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public function BlockFieldTest::testBlockField in Block field 8

Tests block field.


tests/src/Functional/BlockFieldTest.php, line 37


Tests block field widgets and formatters.




public function testBlockField() {
  $block_content = BlockContent::create([
    'info' => $this
    'type' => 'basic',
    'status' => 1,
  $assert = $this
  $admin_user = $this
    'access content',
    'administer nodes',
    'administer content types',
    'bypass node access',
    'administer node fields',

  // Create block field test using the three test blocks.
  // Check that add more and ajax callbacks are working as expected.
    'title[0][value]' => 'Block field test',
  ], 'Add another item');
    ->submitForm([], 'Add another item');
    'field_block_field_test[0][plugin_id]' => 'block_field_test_authenticated',
    'field_block_field_test[1][plugin_id]' => 'block_field_test_content',
    'field_block_field_test[2][plugin_id]' => 'block_field_test_time',
  ], 'Add another item');
    'field_block_field_test[0][plugin_id]' => 'block_field_test_authenticated',
    'field_block_field_test[1][plugin_id]' => 'block_field_test_content',
    'field_block_field_test[2][plugin_id]' => 'block_field_test_time',
    'field_block_field_test[3][plugin_id]' => 'block_content:' . $block_content
  ], 'Add another item');
    ->submitForm([], 'Save');

  // Check blocks displayed to authenticated.
  $node = $this
    ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Block field test');
  $selector = '.field--name-field-block-field-test';
    ->elementExists('css', $selector);
    ->elementContains('css', $selector, '<div class="field__label">Block field test</div>');
    ->elementContains('css', $selector, '<h2>You are logged in as...</h2>');
    ->elementTextContains('css', $selector, $admin_user
    ->elementContains('css', $selector, '<h2>Block field test content</h2>');
    ->elementContains('css', $selector, '<div class="block-field-test-content-block--custom-class ');
    ->elementContains('css', $selector, ' data-custom-attr="block-field-test-content-block--custom-data-attribute"');
    ->elementTextContains('css', $selector, 'This block was created at');
    ->elementContains('css', $selector, '<h2>The time is...</h2>');
    ->elementTextContains('css', $selector, $block_content

  // Check that a referenced block that is not published is not visible.
  $block_content->status = 0;
    ->elementTextNotContains('css', $selector, $block_content

  // Check adjusting block weights maintains plugin settings.

  // Switch the position of block 1 and 2.
    'field_block_field_test[0][_weight]' => 1,
    'field_block_field_test[1][_weight]' => 0,
  ], 'Save');

  // Plugin id and label should be switched.
    ->fieldValueEquals('field_block_field_test[0][plugin_id]', 'block_field_test_content');
    ->fieldValueEquals('field_block_field_test[0][settings][label]', 'Block field test content');
    ->fieldValueEquals('field_block_field_test[1][plugin_id]', 'block_field_test_authenticated');
    ->fieldValueEquals('field_block_field_test[1][settings][label]', 'You are logged in as...');

  // Create a block_field_test node.
  $block_node = $this
    'type' => 'block_field_test',

  // Check authenticated block.
  $block_node->field_block_field_test->plugin_id = 'block_field_test_authenticated';
  $block_node->field_block_field_test->settings = [
    'label' => 'Authenticated',
    'label_display' => TRUE,
    ->elementContains('css', $selector, '<h2>Authenticated</h2>');
    ->elementTextContains('css', $selector, $admin_user

  // Check block_field_test_authenticated cache dependency is respected when
  // the user's name is updated.
    ->elementContains('css', $selector, '<h2>Authenticated</h2>');
    ->elementTextContains('css', $selector, 'admin_user');

  // Check authenticated block is not visible to anonymous users.
    ->elementNotExists('css', $selector);

  // Check custom block.
  $block_node->field_block_field_test->plugin_id = 'block_content:' . $block_content
  $block_node->field_block_field_test->settings = [
    'label' => $block_content
    'label_display' => TRUE,

  // When the block is not published anonymous users can't see it.
    ->elementNotExists('css', $selector);

  // Check the cache metadata of the referenced block is propagated by
  // publishing it and checking if it is visible for anonymous users.
  $block_content->status = 1;
    ->elementTextContains('css', $selector, $block_content

  // Check content block.
  $block_node->field_block_field_test->plugin_id = 'block_field_test_content';
  $block_node->field_block_field_test->settings = [
    'label' => 'Hello',
    'label_display' => TRUE,
    'content' => '<p>World</p>',
    ->elementContains('css', $selector, '<h2>Hello</h2>');
    ->elementContains('css', $selector, '<p>World</p>');

  // ISSUE: Drupal's page cache it not respecting the time block max age,
  // so we need to log in to bypass page caching.

  // Check time block.
  $block_node->field_block_field_test->plugin_id = 'block_field_test_time';
  $block_node->field_block_field_test->settings = [
    'label' => 'Time',
    'label_display' => TRUE,

  // Check that time is set.
    ->responseMatches('/\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d \\(\\d+\\)/');

  // Get the current time.
  preg_match('/\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d \\(\\d+\\)/', $this
    ->getContent(), $match);
  $time = $match[0];

  // Have delay test one second so that the time is updated.

  // Check that time is never cached by reloading the page.
    ->responseMatches('/\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d \\(\\d+\\)/');

  // Use the Block Field Label formatter for the field_block_field_test
  // display.
    ->getViewDisplay('node', 'block_field_test', 'default')
    ->setComponent('field_block_field_test', [
    'type' => 'block_field_label',

  // Assert only the label is shown.
    ->responseNotMatches('/\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d \\(\\d+\\)/');
    ->elementContains('css', $selector, 'Time');
    'settings[selection_settings][plugin_ids][page_title_block]' => FALSE,
  ], 'Save settings');