function BlockAccessTestCase::setBlockAccessPerm in Block Access 7
Helper - allows/disallows operation on a given block, for a given role ID
7 calls to BlockAccessTestCase::setBlockAccessPerm()
- BlockAccessConfigSpecificTestCase::testConfigOperations in tests/
op_config.test - Test all config-specific operations
- BlockAccessConfigTestCase::setUp in tests/
op_basic_config.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- BlockAccessDeleteTestCase::setUp in tests/
op_basic_delete.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- BlockAccessDisableTestCase::setUp in tests/
op_basic_disable.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- BlockAccessEnableTestCase::setUp in tests/
op_basic_enable.test - Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
- tests/
common.test, line 84 - Tests for block_access - common methods
- BlockAccessTestCase
- Tests for block_access - common methods
function setBlockAccessPerm($block, $rid, $operation, $allow = TRUE) {
$edit = array(
$operation . '_roles[' . $rid . ']' => $allow,
->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/manage/' . $block->module . '/' . $block->delta . '/configure', $edit, t('Save block'));