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README.txt in Bootstrap Quick Tabs 7




This module provides a Bootstrap tabs "renderer" for to the Quick Tabs module that 
enables site-builders to add Bootstrap-style tabs or pills to a page. It provides
a Bootstrap accordion "renderer" to render content as collapsable panels. This 
module should work with the Bootstrap theme. Some functionality of the Bootstrap
tabs were added with Bootstrap 3 and some were removed. Additional css files are
included to be added to your sub-theme css files. Add only the styles for the 
version you do NOT have.

Installation and Use:
1. Enable module in module list located at administer > structure > modules.
2. Go to admin/structure/quicktabs and click on "Add Quicktabs Instance".
3. Select "bootstrap_tabs" or "bootstrap_accordion" as renderer.
4. The extras folder contains css files for providing Bootstrap 3 styles for 
Bootstrap 2 users and Bootstrap 2 styles for Bootstrap 3 users. You will have to 
add this to your Bootstrap sub-theme css files.

Information on Bootstrap Tabs can be found on the Bootstrap documentation site:

Tabs Styles:
Tabs (default)

Position of tabs/pills:
Tabs/pills on the top (default)
Tabs/pills on the left
Tabs/pills on the right
Tabs/pills on the bottom
Tabs/pills justified on the top
Tabs stacked

Effect of tabs:
Fade (default off)


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  1. *******************************************************************************
  2. Quicktabs
  3. Description:
  4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. This module provides a Bootstrap tabs "renderer" for to the Quick Tabs module that
  6. enables site-builders to add Bootstrap-style tabs or pills to a page. It provides
  7. a Bootstrap accordion "renderer" to render content as collapsable panels. This
  8. module should work with the Bootstrap theme. Some functionality of the Bootstrap
  9. tabs were added with Bootstrap 3 and some were removed. Additional css files are
  10. included to be added to your sub-theme css files. Add only the styles for the
  11. version you do NOT have.
  12. Installation and Use:
  13. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. 1. Enable module in module list located at administer > structure > modules.
  15. 2. Go to admin/structure/quicktabs and click on "Add Quicktabs Instance".
  16. 3. Select "bootstrap_tabs" or "bootstrap_accordion" as renderer.
  17. 4. The extras folder contains css files for providing Bootstrap 3 styles for
  18. Bootstrap 2 users and Bootstrap 2 styles for Bootstrap 3 users. You will have to
  19. add this to your Bootstrap sub-theme css files.
  20. Options:
  21. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. Information on Bootstrap Tabs can be found on the Bootstrap documentation site:
  25. Tabs Styles:
  26. Tabs (default)
  27. Pills
  28. Position of tabs/pills:
  29. Tabs/pills on the top (default)
  30. Tabs/pills on the left
  31. Tabs/pills on the right
  32. Tabs/pills on the bottom
  33. Tabs/pills justified on the top
  34. Tabs stacked
  35. Effect of tabs:
  36. Fade (default off)