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function BlockAccessTestCase::assertNoOption in Block Access 7

Helper - asserts that a select option in the current page does not exist

4 calls to BlockAccessTestCase::assertNoOption()
BlockAccessDisableTestCase::testUINotGranted in tests/op_basic_disable.test
Test UI does not allow $user2 to do operation
BlockAccessEnableTestCase::testUINotGranted in tests/op_basic_enable.test
Test UI does not allow $user2 to do operation
BlockAccessMoveTestCase::testUINotGranted in tests/op_basic_move.test
Test UI does not allow $user2 to do operation
BlockAccessRegionSpecificTestCase::testCannotAccessRegion in tests/op_region.test
Test we can block $user1 access to a region


tests/common.test, line 159
Tests for block_access - common methods


Tests for block_access - common methods


function assertNoOption($name, $option, $msg = '') {
  $elements = $this
    ->xpath('//select[@name=:name]//option[@value=:option]', array(
    ':name' => $name,
    ':option' => $option,
  $msg = $msg ? $msg : t('Option %option for field %name does not exist', array(
    '%option' => $option,
    '%name' => $name,
  return $this
    ->assertFalse(isset($elements[0]), $msg);