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public static function BlockedIpsExpireTestCase::randomDatetime in Blocked IPs Expire 7

Generates a random date.

Essentially generates a random, positive integer and interprets it as a number of seconds from the start of the UNIX epoch (i.e.: 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC).

This function checks $min and $max: if you try to pass $min < 0, the function will use 0 as the minimum; likewise, if you pass $max > getrandmax(), the function will use getrandmax() as the maximum.


int $min: The smallest datetime we should generate (in UNIX time). If you pass a number less than 0, it will be automatically corrected to 0. If you run this function on a system where getrandmax() will return a number sufficiently high that it will be after the current UNIX timestamp, then you can set this argument to the value of time() and $max = NULL (or $max = getrandmax()) to generate a date in the future.

int|null $max: The largest datetime we should generate, or NULL to use the value of getrandmax(). If you pass a number greater than getrandmax(), it will automatically be corrected to 0. Set this to the current value of time() and $min = 0 to generate a date in the past.

Return value

\DateTime A datetime object representing this random date.

2 calls to BlockedIpsExpireTestCase::randomDatetime()
BlockedIpsExpireTestCase::randomDatetimeInFuture in tests/blocked_ips_expire.base.test
Generates a random date in the future.
BlockedIpsExpireTestCase::randomDatetimeInPast in tests/blocked_ips_expire.base.test
Generates a random date in the past.


tests/blocked_ips_expire.base.test, line 139
Contains \BlockedIpsExpireTestCase.


An object containing test functions common to all tests for this module.


public static function randomDatetime($min = 0, $max = NULL) {

  // Don't generate a date before the start of the UNIX epoch.
  $min = (int) $min;
  $min = $min < 0 ? 0 : $min;

  // We can't generate a random integer bigger than getrandmax().
  $rand_max = getrandmax();
  if (is_null($max) || $max >= $rand_max) {
    $max = $rand_max;
  else {
    $max = (int) $max;
  $random_seconds_since_epoch = rand($min, $max);
  return $random_seconds_since_epoch;