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constant BOOST_VERBOSE in Boost 6

24 uses of BOOST_VERBOSE
boost_admin_boost_performance_page in ./
Form builder; Displays Boost's configuration page.
boost_block_db_rm_settings_form_submit in ./boost.module
Removes page specific settings in the boost cache database.
boost_block_db_settings_form_submit in ./boost.module
Sets page specific settings in the boost cache database.
boost_block_form_flush_submit in ./boost.module
boost_cache_clear_all in ./boost.module
Deletes all files currently in the cache.

... See full list


./boost.module, line 88
Provides static file caching for Drupal text output. Pages, Feeds, ect...


define('BOOST_VERBOSE', variable_get('boost_verbose', 5));