function BlockCacheAlter::testSimpleCacheRefreshments in Block Cache Alter 6
Test simple cache changes with clear cache option (only block or page).
- ./
blockcache_alter.test, line 122 - Tests for Block Cache Alter
- BlockCacheAlter
- @file Tests for Block Cache Alter
function testSimpleCacheRefreshments() {
$admin_user = $this
'administer blocks',
'administer nodes',
'post comments',
'administer comments',
// Turn on block caching.
variable_set('block_cache', CACHE_NORMAL);
// Create two blocks and assign them to regions.
$block1 = $this
$block2 = $this
db_query("UPDATE {blocks} set status = 1, region = 'left' WHERE module = 'block' AND delta = '%s'", $block1['delta']);
db_query("UPDATE {blocks} set status = 1, region = 'left' WHERE module = 'block' AND delta = '%s'", $block2['delta']);
->_checkBlockSetting($block1['delta'], 'region'), 'left', 'Region is set to left for block 1', t('Cache refreshment change.'));
->_checkBlockSetting($block2['delta'], 'region'), 'left', 'Region is set to left for block 2', t('Cache refreshment change.'));
// Let's change their caching to global.
$edit['cache_block'] = BLOCK_CACHE_GLOBAL;
// Set a bc_life if core_patch is applied so cache_clear_all
// will do it's job in the tests after this.
$edit2 = $edit;
$status = _blockcache_alter_core_patch();
if (empty($status)) {
variable_set('bca_corepatch', TRUE);
$edit2['bc_life'] = 4;
->drupalPost('admin/build/block/configure/block/' . $block2['delta'], $edit2, t('Save block'));
->drupalPost('admin/build/block/configure/block/' . $block1['delta'], $edit, t('Save block'));
->_checkBlockSetting($block1['delta']), BLOCK_CACHE_GLOBAL, t('Cache set to global.'), t('Cache refreshment change.'));
// Add lifetime if core patch is applied, expire time is checked
// in block module and everything will be borked.
->drupalPost('admin/build/block/configure/block/' . $block2['delta'], $edit, t('Save block'));
->_checkBlockSetting($block2['delta']), BLOCK_CACHE_GLOBAL, t('Cache set to global.'), t('Cache refreshment change.'));
// We should now have 2 cached blocks in cache_block table.
$cache1 = $this
$cache2 = $this
->assertEqual($cache1->cid, 'block:1:garland', t('Cached block 1 found.'), t('Cache refreshment change.'));
->assertEqual($cache2->cid, 'block:2:garland', t('Cached block 2 found.'), t('Cache refreshment change.'));
// Sleep one second, because otherwhise created
// timestamp will be the same as this goes superfast
// Let's clear the cache for block 1, cache for block 2 should stay the same
// which we can test with the value in the created field.
$edit['cache_block_clear'] = '1';
->drupalPost('admin/build/block/configure/block/' . $block1['delta'], $edit2, t('Save block'));
$cache3 = $this
$cache4 = $this
->assertNotEqual($cache1->created, $cache3->created, t('Block cache updated for block 1'), t('Cache refreshment change.'));
->assertEqual($cache2->created, $cache4->created, t('Block cache not updated for block 2'), t('Cache refreshment change.'));
// Sleep four seconds, because otherwhise created
// timestamp will be the same as this goes superfast
// Clear cache again, but now all.
$edit['cache_block_clear'] = '2';
->drupalPost('admin/build/block/configure/block/' . $block1['delta'], $edit, t('Save block'));
$cache5 = $this
$cache6 = $this
->assertNotEqual($cache3->created, $cache5->created, t('Block cache updated for block 1'), t('Cache refreshment change.'));
->assertNotEqual($cache4->created, $cache6->created, t('Block cache updated for block 2'), t('Cache refreshment change.'));