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block_attributes.test in Block Attributes 7

Test the Block Attributes module.


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 * @file
 * Test the Block Attributes module.

 * Provides common functionality for the Block Attributes test classes.
class BlockAttributesTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * User object to perform site browsing.
   * @var object
  protected $privilegedUser;

   * Machine name of the module providing the block coupled with delta.
   * @var string
  protected $module = 'system';

   * Block delta as provided by its module.
   * @var string
  protected $delta = 'main';

   * Permissions required by the user to perform the tests.
   * @var array
  protected $permissions = array(
    'administer blocks',
    'administer block attributes',

   * Enable modules and create user with specific permissions.
   * By default Test Cases are carried on the "Main page content" Block.
  public function setUp() {

    // Merge inherited classes modules, see FieldUITestCase for an example.
    $modules = func_get_args();
    if (isset($modules[0]) && is_array($modules[0])) {
      $modules = $modules[0];
    $modules[] = 'block_attributes';

    // Authenticate test user.
    $this->privilegedUser = $this

   * Build a complete data set of attribute values to perform the tests.
   * Returns an array containing test values for every single attribute field.
   * This array can then be passed to either the Block admin config form to
   * update Block's configuration or to assert values upon Block display.
   * Default values can be provided to the function for initializing test data,
   * which is particularly useful for testing the Block Attributes
   * configuration form.
   * @param array $defaults
   *   An array containing default values to initialize the test dataset.
  public function getBlockAttributesTestingData($defaults = NULL) {

    // Different styles for different scopes. Unfortunately, styles, can't be
    // randomly generated, so we can use sample/example styles.
    $testing_styles = array(
      BLOCK_ATTRIBUTES_BLOCK => "font-weight: bold;text-decoration: underline;",
      BLOCK_ATTRIBUTES_TITLE => "font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal;",
      BLOCK_ATTRIBUTES_CONTENT => "text-align: center;",

    // Get block attributes scopes ready for looping.
    $scopes = array(

    // Our Block title needs a value to test the Title level attributes.
    // If default values are provided, title should be initialized outside.
    if (empty($defaults)) {
      $block_attributes['title'] = $this

    // Access Key is a Block level attribute, test with a random string.
    // Special characters, such as > or ' create problems with xpath, so in
    // this test we use alphanumeric characters exclusively, not randomString.
    $block_attributes[BLOCK_ATTRIBUTES_BLOCK . '[accesskey]'] = empty($defaults['block_attributes_accesskey_default']) ? $this
      ->randomName(1) : $defaults['block_attributes_accesskey_default'];

    // Loop through all attributes to fill $block_attributes with all values.
    foreach ($scopes as $scope) {

      // Align: Test with a random alignment (not empty).
      $block_attributes[$scope . '[align]'] = empty($defaults['block_attributes_align_default']) ? array_rand(array(
        'left' => t('Left'),
        'right' => t('Right'),
        'center' => t('Center'),
        'justify' => t('Justify'),
      )) : $defaults['block_attributes_align_default'];

      // Class: Test with three random class names.
      $block_attributes[$scope . '[class]'] = empty($defaults['block_attributes_class_default']) ? implode(' ', array(
      )) : $defaults['block_attributes_class_default'];

      // ID: Test with a random CSS ID.
      $block_attributes[$scope . '[id]'] = empty($defaults['block_attributes_id_default']) ? $this
        ->randomName(8) : $defaults['block_attributes_id_default'];

      // Style: Test Block level CSS styles.
      $block_attributes[$scope . '[style]'] = empty($defaults['block_attributes_style_default']) ? $testing_styles[$scope] : $defaults['block_attributes_style_default'];

      // Title: Test with a random title.
      $block_attributes[$scope . '[title]'] = empty($defaults['block_attributes_title_default']) ? $this
        ->randomName(8) : $defaults['block_attributes_title_default'];

    // The CSS Class is not a Block Content level attribute.
    unset($block_attributes[BLOCK_ATTRIBUTES_CONTENT . '[class]']);
    return $block_attributes;

   * Assert whether all HTML attributes display correctly in page's markup.
   * All attributes in all scopes (Block, title and content levels) are checked
   * in the markup using xpath queries.
   * @param array $block_attributes
   *   An array containing test values for all the html attributes.
  public function assertBlockAttributesDisplay($block_attributes) {

    // Prepare string replacements arrays for xpath and format_string.
    foreach ($block_attributes as $key => $value) {

      // Remove the square brackets from the keys: they can't go through xpath.
      // Transform 'attributes[id]' into ':attributesid', for example.
      $xpath_replacements[':' . str_replace(array(
      ), '', $key)] = $value;

      // Transform 'attributes[id]' into '@attributes[id]', for example.
      $string_replacements['@' . $key] = $value;

    // Query the markup to find Block and Title level markup and attributes.
    $block_xpath = $this
      ->xpath('//div[@id = :attributesid][contains(@class, :attributesclass)][@accesskey = :attributesaccesskey][@align = :attributesalign][@style = :attributesstyle][@title = :attributestitle]/h2[@align = :title_attributesalign][contains(@class, :title_attributesclass)][@id = :title_attributesid][@style = :title_attributesstyle][@title = :title_attributestitle]', $xpath_replacements);

    // Test Block level and Title markup attributes and text.
      ->assertTrue(!empty($block_xpath[0]) && (string) $block_xpath[0] == $block_attributes['title'], format_string('The Block level HTML attributes have all been found:<br/>[ID: @attributes[id]], [class: @attributes[class]], [accesskey: @attributes[accesskey]], [align: @attributes[align]], [style: @attributes[style]], [title: @attributes[title]].<br/> The Block Title HTML attributes have all been found:<br/>[ID: @title_attributes[id]], [class: @title_attributes[class]], [align: @title_attributes[align]], [style: @title_attributes[style]], [title: @title_attributes[title]].<br/>The Block Title has been found: @title.', $string_replacements));

    // Query the markup to find Block content attributes.
    $block_xpath = $this
      ->xpath('//div[@id = :attributesid][contains(@class, :attributesclass)][@accesskey = :attributesaccesskey][@align = :attributesalign][@style = :attributesstyle][@title = :attributestitle]/div[@align = :content_attributesalign][@class = "content"][@id = :content_attributesid][@style = :content_attributesstyle][@title = :content_attributestitle]', $xpath_replacements);

    // Test Block content attributes.
      ->assertTrue(!empty($block_xpath[0]), format_string('The Block content HTML attributes have all been found:<br/>[ID: @content_attributes[id]], [align: @content_attributes[align]], [style: @content_attributes[style]], [title: @content_attributes[title]].', $string_replacements));

   * Update Block Attributes and assert whether they are found when displayed.
   * @param bool $anon
   *   (optional) Set to TRUE to view block with anon user, defaults to TRUE.
   * @param string $module
   *   (optional) Machine name of the module Defaults to
   *   $this->module if set to NULL.
   * @param string $delta
   *   (optional) Block delta as provided by its module. Defaults to
   *   $this->delta if set to NULL.
  public function assertUpdateDisplayBlockAttributes($anon = FALSE, $module = NULL, $delta = NULL) {

    // Initialize $module and $delta by default if no value is provided.
    if (!isset($module)) {
      $module = $this->module;
    if (!isset($delta)) {
      $delta = $this->delta;

    // Get Block Attributes testing data.
    $block_attributes = $this

    // Update Block Attributes fields.
      ->drupalPost("admin/structure/block/manage/{$module}/{$delta}/configure", $block_attributes, t('Save block'));

    // Check Block configuration was saved successfully.
      ->assertText(t('The block configuration has been saved.'));

    // Log out if the test is for anonymous user.
    if ($anon) {

    // Browse to the homepage.

    // Assert whether Block's attributes could be found on the page.

    // Login again after testing with the anonymous user.
    if ($anon) {


 * Test the update and display of the HTML attributes for a Block.
class BlockAttributesUpdateDisplayTestCase extends BlockAttributesTestCase {

   * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Block HTML attributes update and display',
      'description' => 'Test the update of a Block HTML attributes fields and the display for the Main Page Content Block.',
      'group' => 'Block Attributes',

   * Update and display a Block multiple times to ensure attributes are found.
   * A Block is updated and displayed several times and with logged in or
   * anonymous user, with Block cache enabled or disabled.
  public function testUpdateDisplayAttributes() {

    // Edit the block, change attributes and check if they are found.

    // Now, turn on caching programmatically and set it to 15 min expiry.
    variable_set('block_cache', TRUE);
    variable_set('cache_lifetime', 900);
    variable_set('page_cache_maximum_age', 900);

    // Edit the block, change attributes and check with the anonymous user.

    // Edit the block, change attributes and check with the anonymous user.


 * Test Block Attributes permissions.
class BlockAttributesPermissionTestCase extends BlockAttributesTestCase {

   * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Administer block attributes permission',
      'description' => 'Test the permission added by the module to administer block attributes.',
      'group' => 'Block Attributes',

   * Enable modules and create user with specific permissions.
  public function setUp() {

    // Remove the 'administer block attributes' permission from the base class.
    $this->permissions = array(
      'administer blocks',

   * Ensure Block Attributes fields only appear with the right permissions.
   * Test if a user without 'administer block attributes' permission has access
   * to the Block Attributes fields on the block configuration page.
  public function testPermission() {

    // Browse to the "Main page content" block editing form page.

    // Get Block Attributes testing data.
    $block_attributes = $this

    // The Title field is not part of the HTML attributes to be tested.

    // For each attribute name check if the field exists on the page.
    foreach ($block_attributes as $key => $value) {
        ->assertNoFieldByName($key, NULL, format_string('The field <em>@field_name</em> was not found on the page.', array(
        '@field_name' => $key,


 * Test Block Attributes integration with Context.
class BlockAttributesContextTestCase extends BlockAttributesUpdateDisplayTestCase {

   * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Integration with Context',
      'description' => 'Test the integration of Block Attributes with the Context module and the update/display of a Block HTML attributes.',
      // Include required contributed modules context and ctools for the test.
      'dependencies' => array(
      'group' => 'Block Attributes',

   * Enable modules and create user with specific permissions.
  public function setUp() {

    // Override default module and delta to test with the "Who's online" block.
    $this->module = 'user';
    $this->delta = 'online';

    // Include the Context module and its dependencies to be loaded.

    // Initialize a test context with the test block.

   * Helper function to initialize a test Context with a test block.
  public function initializeContext() {

    // Import a basic context exported through the admin interface.
    $context = new stdClass();
    $context->disabled = FALSE;
    $context->api_version = 3;
    $context->name = 'front';
    $context->description = 'Frontpage Context';
    $context->tag = '';
    $context->conditions = array(
      'path' => array(
        'values' => array(
          '<front>' => '<front>',
    $context->reactions = array(
      'block' => array(
        'blocks' => array(
          $this->module . '-' . $this->delta => array(
            'module' => $this->module,
            'delta' => $this->delta,
            'region' => 'content',
            'weight' => '-10',
    $context->condition_mode = 0;

    // Translatables
    // Included for use with string extractors like potx.
    t('Frontpage Context');

    // Save the context.


 * Test Block Attributes integration with Features through FE Block.
class BlockAttributesFeaturesTestCase extends BlockAttributesTestCase {

   * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Integration with Features',
      'description' => 'Test the integration of Block Attributes with Features through the FE Block module and the update/display of Block HTML Attributes.',
      // Include Features related modules required for this Test Case.
      'dependencies' => array(
      'group' => 'Block Attributes',

   * Enable modules and create user with specific permissions.
  public function setUp() {

    // Override default module and delta to test with the "Who's online" block.
    $this->module = 'user';
    $this->delta = 'online';

    // Include all Features related modules and Test Helper feature.

   * Test how Block Attributes reacts when exported to a Feature with FE Block.
   * Helper Feature's Block configuration settings are imported, updated and
   * the display is tested several times, before reverting the feature.
  public function testFeatureDisplayAttributes() {

    // Block attributes exported to the Test Feature module.
    $test_attributes = array(
      'title' => "Block Attributes Test Who's Online with FE Block",
      'attributes[accesskey]' => 'A',
      'attributes[align]' => 'right',
      'attributes[class]' => 'fe_block-class1 fe_block-class2 fe_block-class3',
      'attributes[id]' => 'fe_block-id1',
      'attributes[style]' => 'font-weight: bold;text-decoration: underline;',
      'attributes[title]' => 'FE Block - Block lvl title test1',
      'title_attributes[align]' => 'center',
      'title_attributes[class]' => 'fe_block_title-class1 fe_block_title-class2 fe_block_title-class3',
      'title_attributes[id]' => 'fe_block_title-id1',
      'title_attributes[style]' => 'font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal;',
      'title_attributes[title]' => 'FE Block - Block Title title test1',
      'content_attributes[align]' => 'left',
      'content_attributes[id]' => 'fe_block_content-id1',
      'content_attributes[style]' => 'text-align: center;',
      'content_attributes[title]' => 'FE Block - Block Content title test1',

    // Test helper feature machine name.
    $test_feature = 'block_attributes_fe_block_test';

    // Browse to the front page and check Block's attributes configuration.

    // Assert whether Block's attributes could be found on the page.

    // Check Block's configuration form HTML attributes fields values.
    foreach ($test_attributes as $key => $value) {
        ->assertFieldByName($key, $value, format_string('The values from exported feature were found for the field <em>@field_name</em> in the Block\'s configuration page: @field_value', array(
        '@field_name' => $key,
        '@field_value' => $value,

    // Run a standard Update/Display Test check with Anon.

    // Ensure Feature's state is overriden for 'fe_block_settings' component.
    module_load_include('inc', 'features', 'features.export');
    $test_feature_state = features_get_storage($test_feature);
      ->assertFalse(empty($test_feature_state), 'The state of the <em>Block Attributes FE Block Integration Test Helper</em> feature is <strong>Overridden</strong>.');
    $test_feature_states = features_get_component_states(array(
      ->assertFalse(empty($test_feature_states[$test_feature]['fe_block_settings']), 'The state of the <em>fe_block_settings</em> component of the <em>Block Attributes FE Block Integration Test Helper</em> feature is <strong>Overridden</strong>.');

    // Revert feature and check again.

    // Browse to the front page and check Block's attributes configuration.

    // Assert whether Block's attributes could be found on the page.

    // Check Block's configuration form HTML attributes fields values.
    foreach ($test_attributes as $key => $value) {
        ->assertFieldByName($key, $value, format_string('The values from exported feature were found for the field <em>@field_name</em> in the Block\'s configuration page: @field_value', array(
        '@field_name' => $key,
        '@field_value' => $value,


 * Test Block Attributes integration with Menu Block.
class BlockAttributesMenuBlockTestCase extends BlockAttributesTestCase {

   * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Integration with Menu Block',
      'description' => 'Test the integration of Block Attributes with the Menu Block module and the update/display of a Menu Block\'s HTML attributes.',
      // We could use Menu Block's API to import a block from code. But part of
      // this test is about the creation process of a Menu Block.
      'dependencies' => array(
      'group' => 'Block Attributes',

   * Enable modules and create user with specific permissions.
  public function setUp() {

    // Override default parameters to test with the first Menu Block created.
    $this->module = 'menu_block';
    $this->delta = 1;

    // Add permission required by Menu Block to browse the add menu block page.
    $this->permissions[] = 'administer menu';

    // Include the Menu Block module and its dependencies to be loaded.

   * Create, update and display a Menu Block to ensure attributes are found.
   * A Menu Block is added through the user interface. It is then updated and
   * displayed several times with logged in or anonymous user.
  public function testMenuBlockDisplayAttributes() {

    // Get Block Attributes testing data.
    $block_attributes = $this
      ->getBlockAttributesTestingData() + array(
      'menu_name' => 'navigation',
      'regions[bartik]' => 'content',

    // Start with the creation of a new Menu Block.
      ->drupalPost("admin/structure/block/add-menu-block", $block_attributes, t('Save block'));

    // Check if the Block was successfully created.
      ->assertText(t('The block has been created.'));

    // Browse to the homepage.

    // Assert whether Block's attributes could be found on the page.

    // Run the standard tests on the existing Menu Block created above.
    // Edit the block, change the class and check with the anonymous user.


 * Test Block Attributes integration with Views block.
class BlockAttributesViewsTestCase extends BlockAttributesUpdateDisplayTestCase {

   * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Integration with Views block',
      'description' => 'Test the integration of Block Attributes with Views blocks and the update/display of HTML attributes.',
      'dependencies' => array(
      'group' => 'Block Attributes',

   * Enable modules and create the data necessary to run the tests.
  public function setUp() {

    // Override default parameters to test with the Views: Archive block.
    $this->module = 'views';
    $this->delta = 'archive-block';

    // Include the Views module and its dependencies to be loaded.

    // Programmatically enable the default Archive View, based on #820110-1.
    $status = variable_get('views_defaults', array());
    $status['archive'] = FALSE;
    variable_set('views_defaults', $status);

    // Note that the Views Archive block is not visible on the Block admin page
    // unless the registry is rebuilt with: registry_rebuild().
    // Directly publish the Views Archive Block to the content region.
      ->drupalPost("admin/structure/block/manage/{$this->module}/{$this->delta}/configure", array(
      'regions[bartik]' => 'content',
    ), t('Save block'));

    // Create a sample node to have some data to display in Views: Archive.
      'type' => 'page',
      'status' => 1,
      'uid' => $this->privilegedUser->uid,


 * Test Block Attributes admin configuration form.
class BlockAttributesAdminConfigTestCase extends BlockAttributesTestCase {

   * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Block Attributes admin configuration form',
      'description' => 'Test the settings on Block Attributes\' admin configuration form: disable/enable attributes and default values for new blocks.',
      'group' => 'Block Attributes',

   * Create a block based on default settings and test disabling attributes.
   * Block Attributes admin configuration form default settings are initialized
   * for all attributes and tested with the creation of a new custom Block. All
   * attributes are then disabled and the Block creation form tested again.
  public function testAdminConfigForm() {

    // A few styles to be randomly selected for the test.
    $styles = array(
      "font-weight: bold;text-decoration: underline;",
      "font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal;",
      "text-align: center;",

    // Initialize random values for the default attributes.
    $block_attributes_defaults = array(
      'block_attributes_accesskey_default' => $this
      'block_attributes_align_default' => array_rand(array(
        'left' => t('Left'),
        'right' => t('Right'),
        'center' => t('Center'),
        'justify' => t('Justify'),
      'block_attributes_class_default' => implode(' ', array(
      'block_attributes_id_default' => $this
      'block_attributes_style_default' => $styles[mt_rand(0, 2)],
      'block_attributes_title_default' => $this

    // Update all of Block Attributes default fields.
      ->drupalPost("admin/structure/block/attributes", $block_attributes_defaults, t('Save configuration'));

    // Check default configuration was saved successfully.
      ->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved.'));

    // Get formatted array for all Block attributes with default values.
    $block_attributes = $this

    // Check Block's configuration form HTML attributes field values.
    foreach ($block_attributes as $key => $value) {

      // Check each attribute field has the default value defined previously.
        ->assertFieldByName($key, $value, format_string('The default value for the field <em>@field_name</em> was found in the custom Block\'s creation page: @field_value', array(
        '@field_name' => $key,
        '@field_value' => $value,

    // Add a few more field values to the testing dataset.
    $test_attributes = $block_attributes + array(
      'title' => $this
      'info' => $this
      'body[value]' => $this
      'regions[bartik]' => 'content',

    // Update Block's HTML attributes fields and create a new block.
      ->drupalPost("admin/structure/block/add", $test_attributes, t('Save block'));

    // Check Block configuration was saved successfully.
      ->assertText(t('The block has been created.'));

    // Browse to the homepage.

    // Assert whether Block's attributes could be found on the page.

    // Set all the checkboxes to disable all Block attributes.
    $block_attributes_enable = array(
      'block_attributes_accesskey_enable' => FALSE,
      'block_attributes_align_enable' => FALSE,
      'block_attributes_class_enable' => FALSE,
      'block_attributes_id_enable' => FALSE,
      'block_attributes_style_enable' => FALSE,
      'block_attributes_title_enable' => FALSE,

    // Set all Block Attributes to disabled.
      ->drupalPost("admin/structure/block/attributes", $block_attributes_enable, t('Save configuration'));

    // Check default configuration was saved successfully.
      ->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved.'));

    // Check the block creation form and another block's configuration form.
    $paths = array(
    foreach ($paths as $path) {

      // Check that none of the attributes fields display on the forms anymore.
      foreach ($block_attributes as $key => $value) {
          ->assertNoFieldByName($key, NULL, format_string('The field <em>@field_name</em> was not found on the page.', array(
          '@field_name' => $key,

      // Ensure the fieldsets don't display if no attribute is contained.
      // Attempt to select in the HTML markup the three fieldsets with an id
      // starting with 'edit-' and ending with '-attributes'.
      $fieldsets_xpath = $this
        ->xpath('//fieldset[starts-with(@id,"edit-")][substring(@id, string-length(@id) - string-length("-attributes") +1) = "-attributes"][contains(@class, "collapsible")]');
        ->assertTrue(count($fieldsets_xpath) == 0, 'The block attributes fieldsets could not be found on the page.');



Namesort descending Description
BlockAttributesAdminConfigTestCase Test Block Attributes admin configuration form.
BlockAttributesContextTestCase Test Block Attributes integration with Context.
BlockAttributesFeaturesTestCase Test Block Attributes integration with Features through FE Block.
BlockAttributesMenuBlockTestCase Test Block Attributes integration with Menu Block.
BlockAttributesPermissionTestCase Test Block Attributes permissions.
BlockAttributesTestCase Provides common functionality for the Block Attributes test classes.
BlockAttributesUpdateDisplayTestCase Test the update and display of the HTML attributes for a Block.
BlockAttributesViewsTestCase Test Block Attributes integration with Views block.