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7 uses of BOOST_CACHE_LIFETIME in Boost 6

boost_admin_boost_performance_page in ./
Form builder; Displays Boost's configuration page.
boost_block_db_settings_form in ./boost.module
boost_cache_set in ./boost.module
Replaces/Sets the cached contents of the specified page, if stale.
boost_db_get_cache_age in ./boost.module
boost_file_get_ttl in ./boost.module
Returns the remaining time-to-live for a cached file, measured in seconds.
boost_file_is_expired in ./boost.module
Determines whether a cached file has expired, i.e. whether its age exceeds the maximum cache lifetime as defined by Drupal's system settings.
boost_set_db_page_settings in ./boost.module
Sets per page configuration.