public function BlockedIpsExpireHelpers::getTestOneByIp in Blocked IPs Expire 7
Tests that the helper function to get data about an IP address works.
@covers _blocked_ips_expire_get_one_by_ip()
- tests/
blocked_ips_expire.helpers.test, line 288 - Contains \BlockedIpsExpireHelpers.
- BlockedIpsExpireHelpers
- Tests that helper functions are operating correctly.
public function getTestOneByIp() {
// Add an IP address.
$iid = _blocked_ips_expire_add_ip($this->anyOldIp, $this->anyOldDate);
// Get the same IP address back.
$ip_info = _blocked_ips_expire_get_one_by_ip($this->anyOldIp);
// Validate that it's fields are what we expect.
->assertEqual($iid, $ip_info->iid, 'IID of retrieved object matches the one that was returned when we saved it.');
->assertEqual($this->anyOldIp, $ip_info->ip, 'IP of retrieved object matches the one passed into the save function.');
->assertEqual($this->anyOldDate, $ip_info->expiry_date, 'Expiry time of retrieved object matches the one passed into the save function.');