons = array();
  foreach (element_children($form) as $key) {

    // Look for submit or button type elements.
    if (isset($form[$key]['#type']) && ($form[$key]['#type'] == 'submit' || $form[$key]['#type'] == 'button')) {
      $weight = isset($form[$key]['#weight']) ? $form[$key]['#weight'] : NULL;
      $buttons[] = array(
        'path' => array(),
        'key' => $key,
        'weight' => $weight,

    // Process children recurively.
    $children_buttons = _botcha_search_buttons($form[$key]);
    foreach ($children_buttons as $b) {
      $b['path'] = array_merge(array(
      ), $b['path']);
      $buttons[] = $b;
  return $buttons;

 * Helper function - build a url (allows full URI in $url)
function _botcha_url($url, $options = array()) {
  global $base_url;
  $path = '';
  $query = '';
  $abs_base = $base_url . '/';
  $absolute = 0 === strpos($url, $abs_base);

  // Figure out if absolute url is given to keep it that way.
  $base = $absolute ? $abs_base_url : base_path();
  $url = 0 === strpos($url, $base) ? substr($url, strlen($base)) : ltrim($url, '/');

  // convert to local variables:
  // $scheme $host $port $user $pass $path $query $fragment

  // For non-clean URLs we need to convert query to array
  if (!empty($query) && !is_array($query)) {
    $params = explode('&', $query);
    $query = array();
    foreach ($params as $param) {
      $param = explode('=', $param, 2);
      $query[$param[0]] = isset($param[1]) ? rawurldecode($param[1]) : '';
  foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
    ${$key} = is_array($value) && is_array(${$key}) ? array_merge(${$key}, $value) : $value;

  //  $result = url($path, array('query' => $query, 'fragment' => $fragment, 'absolute' => $absolute));
  // Unfortunately, url() messes up when $path has language prefix already.
  // Here we reproduce a part of url() to do the job right
  $fragment = !empty($fragment) ? '#' . $fragment : '';
  if (is_array($query)) {

    // @todo Abstract it.
    $query = drupal_query_string_encode($query);

    //$query = drupal_http_build_query($query);
  $prefix = !empty($prefix) ? $prefix : '';
  $prefix = empty($path) ? rtrim($prefix, '/') : $prefix;

  // @todo Abstract it.
  $path = drupal_urlencode($prefix . $path);

  //$path = drupal_encode_path($prefix . $path);
  if (variable_get('clean_url', '0')) {

    // With Clean URLs.
    $result = !empty($query) ? $base . $path . '?' . $query . $fragment : $base . $path . $fragment;
  else {

    // Without Clean URLs.
    $variables = array();
    if (!empty($path)) {
      $variables[] = 'q=' . $path;
    if (!empty($query)) {
      $variables[] = $query;
    $query = join('&', $variables);
    if (!empty($query)) {
      static $script;
      if (!isset($script)) {

        // On some web servers, such as IIS, we can't omit "index.php". So, we
        // generate "index.php?q=foo" instead of "?q=foo" on anything that is not
        // Apache.
        $script = strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'Apache') === FALSE ? 'index.php' : '';
      $result = $base . $script . '?' . $query . $fragment;
    else {
      $result = $base . $fragment;
  return $result;
function _botcha_variables($i18n = FALSE) {
  $ret = array();
  if (!$i18n) {
    $ret += array(
  return $ret;

 * Implementation of hook_boot().
 * Implementing hook_boot() is a must, to force drupal to load this module as
 * early as possible. During hook_init phase moopapi_init() will initialize all
 * the oop method wrappers and execute hook oop->boot().
 * @see application/
function botcha_boot() {
  module_invoke('moopapi', 'register', 'botcha');

// @todo Refactor operations: make them just an individual implementation of available operations (access, load, view, edit, delete, etc.)

 * Check for restriction.
 * @param BotchaForm $botcha_form
function botcha_form_access($botcha_form) {
  $access = user_access('administer BOTCHA settings');

  // @todo Remove hardcode.
  if (in_array($botcha_form->id, array(
  )) && in_array($botcha_form
    ->getRecipebook(), array(
  ))) {
    $access = FALSE;
  return $access;

// @todo Refactor operations: make them just an individual implementation of available operations (access, load, view, edit, delete, etc.)

 * @todo Move to an Application.
 * Load an object of form.
function botcha_form_load($form_id) {
  $app = ComponentFactory::get('Botcha', Component::TYPE_CONTROLLER, Component::ID_APPLICATION);

  //return $this->getController(Botcha::CONTROLLER_TYPE_FORM)->getForm($form_id, FALSE);
  $botcha_form = $app
    ->getForm($form_id, FALSE);
  return $botcha_form;

// @todo Refactor operations: make them just an individual implementation of available operations (access, load, view, edit, delete, etc.)

 * Check for restriction.
function botcha_recipebook_access($recipebook) {
  $access = user_access('administer BOTCHA settings');

  // @todo Remove hardcode.
  if (in_array($recipebook->id, array(
  ))) {
    $access = FALSE;
  return $access;

// @todo Refactor operations: make them just an individual implementation of available operations (access, load, view, edit, delete, etc.)

 * @todo Move to an Application.
 * Load an object of recipe book.
function botcha_recipebook_load($rbid) {
  $app = ComponentFactory::get('Botcha', Component::TYPE_CONTROLLER, Component::ID_APPLICATION);

  //return $this->getController(Botcha::CONTROLLER_TYPE_RECIPEBOOK)->getRecipebook($rbid, FALSE);
  return $app
    ->getRecipebook($rbid, FALSE);

 * Implementation of hook_theme().
 * @todo Move to an Application.
function botcha_theme() {
  return array(
    'botcha_forms_form_botcha_forms' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
    'botcha_recipebooks_form' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,

//@todo Refactor theme functions, making them a part of Application class.

 * Custom theme function for a table of (form_id -> BOTCHA type) settings
function theme_botcha_forms_form_botcha_forms($form) {

  // @todo Abstract it.
  // "Add BOTCHA protection to the form" link.
  $output = l(t('Add BOTCHA protection to the form'), Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . '/form/add');

  // Prepare header before pass to theme.
  $header = $form['#header'];
  $rows = array();

  // Existing BOTCHA points.
  foreach (element_children($form['botcha_forms']) as $id) {
    $row = array();
    foreach (element_children($form['botcha_forms'][$id]) as $col) {
      $row[$col] = drupal_render($form['botcha_forms'][$id][$col]);
    $rows[$id] = $row;
  $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows);
  return $output;

 * Theme botcha_recipebooks_form().
function theme_botcha_recipebooks_form($form) {

  // @todo Abstract it.
  // "Add recipebook" link.
  $output = l(t('Add recipe book'), Botcha::ADMIN_PATH . '/recipebook/add');

  // Prepare header before pass to theme.
  $header = $form['#header'];

  // Iterate through all recipebooks and build a table.
  $rows = array();
  foreach (element_children($form['recipebooks']) as $id) {
    $row = array();
    foreach (element_children($form['recipebooks'][$id]) as $col) {
      $row[$col] = drupal_render($form['recipebooks'][$id][$col]);
    $rows[$id] = $row;
  $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows);
  return $output;

 * Process form callback for BOTCHA form.
 * Using hooking mechanism that is a hack - we want to come in before #process,
 * but our _form_alter() is way too early (we want to let it use cache for all other
 * modules & data). Ideal would be to have #process callback
 * work on the form, but FAPI does not call it on forms, despite the
 * documentation stating that it does. In fact, D6 code needs '#input'=TRUE on
 * the element to get into calling #process callbacks. So we set '#input'=>TRUE
 * on the form when inserting our callback into form['#process'], and it forces
 * the FAPI to call that code path and we get our intercept. Works like a charm!
function botcha_fprocess($element, $edit, &$form_state, $complete_form) {

  // Prevent caching of the page with BOTCHA elements.
  // This needs to be done even if the BOTCHA will be ommitted later:
  // other untrusted users should not get a cached page.
  global $conf;
  $conf['cache'] = CACHE_DISABLED;

  // This temporarily disables cache (for this page request)
  return $element;

// END


Namesort descending Description
botcha_boot Implementation of hook_boot().
botcha_form_access Check for restriction.
botcha_form_load @todo Move to an Application. Load an object of form.
botcha_fprocess Process form callback for BOTCHA form. Using hooking mechanism that is a hack - we want to come in before #process, but our _form_alter() is way too early (we want to let it use cache for all other modules & data). Ideal would be to have #process…
botcha_recipebook_access Check for restriction.
botcha_recipebook_load @todo Move to an Application. Load an object of recipe book.
botcha_theme Implementation of hook_theme(). @todo Move to an Application.
theme_botcha_forms_form_botcha_forms Custom theme function for a table of (form_id -> BOTCHA type) settings
theme_botcha_recipebooks_form Theme botcha_recipebooks_form().
_botcha_filter_form_log Filter out sensitive form data for logging Recursive.
_botcha_filter_form_values_log Filter out sensitive form data from values for logging
_botcha_get_botcha_placement Helper function to get placement information for a given form_id.
_botcha_insert_botcha_element Helper function to insert a BOTCHA element in a form before a given form element.
_botcha_search_buttons Helper function for searching the buttons in a form.
_botcha_url Helper function - build a url (allows full URI in $url)


Namesort descending Description
BOTCHA_SECRET @file BOTCHA - Spam Prevention It modifies forms by adding various botcha's.