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7 string references to YAML keys in bootstrap_layout_builder.routing.yml in Bootstrap Layout Builder 1.x

BootstrapLayout::build in src/Plugin/Layout/BootstrapLayout.php
Build a render array for layout with regions.
BootstrapLayout::buildConfigurationForm in src/Plugin/Layout/BootstrapLayout.php
Form constructor.
BootstrapLayout::getStyleOptions in src/Plugin/Layout/BootstrapLayout.php
Helper function to get the options of given style name.
BootstrapLayout::sectionSettingsIsHidden in src/Plugin/Layout/BootstrapLayout.php
Helper function to get section settings show/hide status.
bootstrap_layout_builder_update_8001 in ./bootstrap_layout_builder.install
Creates the new Bootstrap Layout Builder settings.
LayoutOptionDeleteForm::getCancelUrl in src/Form/LayoutOptionDeleteForm.php
Returns the route to go to if the user cancels the action.
LayoutOptionForm::save in src/Form/LayoutOptionForm.php
Form submission handler for the 'save' action.