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verify.html in Boost 6


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<a name="top"></a><img src="&path&rocket.png" align="right">
<p><b>1.</b> Log out from Drupal (or use another browser) to browse around your site as the anonymous user. Ensure that static files are indeed being generated into the Boost cache directory; and if you opt to use gzip, likewise check gzipped files are being generated in the directory you specified for this. The ( Administer > Performance > Boost settings ) page shows how many pages are cached by Boost.</p>  
<p><b>2.</b> Check the Drupal status page ( Administer > Reports > Status report ) for any errors or notices.</p>
<p><b>3.</b> To check whether you have a cached or dynamic version of a page, look at the very end of the page's HTML source. You have the cached version if the last line looks like this:</p>
 <code><--Page cached by Boost @ 2009-08-11 06:19:58,expires @ 2009-08-11 09:19:58--></code>
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